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Albert Belle a wife beater..? How is that since he was never married..?


Oh, so Albert never smacked a woman with a phone? Does it matter if he was married or not? I couldn't give a flying s*** if he had a paper or not...

No. He didn't.

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No. He didn't


1998 ring a bell? It was like in all the newspapers, no?

Rings a bell more than you know. You might want to consider not believing everything you read in the papers. I know for a FACT he did NOT hit her with a telephone.

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Belle, Cordero, Clayton and Jiminez all in the same thread. We've had some real quality candidates for sainthood, haven't we? Who knows how things are turn out with Jiminez while he's here. Basically, all I'm concerned about at this point is the score at the end of the game each night, and hoping no one gets hurt.

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Belle, Cordero, Clayton and Jiminez all in the same thread.  We've had some real quality candidates for sainthood, haven't we?  Who knows how things are turn out with Jiminez while he's here.  Basically, all I'm concerned about at this point is the score at the end of the game each night, and hoping no one gets hurt.

Oh, I love it. This is not directed specifically at you Yas.. but in one breath it's "who cares when they do off the field, bla, bla, bla.." and the next there is crusifying (as I did with that word I'm sure) past players. Make up your damn minds or shut the hell up.

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Make up your damn minds or shut the hell up.


Is there a third option?



BTW Albert Belle was my favorite player while with the Sox. "DimaAl88" was my moniker for 2 years...Which of course didn't prevent me from taunting him whenever we went to games in 1998. He was sitting in that little chair in the corner between railing and clubhouse before each at bat...lol, still have a picture of him staring back at us with that vicious glare...So what really happened to that woman, Steff? Are you her?

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Make up your damn minds or shut the hell up.


Is there a third option?



BTW Albert Belle was my favorite player while with the Sox. "DimaAl88" was my moniker for 2 years...Which of course didn't prevent me from taunting him whenever we went to games in 1998. He was sitting in that little chair in the corner between railing and clubhouse before each at bat...lol, still have a picture of him staring back at us with that vicious glare...So what really happened to that woman, Steff? Are you her?

Not really. There isn't even a second one, IMO. Be concerned about what they do on the field and that's it. You have made this DJ thing out to be like it's personal with me. I root for him to help the Sox win. What he does off the field does not effect my feelings for him as a player. In the back of my mind I think about the crap I hear and wonder when the bomb will drop, but until then, his play is my #1 concern.

And to put to bed the issue about Ray.. I don't hate DJ or Harris or Miles or anyone because they (for lack of a better term) replaced Ray. I hate the Sox for Ray being gone. There was a false sense of security given (and the BS "leaked" to the media about the $$ he was "demanding" - which was NOT $8 Million!) and in the end he got screwed (ala Fisk, Cameron, etc..). But Ray is better off because of it. He's a lot happier now to go to "work" and doesn't fear being blindsided by his "bosses". Ray could have tore the Sox a new a-hole when he left. The stories that could be told... (HSC I know you know what I'm talking about here).. oh Lord you don't even want to know.


As for that woman. Yes, I am her (please refrain from the "what the hell were you thinking" comments please). About the only truth to any of the stories and media reports was the fact that we were dating. The rest was sensationalized 90%. Unfortunately the media can report anything based on a source requesting anonymity and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.

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You have made this DJ thing out to be like it's personal with me


You're one cool gal, Steff...but you need to realize that it takes more than "cool gal-ness" to change my mind :)


As for that woman. Yes, I am her (please refrain from the "what the hell were you thinking" comments please).




I guess I was wrong again, it's becoming a trend.

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Make up your damn minds or shut the hell up.


Is there a third option?



BTW Albert Belle was my favorite player while with the Sox. "DimaAl88" was my moniker for 2 years...Which of course didn't prevent me from taunting him whenever we went to games in 1998. He was sitting in that little chair in the corner between railing and clubhouse before each at bat...lol, still have a picture of him staring back at us with that vicious glare...So what really happened to that woman, Steff? Are you her?

Not really. There isn't even a second one, IMO. Be concerned about what they do on the field and that's it. You have made this DJ thing out to be like it's personal with me. I root for him to help the Sox win. What he does off the field does not effect my feelings for him as a player. In the back of my mind I think about the crap I hear and wonder when the bomb will drop, but until then, his play is my #1 concern.

And to put to bed the issue about Ray.. I don't hate DJ or Harris or Miles or anyone because they (for lack of a better term) replaced Ray. I hate the Sox for Ray being gone. There was a false sense of security given (and the BS "leaked" to the media about the $$ he was "demanding" - which was NOT $8 Million!) and in the end he got screwed (ala Fisk, Cameron, etc..). But Ray is better off because of it. He's a lot happier now to go to "work" and doesn't fear being blindsided by his "bosses". Ray could have tore the Sox a new a-hole when he left. The stories that could be told... (HSC I know you know what I'm talking about here).. oh Lord you don't even want to know.


As for that woman. Yes, I am her (please refrain from the "what the hell were you thinking" comments please). About the only truth to any of the stories and media reports was the fact that we were dating. The rest was sensationalized 90%. Unfortunately the media can report anything based on a source requesting anonymity and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.


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Ray could have tore the Sox a new a-hole when he left. The stories that could be told... (HSC I know you know what I'm talking about here).. oh Lord you don't even want to know.


Try me.




Then again, if it in any way puts you or this site in any kind of jeopardy, don't.


I also liked Ray a lot., believe me. Before Jose came along and after Belle left , he was my favorite hitter (Siro was favorite pitcher)

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Ray could have tore the Sox a new a-hole when he left. The stories that could be told... (HSC I know you know what I'm talking about here).. oh Lord you don't even want to know.


Try me.




Then again, if it in any way puts you or this site in any kind of jeopardy, don't.

I wish I could.


It puts Ray and several other former (back to Paco and Ozzie's days with the Sox) and current Sox players at risk. Who knows who reads here. I have been told by reputable sources that many Sox employees, as well as players, do. A couple former players have posted on WSI I know for a fact. As well as 2 people I know that work in the offices (they used to plant rumors to get reactions)


The way things work in their world is really messed up is all I can say. And I know the Sox are not the only team that treats players like crap (some wild stories from Baltimore and Seattle, too). But since it's who I'm closest to it completely disgusts me.

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And I know the Sox are not the only team that treats players like crap


I seriously doubt they are being treated worse than they were under Charles Comiskey and his ilk. Let's face it, this a player's (ok, players and actor's) world and we're just living in it.


Whatever they were doing to Ray, he was still a multi-millionaire before he turned 30. I cannot shed a tear for him unless it has something to do with race and I sincerely doubt it in this sport (golf, hockey, tennis, ice skating? sure...but baseball in 21st century, in Chicago at that? ).

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Yes, I am her



What the hell were you thinking?

Yes clujer.. I am very sad for you.


And by the way, stop sending me PM's. I don't have time for your whining.

I sent you 1 PM, and that was days ago. And stop your lies -- I wasn't whining. I simply inquired as to why you're such a b****. If that's whining, then so be it.


And after hearing your claims of once dating Joey Belle, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.


SEVERE issues, just as I suspected.

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Yes, I am her



What the hell were you thinking?

Yes clujer.. I am very sad for you.


And by the way, stop sending me PM's. I don't have time for your whining.

I sent you 1 PM, and that was days ago. And stop your lies -- I wasn't whining. I simply inquired as to why you're such a b****. If that's whining, then so be it.


And after hearing your claims of once dating Joey Belle, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.


SEVERE issues, just as I suspected.

You called me a b****..? Liar. Now tell the truth about what you really said.. or I can post it for all to see.

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Yes, I am her



What the hell were you thinking?

Yes clujer.. I am very sad for you.


And by the way, stop sending me PM's. I don't have time for your whining.

I sent you 1 PM, and that was days ago. And stop your lies -- I wasn't whining. I simply inquired as to why you're such a b****. If that's whining, then so be it.


And after hearing your claims of once dating Joey Belle, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.


SEVERE issues, just as I suspected.

You called me a b****..? Liar. Now tell the truth about what you really said.. or I can post it for all to see.

Since I'm sure you would edit what I said before posting it, but here's a paraphrasing of what I PM'ed you.......


"Your name-calling and insults are getting tired -- what's your point?"


Gee, please don't post my PM for everyone to read -- it'll be embarassing

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Yep that's it exactly. See the lie? ;) And I wouldn't need to edit it. Your obsessiveness with my posting style is strange in itself. Do what Brando suggests.. don't like it, don't read it. Talk about "issues".

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. I simply inquired as to why you're such a b****. If that's whining, then so be it.


If my opinion counts, I don't think Steff is a b**** at all. And it's not for the lack of heated arguements either..lol.


And after hearing your claims of once dating Joey Belle, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place


That's below the belt.

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Yep that's it exactly. See the lie?  ;)  And I wouldn't need to edit it. Your obsessiveness with my posting style is strange in itself. Do what Brando suggests.. don't like it, don't read it. Talk about "issues".

Well, now that I have a more clear picture of what you bring to the table (you may know something about baseball, but your psychological issues override that knowledge), I will read your posts merely for comedic purposes, and will pay no mind to any of your personal attacks, as you are clearly doing them to try and relieve some of the pain you feel inside.


Sad but true.

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. I simply inquired as to why you're such a b****. If that's whining, then so be it.


If my opinion counts, I don't think Steff is a b**** at all. And it's not for the lack of heated arguements either..lol.


And after hearing your claims of once dating Joey Belle, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place


That's below the belt.

ROTFLMAO!! Brando, you made me laugh!!


I do find it quite entertaining that my behavior = b**** and others = healthy debate. Might have something to do with the lack of balls between my legs? Or maybe someone is threatened that a *GASP* girl might know something about baseball?



As for his comment about who I've dated.. classless and typical. And if it's because of his "history" that made him make the comment.. I could go on for days about the rap sheet of more than half the players in MLB that would make some of your stomachs turn. It's all about who you know in the media that gets your discretions printed or not.

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enough of this -


want to make personal comments, go to the off topic board


this side is for baseball and not dissing on who has dated who and posting styles

I agree. Personal attacks are pointless on a baseball message board.


Comments from me will cease when certain people on here do the same.

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