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I mean the only slow, non-SB-threats we have are Hurt, Crede and Konerko. 


Something doesn't compute.  4 SBs?  I mean, this guy has Frank Thomas-ian dimensions for crying outloud.

Is Crede really that slow?!! I always thought he could run fairly well. Oh well, then again he's no Willie Harris. :D



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I mean the only slow, non-SB-threats we have are Hurt, Crede and Konerko. 


Something doesn't compute.  4 SBs?  I mean, this guy has Frank Thomas-ian dimensions for crying outloud.

He's very skinny. Frank was pretty quick in his younger days.

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I mean the only slow, non-SB-threats we have are Hurt, Crede and Konerko. 


Something doesn't compute.  4 SBs?  I mean, this guy has Frank Thomas-ian dimensions for crying outloud.

Is Crede really that slow?!! I always thought he could run fairly well. Oh well, then again he's no Willie Harris. :D



Crede's a friggin turtle.


That Marlins team will steal a lot of bases....they might steal 400 by the end of the year....and if Pierre keeps his hitting up, he might have 100 by the end of the year.


They'll surprise a lot of people by how good they actually are. I wish we could trade Manuel to Florida for Torborg. Valentin would have 25 steals, DJ would have 30, Maggs would have 30, Lee would have 30, Olivo would have 30(in limited time), Rowand would have 25....hell, Thomas, Crede, and Konerko would probably combine for about 25 or 30 as well. Rios would have 15 or 20 off the bench...and Sandy would probably have a few too. You'd see delayed steals, double steals....all of those.


If we had Torborg as manager....we'd be scary as hell. The only thing I don't like about Torborg is that he overworks his pitchers....I wouldn't want to see Colon throw 130 pitches a night....with his mechanics as bad as they are....that would be a sight that isn't good.

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He's very skinny. Frank was pretty quick in his younger days.


Yes, he is 6'5" but 250 pounds? Damn!


Now Soriano, there is a skinny kid- 6'1" and only 160 pounds, lol


They'll surprise a lot of people by how good they actually are. I wish we could trade Manuel to Florida for Torborg. Valentin would have 25 steals, DJ would have 30, Maggs would have 30, Lee would have 30, Olivo would have 30(in limited time), Rowand would have 25....hell, Thomas, Crede, and Konerko would probably combine for about 25 or 30 as well. Rios would have 15 or 20 off the bench...and Sandy would probably have a few too. You'd see delayed steals, double steals....all of those.


Valentin doesn't run 'cause they are scared for his hamstrings after 2001 debacle. Maggs is a superstar so he is not supposed to be a gritty player. Lee can run but he is awkward and at that weight the last thing you want happen is to lose him for a season with a dislocated knee trying to "roll" into 2nd base. Rowand need to get on base to to able to swipe so many bags. DJ is lazy and has yet to learn how to get Valenin-esque leads/jumps. Rios has only average speed, so is Graffanino. The are bench players, remember? Olivo is a part-time player too and he is a catcher so I'll sleep alright if he doesn't steal 30, lol


Let's face it, this is a station-to-station offense, which is fine by me as long as walks go up compared to last few years and clutch hitting is on par with 2000 season. We could always hit homer runs. Not every team is like Anaheim Angels or Florida Marlins. As much as one may want a an ideal team that is small ball/3-run homer hybrid, it rarely happens.


Willie Harris is crazy fast, though. Faster than anyone on Marlins team. If Derryl friggin' Lee can steal so many bases, Willie can too, lol

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Maggs is a superstar so he is not supposed to be a gritty player.

That's an unfortunate way to think.


If Jose Canseco can steal 40 bases while hitting 40 HR (back in 1988 when it actually meant something), then there's no reason why Magglio can't swipe 2 or 3 bases a month. That would give him around 20 for the season.


PS -- I'm not comparing Canseco and Magglio, per say, because I think that Magglio has far more overall talent than Jose had. Jose was a much more physically gifted athlete IMO, but Magglio is a more well-rounded baseball player. Jose was just a freak of nature (roids or not, he was impressive back in the late 80's, and he was one of the biggest names in the sport).

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Maybe it's long legs


I am 6'2", 190 and, trust me, you don't get great jumps/slides when you are that tall unless you are professional athlete with flawless fundamentals and technique and real instincts. I can;t imagine how Derryk Lee is doing it. Hurt has never stolen so many bases in a YEAR.'


They say Bo Jackson was crazy fast, too and he was a bulky type...anyone remember him play?

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QUOTE (BrandoFan @ Apr 19 2003, 03:12 PM)

Maggs is a superstar so he is not supposed to be a gritty player. 


That's an unfortunate way to think.


If Jose Canseco can steal 40 bases while hitting 40 HR (back in 1988 when it actually meant something), then there's no reason why Magglio can't swipe 2 or 3 bases a month. That would give him around 20 for the season.


How else do you account for the fact that he went from steal 43 bases in 00-01 down to like 9 last year? He is going to get real bulky in the next few years, though not Sosa-big because steroids are on their way out of the league.


Canseco is indded a freak of nature and the mentality of the game changed so much, with more people wanting to be like Edgar Martinez than Aaron Rowand.

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Maybe it's long legs


I am 6'2", 190 and, trust me, you don't get great jumps/slides when you are that tall unless you are professional athlete with flawless fundamentals and technique and real instincts. I can;t imagine how Derryk Lee is doing it. Hurt has never stolen so many bases in a YEAR.'


They say Bo Jackson was crazy fast, too and he was a bulky type...anyone remember him play?

Bo Jackson was the most physically gifted athlete I've ever seen. I'm only 22, but I've seen lots of people play. He's second to NONE.


Truly one of the greats.

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QUOTE (BrandoFan @ Apr 19 2003, 03:12 PM)

Maggs is a superstar so he is not supposed to be a gritty player. 


That's an unfortunate way to think.


If Jose Canseco can steal 40 bases while hitting 40 HR (back in 1988 when it actually meant something), then there's no reason why Magglio can't swipe 2 or 3 bases a month. That would give him around 20 for the season.


How else do you account for the fact that he went from steal 43 bases in 00-01 down to like 9 last year? He is going to get real bulky in the next few years, though not Sosa-big because steroids are on their way out of the league.


Canseco is indded a freak of nature and the mentality of the game changed so much, with more people wanting to be like Edgar Martinez than Aaron Rowand.

Who's getting bulky, Magglio?


He doesn't look much different to me than he did when he came into the league.



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Maybe it's long legs


I am 6'2", 190 and, trust me, you don't get great jumps/slides when you are that tall unless you are professional athlete with flawless fundamentals and technique and real instincts. I can;t imagine how Derryk Lee is doing it. Hurt has never stolen so many bases in a YEAR.'


They say Bo Jackson was crazy fast, too and he was a bulky type...anyone remember him play?

Bo Jackson was the most physically gifted athlete I've ever seen. I'm only 22, but I've seen lots of people play. He's second to NONE.


Truly one of the greats.

"Neon" Deion Sanders isn't worthy of carrying Bo Jackson's used jock strap as far as healthy, two sport athletes go :headbang

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Now Soriano, there is a skinny kid- 6'1" and only 160 pounds, lol

Soriano looks like a stick figure out there, but he was one homer off of 40HR/40steals last year. That kid is just amazing. With all the homers that he can hit now, I just hope that he doesnt get the idea into his head of how many he could hit once he's Bond's size. I would hate to see him get on steroids or something just to improve his game even more.

Damn the Yankees..its just not fair


And speaking of Jose Canseco, I think "Joe Blows" won the auction of a day with Canseco at $30,000 :lol:

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Who's getting bulky, Magglio?


He is already adopting Sosa's hitting approach (seen how many strikes he's been missing lately) and will be hitting weights/drug store very soon. IMO.


Heck maybe he doesn't and just turns into Larry Walker type, who knows. I'll be non too happier.

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Damn the Yankees..its just not fair


I guess there will always be have's and have-not's in big sports (and in life)...but the gap is what's frightening. 160 Million payroll? Are you kidding? I'd rather see the game decided by GM and team scouts' skills and manager's decisions than pocketbook, but then again I am just a silly purist/romantic.

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Damn the Yankees..its just not fair


I guess there will always be have's and have-not's in big sports (and in life)...but the gap is what's frightening. 160 Million payroll? Are you kidding? I'd rather see the game decided by GM and team scouts' skills and manager's decisions than pocketbook, but then again I am just a silly purist/romantic.



I was listening to a sports talk show this morning while at work, and they were creaming over how good the Yankees were playing "despite having $50M in payroll out of action due to injury". They still have OVER $100M in payroll IN the lineup! Of course they're going to be good, they have a f***ing fantasy team.


However, all we can hope is that they falter again in the playoffs.


Baseball needs to do something about teams like the Yankees and Mets, because the luxury tax just isn't doing it.

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I feel the Sox could become the Yankees of the Midwest if only our attendace was closer to 3 million than to 2 so we could spend a healthy 75-80 million on assembling a team.



Pipe dream, especially after what happened in the last 2 years. I do hope JR decides that winning WS and multiple pennants is worth more as he is getting closer to the big D. Cuz he would gladly trade the 6 Bulls rings for one WS

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