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Look at all the great things he has done to improve the Sox:


1) Got Buehrle up in the Majors! :headbang

2) Got Colon for a bag of chips! :headbang

3) Got Loazia and Daubach on non-guaranteed contracts! :headbang

4) Extended Maggs' contract! :headbang

5) Got Koch and Cotts in the same trade! :headbang

6) Got Jimenez! :headbang

7) Got rid of Ritchie, Parque, and Clayton! :headbang

8) Got Stewart going, who has been acceptional! :headbang

9) Got Flash and White to sure up the pen! :headbang

10) Got them $70 Million, just for changing the name of the stadium! :headbang

11) Has made the Cell more fan-friendly! :headbang

12) Got Frank ready to play ball! :headbang

13) Stole Marte from the Pirates! :headbang

14) Got rid of Nardi and put in Coop! :headbang

15) Crede was brought up and Borchard is developing! :headbang

16) Got rid of Sandy then re-signed him and revived him! :headbang


That goes to show that all the good things make up for some of the bad thngs he has done. He is a great GM!

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Look at all the great things he has done to improve the Sox:


1) Got Buehrle up in the Majors!  :headbang

2) Got Colon for a bag of chips!  :headbang

3) Got Loazia and Daubach on non-guaranteed contracts!  :headbang

4) Extended Maggs' contract!  :headbang

5) Got Koch and Cotts in the same trade!  :headbang

6) Got Jimenez!  :headbang

7) Got rid of Ritchie, Parque, and Clayton!  :headbang

8) Got Stewart going, who has been acceptional!  :headbang

9) Got Flash and White to sure up the pen!  :headbang

10) Got them $70 Million, just for changing the name of the stadium!  :headbang

11) Has made the Cell more fan-friendly!  :headbang

12) Got Frank ready to play ball!  :headbang

13) Stole Marte from the Pirates!  :headbang

14) Got rid of Nardi and put in Coop!  :headbang

15) Crede was brought up and Borchard is developing!  :headbang

16) Got rid of Sandy then re-signed him and revived him!  :headbang


That goes to show that all the good things make up for some of the bad thngs he has done. He is a great GM!

There is so much wrong with that, I'm not even going to get started. I'd be here for hours debating almost every one of your points. I'll leave it up to someone else.

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1) Got Buehrle up in the Majors! 

2) Got Colon for a bag of chips! 

3) Got Loazia and Daubach on non-guaranteed contracts! 

4) Extended Maggs' contract! 

5) Got Koch and Cotts in the same trade! 

6) Got Jimenez! 

7) Got rid of Ritchie, Parque, and Clayton! 

8) Got Stewart going, who has been acceptional! 

9) Got Flash and White to sure up the pen! 

10) Got them $70 Million, just for changing the name of the stadium! 

11) Has made the Cell more fan-friendly! 

12) Got Frank ready to play ball! 

13) Stole Marte from the Pirates! 

14) Got rid of Nardi and put in Coop! 

15) Crede was brought up and Borchard is developing! 

16) Got rid of Sandy then re-signed him and revived him! 


You're forgetting about Willie Harris and Rios as well as Glover (ERA of under 2.50 as a reliever), not to mention dumping an injured Sirotka. And what about Feliz Diaz?



HOWEVER, let's be honest: the Ritchiegate had single-handedly killed the 2001 (it's not KW's fault Jose, David Wells, Rauch and Hurt went down, though) season and a case could be made that he didn't do enough to shake the 2002 grossly underachieving team out it's year-long catatonic state...We also gave up a very good number 2-3 pitcher in Kip Wells and a very good 3-4 youngster in Josh Fogg..Sure if Rauch and Cotts are real deals and Colon and Diaz and Honel stays and Galrnad/Wright are vastly improved, we may not need those two guys...but still, there is no denying that trade was terrible.


Other than that, he has been the best GM out there considering how much (or little) he has to work with. I know I may get some heat for saying this, but if Frank and David Wells and others don't get injured in 2001, I think we maybe have been talking about three (counting 2000) straight playoff appearances by now.


I also know that Shueller was not as good as some considered him here.

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Look at all the great things he has done to improve the Sox:


1) Got Buehrle up in the Majors!  :headbang

2) Got Colon for a bag of chips!  :headbang

3) Got Loazia and Daubach on non-guaranteed contracts!  :headbang

4) Extended Maggs' contract!  :headbang

5) Got Koch and Cotts in the same trade!  :headbang

6) Got Jimenez!  :headbang

7) Got rid of Ritchie, Parque, and Clayton!  :headbang

8) Got Stewart going, who has been acceptional!  :headbang

9) Got Flash and White to sure up the pen!  :headbang

10) Got them $70 Million, just for changing the name of the stadium!  :headbang

11) Has made the Cell more fan-friendly!  :headbang

12) Got Frank ready to play ball!  :headbang

13) Stole Marte from the Pirates!  :headbang

14) Got rid of Nardi and put in Coop!  :headbang

15) Crede was brought up and Borchard is developing!  :headbang

16) Got rid of Sandy then re-signed him and revived him!  :headbang


That goes to show that all the good things make up for some of the bad thngs he has done. He is a great GM!

We could also sit here and list all the negatives....what the hell though, I'm in a good mood since we've been playing better lately. I'll let someone else take care of that for me.





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although Williams has been a pretty good GM, some of your points a bit off or not deserving.


getting rid of Ritchie and Clayton weren't good things because he got them here (even though I understood both moves).


I agree with 2-6, #1 is in question (not sure if it was Williams behind it).


I also agree with #9, 13, 14 and part of 15 (for the fact that he kept Crede down in the minors to develop)


outside of that, the other stuff is useless.


good points, but you overdid it with good things that it will only lead to people bashing KW, AGAIN (that hasn't happend in a while though)

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Look at all the great things he has done to improve the Sox:


1) Got Buehrle up in the Majors!  :headbang


like that was a major accomplishment, duh



2) Got Colon for a bag of chips!  :headbang


that was a sweet deal, how bout the trade for ray?


3) Got Loazia and Daubach on non-guaranteed contracts!  :headbang


has he done much ? but still a good pick up so far.


4) Extended Maggs' contract!  :headbang




5) Got Koch and Cotts in the same trade!  :headbang


let see what valentin does?


6) Got Jimenez!  :headbang


depends on if he is a cancer or not.


7) Got rid of Ritchie, Parque, and Clayton!  :headbang


well he acquired ritchie and clayton, duh


8) Got Stewart going, who has been acceptional!  :headbang


was it him or the coaches in the minors or maybe he just had talent to get it going himself.


9) Got Flash and White to sure up the pen!  :headbang


still up in the air but may prove right.


10) Got them $70 Million, just for changing the name of the stadium!  :headbang


was him or jr that did that, man this was a pushing it. duh



11) Has made the Cell more fan-friendly!  :headbang


yup he made the floor plan and even did the work himself. a man of many talents. wow i didn't know he could work like that,.


12) Got Frank ready to play ball!  :headbang


i guess walt the hitting coach had nothing to do with that uh.


13) Stole Marte from the Pirates!  :headbang


maybe but so far a plus.


14) Got rid of Nardi and put in Coop!  :headbang




15) Crede was brought up and Borchard is developing!  :headbang


yup after trading for clayton and letting him stay down maybe a yr longer then deserved.


16) Got rid of Sandy then re-signed him and revived him!  :headbang


and how did he revive him, oral sex or what?



That goes to show that all the good things make up for some of the bad thngs he has done. He is a great GM!


and you are missing all those lousy trades that he has done and the micro management skills he has. but yet how can he do that and still make improvements to the park.


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Well, we all know I'm a KW supporter but the one point left out is how we not only got Marte from the Pirates, but the great Ruddy Yan.


Ruddy will be a stud. He's crushing the ball right now, not to say it will keep up, but with his speed he could make a huge impact in a few years at the top of the order for the Sox.


Also, some of that stuff was wrong.


I do agree the Ritchie trade hurt, but I believe everyone really puts a lot more into it then should. Fogg isn't that great, imo, Lowe sucked, and Kip did good last year, but at the time almost everyone (Not ME) was against Kip and wanted him out.


Kip has struggled with his control this year. We know the trade sucked from the Sox perspective, but how much, we won't know for a few years. I think in that time we'll see Kip as a middle of the rotation guy and Fogg as a reliever, so it won't be anything terrible, imo.


The reason that dealed killed the Sox was it left us with no depth ready to come up to the rotation so we had to go with Glover and Ritchie for so long.

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nobody as the right to criticize the David Wells deal, especially since so many people were for it when it happened.

I can criticize it all i want, look how it turned out

Do you think the Sox lost the deal though?


Their guy never pitched while Brian Simmons and Kevin Beirne left the Blue Jays organization and never did anything for them.


I'd say it was a deal that didn't pan out for either team, but no one lost the trade.


I'd make that trade everytime too.

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nobody as the right to criticize the David Wells deal, especially since so many people were for it when it happened.

I can criticize it all i want, look how it turned out

Do you think the Sox lost the deal though?


Their guy never pitched while Brian Simmons and Kevin Beirne left the Blue Jays organization and never did anything for them.


I'd say it was a deal that didn't pan out for either team, but no one lost the trade.


I'd make that trade everytime too.

While they didn't necessarily truly "lose" the deal, it ruined their season. It was a high risk move with Wells, if he would have made another move for a different pitcher, who knows what happens.

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Plus, you don't become a good GM by "not losing deals." You have to make some good moves that work out in the end

I agree.


I think the DJ deal, Marte deal, Colon deal will all prove to be those type of deals.

Ya, i'd agree with all three of those deals...i sure hope they pan out

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The Dj, Marte, and Colon deals haved panned out well so far. And the koch one, until thursday!

Did you forget about the 3rd game of the year where Koch gave up 6 runs in the 8th without retiring a single hitter?


KW's 2002-2003 offseason has been his best thus far.....but 1 good offseason as GM does not make you a great GM. KW's track record says he is a bad GM.


KW is not a good GM....but he is getting better.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

is that supposed to be in teal???? or did someone foreget to tell ya that aprils fools day is april 1st and that passed a few weeks ago......... :D :huh: .... i dont find it funny at all........... :rolleyes:

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