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Baggwell, Rolen, Thome, Thomas, and Vidro (all on 15 day DL, expect Frank of course)

Im only allowed 2 DL spots in my league.


Suggestion on what to do, besides as commish changing the rules..

Edited by Be Good
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Man that is rough luck. The only viable suggestions I can think of are:


1. Grin and bear it. Bench all the players you think or hear may be out an extended period of time - hmm, well, heh, all of your DLers are gonna be out a while


2. Keep the two or three most valuable players that could have an impact when they return - Rolen, Thomas, Vidro. Thome is having back problems, which will affect his power stroke, so don't expect immediate returns if/when he gets off the DL. Bagwell is in the same boat - arthritic shoulder. He's gonna see what his shoulder feels like in two weeks. If it's no better, there's a good chance he'll be shelved the rest of the year, and most likely retire.


IMO I'd go with option 2, above. Drop Bags straight away, he isn't worth anything at this point. Talk to the other managers and see what they'd be willing to trade for Thome - even a decent RP who could get you saves or holds could do.


I'd put Vidro on your bench and DL Rolen and Thomas. Neither will be back soon. Rolen is 3-6 weeks minimum and Thomas realistically after the ASB. Not sure about Vidro.


Your next task will be to find a replacements for these players. I have Rolen and I had Bags myself, so I know the wire is pretty thin. Good luck!

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I'd put Rolen and Thome on the DL. Those two guys probably have the most value. If you let those guys hit FA they will almost certainly be picked up. I also think they are more likely to have a major impact whenever they come off the DL. Just let Bagwell go, I doubt he is going to have much value anymore. Because of his shoulder he doesn't have the same kind of power that he once did. If you can afford the bench spots, I'd still try to hang on to Frank and Vidro. If you had to make a choice between those two, keep Frank. He'll provide some power numbers no matter what, while Vidro probably won't have the same impact.

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i have vidro also, i decided to drop him because everyone else in my league has a good secondbasemen and dont need him, so i picked up womack, dont know why you have thomas, could drop him too, put rolen and thome on dl

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Baggwell, Rolen, Thome, Thomas, and Vidro (all on 15 day DL, expect Frank of course)

Say bye bye to bagwell and thomas

Put rolen and thome on DL


and do as u need with Vidro, if theres a FA u seriously need then drop him for it (tho i wudnt even if i need a FA due to vidro's value) but u prob wont need anyone after dropping bagwell / thomas so keep vid on the bench :)

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