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Flub fans are dumber than I thought

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Check out what one retard had to say.



Nobody said the Cardinals hitting was going to fall back to earth, just their pitching. Look at the stats, look at how terrible the White Sox offense has been. They don't have a single hitter struggling that has enough of a consistent track record to count on to bounce back. Dye has been this terrible in the past. So has Konerko. Rowand's had one year. On the other hand you have guys like Podsednik and Joe Crede playing way better than they have any right to.

And that's not even getting into their pitching staff. They aren't that good, and they certainly aren't better than us.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2004 @ May 12, 2005 -> 10:11 PM)

Check out what one retard had to say.

Nobody said the Cardinals hitting was going to fall back to earth, just their pitching. Look at the stats, look at how terrible the White Sox offense has been. They don't have a single hitter struggling that has enough of a consistent track record to count on to bounce back. Dye has been this terrible in the past. So has Konerko. Rowand's had one year. On the other hand you have guys like Podsednik and Joe Crede playing way better than they have any right to.

And that's not even getting into their pitching staff. They aren't that good, and they certainly aren't better than us.






Lets see here.


Garland is 7-0 with a 2.something ERA. Can anyone on the Flubbs match that?.......... Thats what I f***ing thought.


MB 5-1 3.78 ERA. More career wins than either Prior or Wood and in fewer seasons.


I'm wasting my breath here. These guys are f***ing trolls who can't even name their own starting 5.





:fyou Flubbs fans

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 12, 2005 -> 11:45 PM)


Lets see here. 


Garland is 7-0 with a 2.something ERA.  Can anyone on the Flubbs match that?.......... Thats what I f***ing thought.


MB 5-1 3.78 ERA.  More career wins than either Prior or Wood and in fewer seasons.


I'm wasting my breath here.  These guys are f***ing trolls who can't even name their own starting 5. 

:fyou  Flubbs fans


I'm not sure Dusty could even name their starting 5.

Edited by Leonard Zelig
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I was talking to this guy the other day and he said he was a fan of Chicago, I told him in a WS of Sox-Scrubs who would he pick? He said scrubs so I scolded him for it and then he said its because at a flubs game they don't care if they win or not its about having fun. Its fun because everyones rowdy which makes it fun.


I said whats the point of going to a ball game to get drunk when u can do that at home?? Then I told him a ballpark is supposed to be a family attraction but how can it be with idiots like that. I couldn't believe he admitted it.

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Last night at like 1am I had an hour long discussion with a huge and knowledgable Cubs fan. We both had had a few beers, I beat his ass when he kept flip flopping on everything. We had a huge discussion on the Cubs failures last year, I really don't remember what the hell we were talking about for the most part (I was intoxicated :)), but it was fun as hell when I shut him up. :)


EDIT: I did get him on bulls*** points, but it was still fun...I had better insight on the damn Cubs than he did too.


My best friend is a huge Cubs fan too, and we have actually both gotten better about the other team. I don't mind cheering for the Cubs now, as I do like some of their players. I read alot of those posts, and we write the same thing about them over here, so I say just let them be. On Southsiders, I did my All-Chicago team, and I can see very easily how they think alot of people are flashes in the pan...sorry guys but most people arn't as knowledgable as some of the guys we have here.

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This one doesn't seem so dumb (from Today's Trib):


Dear Cubs: The problem is you


Clyde Helwink

Published May 14, 2005


ELMHURST -- My love for the Cubs goes back to the days when Hank Sauer was the Mayor of Wrigley Field. It seems that in all that time, the only thing the Cubs lead the league in is excuses: goats, wind blowing in, cheap owners, Bartman, day baseball, Wrigley Field, black cats, wind blowing out, etc. Last year, when the Cubs collapsed in the last two weeks of the season, it was a boombox. And this year it's the old reliable: injuries.


It's time for Cubs players to look in the mirror to see what the problem is

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ May 14, 2005 -> 09:42 AM)
This one doesn't seem so dumb (from Today's Trib):


Dear Cubs: The problem is you


Clyde Helwink

Published May 14, 2005


ELMHURST -- My love for the Cubs goes back to the days when Hank Sauer was the Mayor of Wrigley Field. It seems that in all that time, the only thing the Cubs lead the league in is excuses: goats, wind blowing in, cheap owners, Bartman, day baseball, Wrigley Field, black cats, wind blowing out, etc. Last year, when the Cubs collapsed in the last two weeks of the season, it was a boombox. And this year it's the old reliable: injuries.


It's time for Cubs players to look in the mirror to see what the problem is



Right on Clyde. Nice to see some reasonable Cubs fans.

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LOL, Flubs fans are really stupid...



Scott Podsednik has 22 SB and a .388 OBP this season.
And yet his OPS is an even .700.

Yeah, OPS really matters a lot when it comes to a leadoff hitter. :headshake OBP is the most important stat, dumbass. When a guy can get on base from a single or a walk and steal 2nd base at will, why would SLG matter? This guy probably also thinks that Corey Patterson is great because he hits homers even though he currently has a .297 OBP and 3 SB on the season. :rolly

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Yes, Todd Walker is a better leadoff hitter then Pods.

What. A. Joke.

I laughed out loud on that one...


His stolen bases help him out in that aspect, but I still think OPS carries some weight. Much like Hairston, Podsednik can't get extra bases by himself very often. I'll take Walker in my leadoff spot over Podsednik.

Pods doesn't get extra bases? Ummm, yes he does. He gets a single and steals 2nd. Isn't that getting an extra base by himself and isn't 22 times doing it often? :huh:


The funniest thing is that one of the things the Flubs need badly is a true leadoff hitter. Right now they have Korey Patterson and his .297 OBP leading off. :headshake

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 15, 2005 -> 02:25 AM)
He sure can.  Here's a list:


Robb Nen

Jason Schmidt

Mark Prior

Kerry Wood

Carlos Zambrano

Chad Fox


Well, if we want to be technical about it, Fox's arm is awful. You could let him sit on his ass all year long and his arm would just like shoulder would just like tear itself.


But I'm sure he has ruined more careers than that.

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I love the one guy who supports us. He says the Sox are going to win the WS, and when someone says that their staff will fall apart, he says something like, "Yeah, just like the Cardinals last year." Priceless!


I also love the one moron who says, "Their pitching staff is full of shaky players historically, their offense hasn't done crap all year, and it doesn't even look that good on paper." How he can say that with the makeup of the Cub's staff is beyond me. Maddux did his best work in another uniform and has been only decent the last few years, Wood has never won more than 14 games, Prior has only had one full season so far, and Zambrano had his first good year last year. I won't even waste my time discussing Rusch or Dempster. On the other hand, Buehrle has won at least 14 games each of the last 4 years and only had an ERA over 4 once, Garcia has won at least 15 games 3 times and probably would have done it again last year if not for poor run support on Seatlle, Hernandez has been about as effective as Wood when healthy and actually did something in the playoffs, and even though we've been hard on Garland in the past, he's won 12 games the last 3 years.

I love the way they rip on the offense too. Despite our struggles across the board and Derek Lee having the two months of his life, we have still outscored them by 10. I would shutup if I were them. Even considering that their pitcher has to bat, they wouldn't be that far ahead of us. Konerko won't hit around the Mendoza line all year, and Rowand seems to be heating up a bit. Even if they use the Nomar excuse, we can just as easily cite Frank's abscence, who will probably have a bigger impact on our offense.

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QUOTE(orangekrush88 @ May 14, 2005 -> 01:05 PM)


I had one Cub fan tell me last night that Hairston is better than Iguchi and the Zombrano is better than Garland, so wrong  :nono  :nono  :nono

Zambrano was an AS last season...Iguchi is not known outside of Sox fans, Garland is not known outside diehard baseball fans. I could see, while I disagree, how someone could make those comments.

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QUOTE(orangekrush88 @ May 14, 2005 -> 01:05 PM)


I had one Cub fan tell me last night that Hairston is better than Iguchi and the Zombrano is better than Garland, so wrong  :nono  :nono  :nono


I don't think i am the only one that would take zambrano over garland. Problem is his manager is gonna try his best to ruin his career as quickly as possible.

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