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D'angelo Jimenez


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never let someone else's conduct determine your own

Any moron can say that, I highly doubt you do it. If you say you do, youre lying.

Oh shut up. He never did anything to you other than saying its ok to be gay. He can say that. Keep your anger towards him on that thread, dont bring it over here, especially when all hes doing is trying to calm a fight...

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yikes..... i go away for a few days and all hell breaks loose...........steff is not a b****........im the b**** around here remember??? she needs a new title if your going to give titles out..b**** is already taken...........now as for what you were starting to talk about there steff.. yeah i know quite a few of the stories and those skeletons are better left in the closet......some of them could cause trouble still, to this very day.........umm cw you are not asian so whats with the pic???????lol........sorry had to throw that in there for a grin or giggle............geez....heres what i suggest......everyone has their comments and opinions of certian players (who ill keep nameless for this discussion lol).......and we all have a right to post our comments or opinions....in the words of the famous brandofan.. if you dont like what you read move along and read something else...ill take it one step further and say if you need to make an opinion theres no need to get nasty about it.....ok..............

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all hes doing is trying to calm a fight...

I wasn't fighting. I was simply stating my opinion.

Stating an opinion..? Where? I specifically asked to be spared the "what were you thinking question" and you specificically asked it. You were being nothing but a little jag off piss ant attempting to be "funny" but failed miserably and only proved yourself to be a further ignorant asshole. You can play innocent all you want but it's right there in black and white you idiot. If you keep your mouth shut, this thread ends 2 hours ago.


Grow some balls and take responsibility for the trouble YOU caused.

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Whoa....... lets calm the f*** down everyone......

If people could act like adults instead of commenting and passing judgement about s*** and people they don't know anything about.. then there wouldn't be an issue. People who feel the need to insult and be ignorant to people and about things they think they know about are plain and simple assholes.

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Whoa....... lets calm the f*** down everyone......

If people could act like adults instead of commenting and passing judgement about s*** and people they don't know anything about.. then there wouldn't be an issue. People who feel the need to insult and be ignorant to people and about things they think they know about are plain and simple assholes.

If the tattoos and abusive boyfriends fit...



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Whoa....... lets calm the f*** down everyone......

If people could act like adults instead of commenting and passing judgement about s*** and people they don't know anything about.. then there wouldn't be an issue. People who feel the need to insult and be ignorant to people and about things they think they know about are plain and simple assholes.

If the tattoos and abusive boyfriends fit...



In case you cant read dickhead.. he was not abusive to me, and I didn't get the tattoo until after I dated him. Now you want to keep this up? You have made a lot of enemies here kid. You might want to just quit while your ahead. You go your way and I'll go mine. If you want to keep pressing I'll be more than happy to play.

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Whoa....... lets calm the f*** down everyone......

If people could act like adults instead of commenting and passing judgement about s*** and people they don't know anything about.. then there wouldn't be an issue. People who feel the need to insult and be ignorant to people and about things they think they know about are plain and simple assholes.

If the tattoos and abusive boyfriends fit...



In case you cant read dickhead.. he was not abusive to me, and I didn't get the tattoo until after I dated him. Now you want to keep this up? You have made a lot of enemies here kid. You might want to just quit while your ahead. You go your way and I'll go mine. If you want to keep pressing I'll be more than happy to play.



in the couple of yrs that i have known you from the boards, you have never been this mad. furthermore your creditability is sound whereas some of those who are starting fights are not.


in the time that i came back there have 3 people who has done nothing but cause prob and you are in the middle of 2 of them.


let them talk they don't know crap.

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In case you cant read dickhead.. he was not abusive to me, and I didn't get the tattoo until after I dated him. Now you want to keep this up? You have made a lot of enemies here kid. You might want to just quit while your ahead. You go your way and I'll go mine. If you want to keep pressing I'll be more than happy to play.

I don't care how many "enemies" I've made here. Some of you may not like my non-baseball comments, but I'd be willing to bet that most everybody respects my baseball opinions. I could be wrong, though.


I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to talk Sox baseball.


If people like you would like to stop the name-calling and insults, I'd be more than happy to "go my way". But if you are unable to do that, :bringit. Either way will work.

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Ya know what... In all the years posting on the boards I've never seen so much ignorance and disrespect. I've never seen people attacked in such a way. So yes.. I am a bit more hostile then I ever was. And I shouldn't be. It's stupid. I guess I'm a bit ticked at myself that I gave a couple people "credit" that they wouldn't be complete assholes.. when I knew damn well that they would be. I should have heeded the warnings of several here. I'm done. This isn't worth it and it's just trouble distracting from the boards. I have more respect than that. Again... guys I'm sorry. Back to baseball!!

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Ya know what... In all the years posting on the boards I've never seen so much ignorance and disrespect. I've never seen people attacked in such a way. So yes.. I am a bit more hostile then I ever was. And I shouldn't be. It's stupid. I guess I'm a bit ticked at myself that I gave a couple people "credit" that they wouldn't be complete assholes.. when I knew damn well that they would be. I should have heeded the warnings of several here. I'm done. This isn't worth it and it's just trouble distracting from the boards. I have more respect than that. Again... guys I'm sorry. Back to baseball!!

i never knew you were a girl?

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It's stupid. I guess I'm a bit ticked at myself that I gave a couple people "credit" that they wouldn't be complete assholes


Hey I play fair and clean...unless it's you-know-who. Sorry if my comments offended anyone.

For the record Brando, it wasn't you. Someone though they would be cute and sent me some VERY disguting and s***ty emails today.

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Ya know what... In all the years posting on the boards I've never seen so much ignorance and disrespect. I've never seen people attacked in such a way. So yes.. I am a bit more hostile then I ever was. And I shouldn't be. It's stupid. I guess I'm a bit ticked at myself that I gave a couple people "credit" that they wouldn't be complete assholes.. when I knew damn well that they would be. I should have heeded the warnings of several here. I'm done. This isn't worth it and it's just trouble distracting from the boards. I have more respect than that. Again... guys I'm sorry. Back to baseball!!

i never knew you were a girl?

Ya mean the PMS didn't give it away.. :huh: :huh: ;) :D :P

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