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site shut down last night?


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for at least a few hours late Friday early Saturday, Cali, Heather, HSC, CK, and I were unable to get in - was the site shut down for a while?  Or were we banned?  :lol:

I also had trouble getting in last night. Perhaps work was being done?



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I couldn't get through from about 12:30 am eastern daylight throu about 2 am - I didn't try before 12:30 as I was out with the kid -


the S&R boards had quite a bit of traffic last night since a bunch of us went there - check the times we were posting at S&R and that would tell you when this was not able to be accessed

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I just ran a check and it may be the bandwith. This month our hits are on pace to double over the previous couple months which had already doubled.


That being said I just checked that with our allotted bandwith and we aren't even close so I'm assuming it was something with the server company.


Ok, I found out what happened. It was a router issue that limited only certain internet companies access last night. Everything was fixed and should be fine as of now.


Sorry about the outage everyone.

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I just ran a check and it may be the bandwith.  This month our hits are on pace to double over the previous couple months which had already doubled. 


That being said I just checked that with our allotted bandwith and we aren't even close so I'm assuming it was something with the server company. 


Ok, I found out what happened.  It was a router issue that limited only certain internet companies access last night.  Everything was fixed and should be fine as of now.


Sorry about the outage everyone.

Man I hate router issues! LOL

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I just ran a check and it may be the bandwith.  This month our hits are on pace to double over the previous couple months which had already doubled. 


That being said I just checked that with our allotted bandwith and we aren't even close so I'm assuming it was something with the server company. 


Ok, I found out what happened.  It was a router issue that limited only certain internet companies access last night.  Everything was fixed and should be fine as of now.


Sorry about the outage everyone.

and take it as a real compliment that so many people noticed right away and that so many people cared! The entire discussion on S&R was about how we were missing our soxtalk fix!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

hey wait a minute.. were you all dissin on us?????yeah i didnt think so...............lol........i hated being away from here all nite........i wanted to talk v i c t o r y................but now i want to talk sweep............

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