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Baseball Radio Show


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For those of you who have listened to the podcast show I have on 360thePitch, we've changed the show up a bit, with this week being the first try at it.


For those who have never heard it, it's basically a baseball podcast show called The Mario & Jeff Show. We've done like 10 shows already (once a week). Check it out, download, listen and get back to me with any feedback. Keep in mind that I put this in the Around the Horn forum and not Pale Hose Talk, so it's not a White Sox show, although since we are both Sox fans, we naturally have some bias towards them.


Next week (yes, I'm planning to spam this board every week with this) we will have a flash player set up so you will be able to listen to it in a few seconds without waiting for it to download. Until then, click on this link and download it (it'll take like 5 min, unfortunately)





Once again, all feedback is welcome.


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