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What to do with Shingo


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QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ May 10, 2005 -> 08:57 PM)
Agreed.  Last time Shingo pitched on 5 or more days rest was against the Tigers.  He gave up a run.  Than aganist the Royals he got 2 saves while working 3 days between outings.  Next time was today when he pitched on 5 days or more.  He needs to get more work.  This outing looked exactly like that Detroit outing.


Do you really think we should pitch him more. Hey maybe in the next series.


Shingo vs. Raffy Palmero

Shingo vs. Miguel Tejada

Shingo vs. Brian Roberts


I think we all know what will happen if Shingo faces them. The minute they hear the gong, they will be fighting to get to the bat rack.

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QUOTE(3E8 @ May 10, 2005 -> 09:01 PM)
I thought Konerko had things turned around the other day when he hit two home runs, but he just fooled me.


It's getting to the point where I want Widger to start at first base.


He lowered his hands for that one game. But when you spend a spring training and about 200 ABs and all these Batting practices changing ones swing you cant undo it overnight. Crede has hit at every level. It took close to three years to get him back on track.

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Shingo needs to work on throwing that change-up for a strike. Every hitter is letting that pitch go, and just sitting on that 85 MPH fastball that always moves itself right over the heart of the plate.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ May 10, 2005 -> 08:56 PM)
6 runs is not enough for tampa?  Blame the offense on  a lot. But today was not the offene's fault.  The bullpen and starting pitching  (in that order) are to blame.


Would've given us a better chance. I still think Shingo needs to go. Our 4-5-6 hitters don't deserve the PT right now. I'm a big fan of Dye and I like Rowand, but the fact that they are sucking so bad makes me want to write KW a petition to send them all to AAA. PK has proven thus far that he cannot carry an offense. I'm not only talking this year, but in year's past. He is no better than a #5 hitter.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 10, 2005 -> 08:58 PM)
Its kind of ironic that Konerko has a long looping swing where his hands are up around his head.  And now Dye who was a great fastball hitter last year, has a nice long looping swing where his hands are high up.  They kind of remind me of Crede and Borchard last year both with long looping swings. 

This pull baseball crap is getting old.  Line drive swings are fine.  Line drive swings dont slump as much.  I find it ironic that Konerko changed his swing for more power in his contract year.  Too bad Ross Gload is hurt or we could start benching these guys.

Bring up Anderson to play RF and bench Dye.


Bring up McCarthy and pull Contreras into the bullpen so he can walk people in mop up games.


Release Shingo.  We dont need to stick with another Koch/Jackson because he will get it.  We pitched Jackson last year into August.


Contreras, with the exception of tonight, has been better than we thought he would be. We thought one game he'd give up 0 and the next game give up 8. He's been pretty consistant and given up 2-3 runs every game. All we expected was .500 at best for him. If the team's offense actually came through of early innings and the bullpen actually kept his leads, he would have about 4 wins.

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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 11, 2005 -> 02:42 AM)
Trade Byung-Yung to the Flubs. We could sucker them. I honestly rather have Hawkins because Ozzie wouldn't use him in closer situations. KW would fire him on the spot if he did that. Sucker the Flubs.


Ok, you must be Mrs. Hawkins, cuz that must be the 5th time this week you mention wanting to get LaTroy. The guy is probably worse at his job right now than anyopne else in MLB is at theirs. You keep saying that he's not a closer and that we'd use him as a set up guy. That's fine, but notice that just about every game we've played has been a close one. Point? Even if LaTroy was used only in the 7th or 8th innings, chances are the score will be close anyway. Right now, a close game cannot be trusted to LaTroy. Sure he's had success as a set up guy in the past and maybe he'd regain that form on the southside, but it's just too damn risky. not gonna happen.

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LaTroy>Shingo. I rather have a guy who was proven for more than 1 year and entered CubDom than have the one summer wonder in Shingo. Shingo doesn't pitch his changeup over the plate which is stupid and leaves his fastball right there for everyone to take out of the park. With a frisbee like he has, he needs to challenge the hitters.

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Shingo needs to get more work in. He should've pitched in one of the games against Toronto. This is a pattern. The game against Detroit was the exact same thing. He had 5 days off. He needs to be pitching more. Remember before everyone says we should release him he has brought ERA down from 13 to 6 in 2 weeks. He has pitched well lately and he should get another shot.

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QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ May 10, 2005 -> 09:30 PM)
Shingo needs to get more work in.  He should've pitched in one of the games against Toronto.  This is a pattern.  The game against Detroit was the exact same thing.  He had 5 days off.  He needs to be pitching more.  Remember before everyone says we should release him he has brought ERA down from 13 to 6 in 2 weeks.  He has pitched well lately and he should get another shot.


I agree. He doesn't get in when he should(should've gotten in on that rout on saturday). Shingo needs work at least every other day for him to warm up. Put him in the minors if need be so he could pitch everyday and get his confidence back. But don't bench him for a week, then expect him to turn it on again.

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Keep using Shingo. The closer by committee thing has been OK.

I personally wouldn't be opposed if Oz gave up on Dye.

He really has been pretty piss poor.

I'm not as down on Rowand or Paulie for some reason.

But Dye has really been a disappointment.

Is anybody out there high on Dye?

I don't see how you could be.

At least Jeremy Reed isn't doing much for Seattle. Maybe he wasn't the answer either.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 10, 2005 -> 10:07 PM)
I know Dye has been horrible, no one expected THAT, but I wonder what everyone was really expecting. The guy is a career .270 hitter and hasn't hit that well in like 4 years.



Yeah. I'm not dissapointed in him(though that's still no excuse for doing this bad). PK gets too much credit when he really isn't that good. He's good for power, but he can't carry an offense like a Frank or Maggs or even Carlos Lee. He grounds in too many DP's and this year he's falling behind in counts way too early(stares at first two pitches down the middle, then decides he wants to bat. I'm not suprised by Rowand. Again, I didn't expect much and I don't think he's more than a .280 hitter. He clearly should be batting 7th right now. I would move AJ up. Small ball is based on OBP and AJ has done a better job of getting OB than Dye Rowand or PK.

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The closer by committee seems to be working ok. Maybe it's time to give Shingo some oppurtunities in the 7th or 8th instead. If Hermy is made the full - time closer, when he starts blowing saves, you guys will want a change to be made. Hermy's been pitching great, I'd leave him in the same role he's been in.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ May 10, 2005 -> 09:48 PM)
I just wonder what will happen when Hermanson gives up his first run or blows his first save.


Dont jump off the bridge to fast.




Granted the sample size is still early. But we might have a new Tee Ball stand pitcher on the mound.



Takatsu vs Thriller Jackson of 2004


ERA 7 vs 5.01


BAA .278 vs .294


SLG average against WOW a .824 vs .487

OPS against 1.19 Yikes. vs .834

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