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Just something quick on prices:


It now appears that Sony may opt for a compromise price-wise, according to the Mainichi Daily News. An article that ran on the Japanese newspaper's Web site said that the PlayStation 3 could potentially sell for under $500. "The new machine, which will have a higher performance capacity than personal computers and provide sophisticated movie-quality images, will be priced at less than 50,000 yen each, according to [sony] officials," said the paper.


At today's exchange rate, 50,000 yen is $465.58--more than the $299 many expect the Xbox 360 to sell for, but less than the $699 to $799 PS3 price tag many had feared. If Sony follows the pattern it set with the PSP, which sells for around $190 in Japan and $249 in the US, the console will likely be slightly costlier stateside.




Have a good time with your $500 ps3's, guys...


As long as the Revolution is $300 (or less? :pray ), I'll be all set...



Now I'm reading that the ps3 is about a dozen times more powerful than ps2 while the Rev is only about 3 times as powerful as Gamecube? :o


That worries me. Nintendo better have something up their sleeve...

Edited by SleepyWhiteSox
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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 19, 2005 -> 07:14 AM)
Just something quick on prices:


It now appears that Sony may opt for a compromise price-wise, according to the Mainichi Daily News. An article that ran on the Japanese newspaper's Web site said that the PlayStation 3 could potentially sell for under $500. "The new machine, which will have a higher performance capacity than personal computers and provide sophisticated movie-quality images, will be priced at less than 50,000 yen each, according to [sony] officials," said the paper.


At today's exchange rate, 50,000 yen is $465.58--more than the $299 many expect the Xbox 360 to sell for, but less than the $699 to $799 PS3 price tag many had feared. If Sony follows the pattern it set with the PSP, which sells for around $190 in Japan and $249 in the US, the console will likely be slightly costlier stateside.




Have a good time with your $500 ps3's, guys...


As long as the Revolution is $300 (or less? :pray ), I'll be all set...



Now I'm reading that the ps3 is about a dozen times more powerful than ps2 while the Rev is only about 3 times as powerful as Gamecube? :o


That worries me.  Nintendo better have something up their sleeve...



Please don't tell me your that guillable. You don't honestly believe that the PS3 is 12 mores times powerul than the PS3, or that the XBox 360 is 35 more times powerful than the Xbox, as Microsoft said. Sony is the same company that said their PS2 would resemble Toy Story in terms of graphics. Developers have already stated the Rev is on par with the XBox 360 in terms of power.




Anyway, due to all the clues Nintendo has left and the speculation the the Real Rev has not been released, I'll post this video(Released May 13th): http://media.cube.ign.com/articles/613/613578/vids_1.html



Don't know what to think of it.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ May 19, 2005 -> 03:00 PM)
Please don't tell me your that guillable. You don't honestly believe that the PS3 is 12 mores times powerul than the PS3, or that the XBox 360 is 35 more times powerful than the Xbox, as Microsoft said. Sony is the same company that said their PS2 would resemble Toy Story in terms of graphics. Developers have already stated the Rev is on par with the XBox 360 in terms of power.

Anyway, due to all the clues Nintendo has left and the speculation the the Real Rev has not been released, I'll post this video(Released May 13th): http://media.cube.ign.com/articles/613/613578/vids_1.html

Don't know what to think of it.


I'm just relaying what I read on a site:


By Nintendo's own admission, according to a report from USA Today, the system is two to three times as powerful as its current-generation console, the GameCube. Sony's PlayStation 3, announced yesterday, is reportedly dozens of times more powerful than its predecessor, the PlayStation 2.


However, Nintendo told the newspaper, "It's not all about having 'turbo power.' It's about what you do with it." What will it have to work with? Iwata did not reveal many of the game console's specifications, but he did mention that the Revolution will have 512MB of onboard flash memory and will be expandable with two SD memory card slots.






Anyways, Nintendo's exclusive franchises and games are usually what draw me to it...Hopefully they don't do something crazy to f*** up the Rev...

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If the PS3 is 500 bucks, no one will buy it. Sony won't be that stupid. If they price it over 299 I think they will have a hard time. I just think thats about the cap on consoles...any more and your pricing yourself out of a huge market.


Hell if I were with Microsoft I'd be in heaven if Sony was stupid enough to price there console 200 bucks higher than the Xbox. Microsoft would kill Sony in sales and will have taken over the console market share.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 20, 2005 -> 09:34 PM)
If the PS3 is 500 bucks, no one will buy it. Sony won't be that stupid.  If they price it over 299 I think they will have a hard time.  I just think thats about the cap on consoles...any more and your pricing yourself out of a huge market.


Hell if I were with Microsoft I'd be in heaven if Sony was stupid enough to price there console 200 bucks higher than the Xbox. Microsoft would kill Sony in sales and will have taken over the console market share.

It will be interesting to see what they place the price at. Sony is 64 billion dollars in debt right now, the Video game area being their only decent spot money making wise. They need to be 1st in this next generation for the sake of Sony. Microsoft needs to make some serious dough too, as they have lost a ton of money on the video game market(Not a surprise for the 1st time around, but more losses probaly won't be acceptable).


A key battle to win overall.

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Well e3 is finally over. Pretty mild show that at first looked very promising. My analysis:



Microsoft: D

No big announcements made. Their changing the gears to Xbox 360, so I guess this isn't a big surprise. They showed a couple of nice looking demos, but I'm still skepticle if what they are doing is actually possible(PS3 looks on par, and the Rev is supposedly on par, so I guess it is very possible). Overall, all they did was show some nice video and announce a couple uninteresting games. I expected a better showing.


Nintendo: A

Nintendo had a huge e3. 1st they had the best in show award by a mile(including the PS3 announcement). Zelda just looks sooooo good. I'm counting down the days to release.

As a whole, The DS probaly had the best show of any system. Not only did it get a boost to its library but a couple of new features were announced. The DS will finally be going online soon. Also, a new Rumblepack feeature was announced. Already destroying the PSP in sales, it got a huge boost by the games showcased, including Mario Kart DS(Online), Animal Crossing DS(Online), NintenDOGS, Electroplankton, Viewtiful Joe, Castlevania, Age of Empires, A New Super Mario Bros, Metroid Prime, and a new Tony Hawk game.

Nintendo also debuted a nice looking prototype for the next generation(Oh yeah, and announced the best Multiplayer game ever at launch....ONLINE! That is SSB for those of you who don't know), although none of the specs were announced due to them not wanting to rush the system. The GC had a couple of nice games displayed, outside of Zelda. Killer 7 looks like its finally going to coming out, Shadow the Hedgehog may finally put the luster back in the Sonic franchise, and Geist looks simply awesome. Also previewed were a TON of Mario games and the new Donkey Kong game.

Nintendo revealed a brand new type of the GBA, and damn is it small. Interesting concept of debuting such a thing so late in the systems life span.


Sony: B-

Good overall balance of the announcement of the new PS3 and still focusing on the PS2. The only reason I gave them such a low grade is due to the lack of other major announcements and Sony didn't focus all too much on the PSP.

The PS3 already boasts a solid line-up that includes DMC4, Tekken and an awesome looking Killzone. The system itself is less powerful than the Xbox 360, but I don't think it will make too much of a difference in the end. I can tell you one thing, it is a lot prettier on the eyes.

The PS2 is not through yet though. It has Final Fantasy 12 coming up, which, from the screens, resembles a next-gen game. I'm amazed they can do such things on a very underpowered PS2. PS2 also has a new Kingdom Hearts coming. This is one of my most anticipated games. Socom 3 looks like its coming around nice, as does Soul Calibur 3, which is a PS2 exclusive this time around. All these games will be here by next Spring.

Not much on the PSP, almost like Sony has lost interest already.

Edited by Buehrle>Wood
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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 21, 2005 -> 04:54 PM)
Awesome review.

^^ that. Certainly summed things up. I know if the PS3 is going to be over $500 down here, I ain't gonna fork out that much for one.


On the games I most wanted to see, well I was very happy with all the vidoes I was able to see of the Movies, including a 15 gamespot live presentation with Peter Molyneaux (who someone is about 33 even though he looks 55). Can't wait to start playing that when it comes out round September time.


Killzone 2 was one hell of a video. Great looking graphics, one of those in your face games. Looks the goods.

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  • 2 weeks later...



My manager had a Nintendo Power magazine on her today and I was lookin through it and they had a thing on The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and it looks badass. I checked out more stuff on it when i got home and i seriously might get a used gamecube just for this game....Or i guess i could wait till the Rev and play it on that. It is still a while away though.

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QUOTE(56789 @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 11:57 PM)


My manager had a Nintendo Power magazine on her today and I was lookin through it and they had a thing on The Legend of  Zelda Twilight Princess and it looks badass. I checked out more stuff on it when i got home and i seriously might get a used gamecube just for this game....Or i guess i could wait till the Rev and play it on that. It is still a while away though.


Yeah. Still a ways away and they're already selling pre-orders.


I'm definitely getting it on the first day.

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QUOTE(56789 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 04:57 AM)


My manager had a Nintendo Power magazine on her today and I was lookin through it and they had a thing on The Legend of  Zelda Twilight Princess and it looks badass. I checked out more stuff on it when i got home and i seriously might get a used gamecube just for this game....Or i guess i could wait till the Rev and play it on that. It is still a while away though.

It got Best in Show of e3. Simply put, it is the most anticipated game of all time. If you were to wait for the Revolution, you'd be awaiting a whole year after Zelda: TP came out. You mine as well shell out the 100 bucks for the GC, which now comes with SSB for free, the greatest game of all time.



Ahh, and the preorders for Zelda are bound to give you a free game to hype up its sales.

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