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Europe's Sex Industry


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It's sad & there are no easy answers. I read recently other stories of underage girls being sold into prostitution here in the US. Apparently Mexico & specifically Tijuana specialize in such trades.


This story illustrates the real evil in the world: money. Or rather what it makes one do. If a person grows up in this world without a sense of purpose or reason that exists beyond this world then that reason & purpose will be filled by experience in this world. As the world throws away it's traditions, religions, & cultures in pursuit of money, money is fastly becoming the only God in this world. The only force that determines what someone will & will not do.


You can knock religion all you want but it's purpose is simple: to teach people that their action's in this world will determine their place in the next. Money has no meaning in the next world. Sharing & helping others has the greatest value. That's a core theme throughout the major religions of this world.


A film is coming out soon that will tell the story of how Enron used rolling blackouts in CA to bilk billions from Californians. That's not accounting any more. That's fraud. Fraud that endangers human lives. It's not just Enron either. The film will demonstrate similar practices in the insurance industry, pharamceuticals, telecommunications, etc. They termed it canibalistic capitalism. An anything goes



As I write this I did think of something that could help some of these women: virtual passports. Instead on needing hardcopy documents to travel put the documents on-line & make use of a security question to gain access. That would at least help some of these women. It would also enhance security by allowing the US to instantly track suspicious persons via hits to their virtual passports.

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