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The Official Welcome to Soxtalk thread


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Hello and for all of you first time posters and readers, let me welcome you to Soxtalk.com!


I'd like to take a second to fill you in on a few things that are handy to know around our corner of the internet.


First of all above all other things, we are a site by and for White Sox fans. Recently we have opened things up to offer some talk with opposing fans, but White Sox fans are always our first priority.


Next if you ever have problems or questions, if you look at the bottom of the mainpage, you will notice a list of who is currently on the site. The posters whose names are in red are the sites administrators, of which I am one. These people are the first people you can always turn to in any event. Next in orange are the global moderators, and then in blue are the forum moderators, who look after specific sections of Soxtalk. All of these people are easy to contact through the private messaging system we have, or through email.


Also we are a pretty loose forum. We don't have a whole lot of rules, but there are a couple of things we ask from you all.


The biggest thing we ask of you all is no personal attacks. We don't believe there is ever a reason that a poster should be attacked personally. The site administrators will warn, suspend, or ban anyone who takes part in these activities.


Also you will notice that many posters have great looking avatars and signatures. We encourage everyone to express themselves and pick something to fit their personality. The two things we do ask in this vein are #1 keep it relatively clean. Hot chicks are OK, but respect those posters who are in a professional enviornment and keep it PG-13. #2 we do have some size restrictions to make it easier to surf the board. See those restrictions at this link




One of the options we have is to change the color of the text that appears in your posts. When you see green text, that indicates sarcasm, or a joke. Don't take it seriously. For example The Cubs are my favorite team, and Woods>Buehrle


At first the set up of the boards my seem a little daunting, as we have quite a few subboards, but bear with us, as there is a rhyme to our reason.


At the very top of the board is Pale Hose Talk. This is the cornerstone of our exisistance, and it is the main message area for almost anything Chicago White Sox related. If you are not able to watch or listen to the Sox, you can always follow along in our game threads. If you are interested in finding out the latest news on the Sox, this is the place. If you feel like talking about a player or play in the game, this is the place. If you want to know if other people agree that Willie Harris is cute, this is the place.


Then there is the Future Sox area. This is dedicated to our minor leaguers. If you want to know what is going on with the minor league White Sox, this is your place for it. This area of Soxtalk, also includes some visits from actual players from the Sox minor league system. Also in here is the Adopt a Prospect section in which soxtalk posters pick a specific minor leaguer and closely report on his progress.


We are also a sister site of futuresox.com, which is filled with incredible writers, expert knowledge, and great first hand info of our system. When you get a chance, check it out.


The next subforum in order is the Around the Horn/Visitors Clubhouse area. These are for baseball talk that does not relate to the White Sox. We also have encourage knowledgible baseball fans from other sites to come visit us, and talk baseball with us.


Under that section are the special interests forums. These are getting into the nonbaseball areas of Soxtalk. First up is the Sports Bar. This is for anything that isn't baseball related, but still sports. We have big followings of NCAA basketball, the NFL, the NBA, and the NHL among other things. This is your area to talk sports with other Sox fans.


Past the Sports Bar is one of my favorite sections of Soxtalk, Sex, Lies, and Politics. This is the off topic section of Soxtalk. Everything from politics, to news, to religion, to general questions, and everything else under the sun gets discussed here. But be warned this is probably the roughest section of Soxtalk. Discussions do get heated, and are often long and indepth. If you want to wade into SLaP, make sure you are ready.


Below SLaP is the Contest Board. At Soxtalk we run a lot of different fun things for our posters. We have our own version of Hawk's Pick to Click contest. We have a contest called YNOT in which you make predictions based on specific questions based on the Sox upcoming series. And finally we have the fantasy sports section of Soxtalk. We annually get leagues togehter for almost every sport, but we have 12 leagues for baseball alone.


Finally at the bottom of the site, you will see the help sections.


How does that work, is where you can post general site related questions, and you can request for one of our graphics experts to design you a signature or avatar.


Then at the very bottom you will see the archives. This area includes many different retired areas, include Quotes of the Month, the Soxtalk Hall of Fame, and the old game threads which are grouped in The Season in Review. There are also many other old fourms, including the old Hot Chick contests for the gentleman visitors of Soxtalk.


Another great feature we have added is the chatroom. If you click the link for the live chat, you will connected to other Sox fans, and will be able to talk to other Sox fans in realtime. This is also a great place to hang out during games. But don't forget, the same rules apply in the chat, as on the boards.


And finally, I would like to offer the chance for you to introduce yourself, if you feel like doing so. Make a post saying hi, and talk about yourself a little.


Now with all that being said, on behalf of myself, the administrors, moderators, posters, and lurkers here let me just say Welcome to Soxtalk, and we hope you enjoy your time here. :)


Michael aka Southsider :gosox1:

Edited by southsider2k5
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 2, 2005 -> 05:26 PM)
Next if you ever have problems or questions, if you look at the bottom of the mainpage, you will notice a list of who is currently on the site.  The posters whose names are in red are the sites administrators, of which I am one.  These people are the first people you can always turn to in any event.  Next in orange are the global moderators, and then in blue are the forum moderators, who look after specific sections of Soxtalk.  All of these people are easy to contact through the private messaging system we have, or through email. 

And in case if you don't trust anyone but ss2k5, he's the one in red italics. Always the italics. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 22, 2005 -> 10:28 AM)
Being a recently new member, I gotta say you guys do a better job making the newbies feel welcome overall than any other site I've been to BY FAR.


Awesome site, keep up the good work.


f*** off.

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QUOTE(redandwhite @ May 22, 2005 -> 08:42 PM)
I am a rich man.  Whats a nickel?


It's something I get everytime Joe Crediocre has a bad at-bat. I figure I'll be able to have enough money to retire sometime in July.

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  • 2 weeks later...
QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 22, 2005 -> 10:35 AM)
I'd be a rich man if I had a nickel for everytime I was jokingly told to "f*** off", "go to hell" etc.....


And thanks.  :cheers



Even richer if you collected every time someone said it seriously.. ;)

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