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Neyer said that the Sox were one of the 5 teams with the worst offseason before the season started. I said this guy was a jag-bag in another thread before but some posters here actually defended him! Neyer is a no-talent hack and he is just wrong but he doesn't have the balls to admit it. And after reading steff's post, I see that Neyer is now backtracking on his comments. What a tool. :headshake

Edited by Jabroni
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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 12, 2005 -> 10:35 PM)
Neyer said that the Sox were one of the 5 teams with the worst offseason before the season started.  I said this guy was a jag-bag in another thread before but some posters here actually defended him!  Neyer is a no-talent hack and he is just wrong but he doesn't have the balls to admit it.  And after reading steff's post, I see that Neyer is now backtracking on his comments.  What a tool. :headshake

Yep that's what he said alright.... :rolly


Get your burning effigies of Rob Neyer. Right Here. Just $5...

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 12, 2005 -> 10:43 PM)
Oh yeah, now I remember you were one of the posters defending Neyer. :lol:

Why don't you do me a favor and produce a link where he says "we had one of the 5 worst off-seasons in baseball"...


That's right you're only interested in pointing others lapses in memory...


How's it feel to get called out on one of your own.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 12, 2005 -> 09:42 PM)
Yep that's what he said alright.... :rolly


Get your burning effigies of Rob Neyer. Right Here. Just $5...



Hey, you throw in a burning effigy of Harold Reynolds and you got yourself a deal.



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Why don't you do me a favor and produce a link where he says "we had one of the 5 worst off-seasons in baseball"...


That's right you're only interested in pointing others lapses in memory...


How's it feel to get called out on one of your own.

It was in one of his ESPN Insider articles. Here's the link. I posted direct quotes from his article in the other Neyer thread. Sorry, it was the 10 worst offseasons in baseball...



So let me get the theme of this site right...


if you don't pick the sox you're an idiot.

if you do pick the sox you're a gas-bag.


/seems fair.

Once again, I stated why Neyer is a gas-bag. Neyer didn't even know that the White Sox had signed Jermaine Dye when he was reviewing our offseason in one of his ESPN articles. He had the Sox as having one of the 10 worst offseasons in the MLB...


"As bad as it gets"

Monday, January 31

Chicago White Sox


Gained: Tadahito Iguchi, A.J. Pierzynski, Orlando Hernandez, Scott Podsednik

Lost: Carlos Lee


It might reasonably be argued that the White Sox don't belong on this list, especially considering that I've left the Reds off the list. But that Lee-for-Podsednik trade just keeps eating at me, and I suspect that only Iguchi, who of course is unknown to most of us, is capable of saving this winter for the Sox.

And then in his next article...


"Difficult to quantify outfield arms"

Friday, February 4

Following up on another column, just as I was overwhelmed with e-mail about Dwight Evans, earlier this week I was overwhelmed with e-mail about Jermaine Dye. As in, "How could you write about the White Sox's offseason moves and not mention Jermaine Dye?"


Guilty as charged. My source for offseason moves left something to be desired (which is the source's fault) and I didn't take the time to double-check (which of course was my fault). I'm still not convinced the White Sox got much better this winter, but signing Jermaine Dye probably does remove them from the "10 Teams That Did the Least to Help Themselves" list. So if you're a White Sox fan, feel free to replace them with the Reds or the Phillies.

Give me a break, Neyer is a hack. It's nice that he picked the Sox but he's still bad at what he does. How could you miss a major signing for the team's offseason that you are reviewing?

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Today we salute you, Mr. Chicago White Sox doubter on ESPN...


Completely ignoring the fact that the Chicago White Sox have the best record in baseball, one of 2 undefeated starting pitchers, a Team ERA that is miniscule, even by today's standards, a lack of errors, and the league leader in Stolen Bases, you find clever ways of saying, "Do not be mislead by this team, they are not that good" You even go as far as to say that the CUBS have a better chance at the playoffs and that the Sox staff isnt even the best in the city, let alone the league. I mean you do have a point, no team has more unrealized potential than the Northsiders, but then again there is a fine line between being unrealized and being a bust, when will you admit the Cubs are there?


So crack open a nice cold Bud Li...oh wait, make that an Old Style, Mr White Sox doubter, and sit in the Cubby Bear and watch as the Sox pull away...

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It was in one of his ESPN Insider articles. I posted direct quotes from his article in the other Neyer thread. Sorry, it was the 10 worst offseasons in baseball...



Once again, I stated why Neyer is a gas-bag. Neyer didn't even know that the White Sox had signed Jermaine Dye when he was reviewing our offseason in one of his ESPN articles. He had the Sox as having one of the 10 worst offseasons in the MLB...


"As bad as it gets"

Monday, January 31

And then in his next article...


"Difficult to quantify outfield arms"

Friday, February 4

Give me a break, Neyer is a hack. It's nice that he picked the Sox but he's still bad at what he does. How could you miss a major signing for the team's offseason that you are reviewing?


Recapping, you were ripping him for forgetting Dye back then. He corrected himself, took them off of his list, and you called him a hack. Now months later, you have a similar lapse in memory, while continuing to rip the guy. I just wanted to bring attention to the irony.

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Recapping, you were ripping him for forgetting Dye back then. He corrected himself, took them off of his list, and you called him a hack.  Now months later, you have a similar lapse in memory, while continuing to rip the guy.  I just wanted to bring attention to the irony.

Okay, whatever. You asked for the quote and I supplied it. GMAFB. I'm not a sportswriter, Neyer is. What's his friggin' excuse? :rolly Oh yeah, his excuse was blaming it on his source for missing the Dye acquisition. Yes, he is such a great sportswriter! :headshake



In no particular order, then, here are the 10 teams that have done the least to help themselves in 2005:






White Sox


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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 12, 2005 -> 10:01 PM)
Okay, whatever.  You asked for the quote and I supplied it.  GMAFB.  I'm not a sportswriter, Neyer is.  What's his friggin' excuse? :rolly  Oh yeah, his excuse was blaming it on his source for missing the Dye acquisition.  Yes, he is such a great sportswriter! :headshake



In no particular order, then, here are the 10 teams that have done the least to help themselves in 2005:






White Sox



Maybe if that "sportswriter" actually watched the network he worked for then maybe he'd have picked up on that.


What a f***ing hypocrite he is picking the Sox to win the division then talking smack about them even after they deliver big time in the early going.



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Maybe if that "sportswriter" actually watched the network he worked for then maybe he'd have picked up on that. 


What a f***ing hypocrite he is picking the Sox to win the division then talking smack about them even after they deliver big time in the early going. 



EXACTLY! I'm glad that I'm not the only one to get this point. He is backtracking like crazy. It's pitiful.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 12, 2005 -> 11:01 PM)
Okay, whatever.  You asked for the quote and I supplied it.  GMAFB.  I'm not a sportswriter, Neyer is.  What's his friggin' excuse? :rolly  Oh yeah, his excuse was blaming it on his source for missing the Dye acquisition.  Yes, he is such a great sportswriter! :headshake



In no particular order, then, here are the 10 teams that have done the least to help themselves in 2005:






White Sox


You can continue to be all high and mighty, but as you're here long enough your opinion will be put out there for all to see just like that sportswriter. Expect to get called out when you're wrong in the future. Maybe there will even be a f*** ......... thread too. Wouldn't that be fun?

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 12, 2005 -> 10:06 PM)
EXACTLY!  I'm glad that I'm not the only one to get this point.  He is backtracking like crazy.  It's pitiful.



It makes no sense to me. You would think he'd be crowing about how f***ing smart he was with the Sox so hot so far. Is this guy retarded or what?

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You can continue to be all high and mighty, but as you're here long enough your opinion will be put out there for all to see just like that sportswriter.  Expect to get called out when you're wrong in the future. Maybe there will even be a f*** ......... thread too. Wouldn't that be fun?

I can't believe you are defending a guy who said that the Sox had one of the worst offseasons in baseball when he didn't even know that the Sox had signed Dye. How can you judge a team's offseason WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO THEY ACQUIRED IN THE OFFSEASON?!?




But which is it?


Is he a hack because he makes a mistake?


Or is it pitiful when he backtracks? It can't be both..

Ummm, why not? :huh:

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Why Not? Because then you show yourself for who YOU are. You're are unaccepting of a person who makes a mistake. When said person then admits the mistake you call them pitiful for admitting the mistake..


I'm done, obviously you're not going to admit that you can't have it both ways, and if you do... Well, you're pitiful :rolly.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 12, 2005 -> 10:10 PM)
But which is it?


Is he a hack because he makes a mistake?


Or is it pitiful when he backtracks? It can't be both..



More like a retard cause he picked the Sox, they're hotter than anyone and he's backtracking when he's being proven right. That makes no sense at all.

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Why Not? Because then you show yourself for who YOU are. You're are unaccepting of a person who makes a mistake. When said person then admits the mistake you call them pitiful for admitting the mistake..


I'm done, obviously you're not going to admit that you can't have it both ways, and if you do... Well, you're pitiful :rolly.

Nope, Neyer is the pitiful one and here's further proof...


The guy actually said that he doesn't like the Sox because of their ballpark and their uniforms. Great analysis there, Rob! :lol: That's really some nice, unbiased sportswriting there! What a hack. He obviously has some serious man-love for the Twinkies, which is fine, but at least come up with a better analysis on the Sox other than bashing their ballpark and uniforms. :headshake


Just because you love stats and Neyer does too, doesn't mean you have to defend the guy as a good sportswriter.

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QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 12, 2005 -> 03:02 PM)
Yeah I thought he picked the Sox to win the division. What an idiot. He says Chicago is the 3rd largest city in North America. Hey dumbass, Mexico City is the largest in North America, followed by New York and Los Angeles. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the USA. There could even be more Mexican cities larger than Chicago or Los Angeles, I don't know for sure.

I bet Montreal is close to being larger than Chicago as well.

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I can't believe Neyer stooped to such a childish level. I may not always agree with the guy, but I thought he was a professional. Apparently, being a professional does not currently require journalistic integrity. I will say that Neyer virtually sticking his tongue out at all that is White Sox makes the fact that we are 6-0 against his beloved Royals even sweeter.


Grow up, Rob.

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