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Muslims skeptical over Newsweek back-track on Koran



"Newsweek is back-tracking but it's not just their report," said Ghaffar Aziz, a top official of the Jamaat-e-Islami party. "All innocent people released from U.S. custody have said on the record that there was desecration of the Koran."


Newsweek has also said they are not the only ones to report this.

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QUOTE(winodj @ May 16, 2005 -> 05:24 PM)
Does this mean that the So Called Liberal Media is responsible for the death of thousands of US soldiers for not adequately investigating the claims about weapons of mass destruction?


It's funny, basically everyone seems to be disatisfied with the media. Count me in.

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Good summary of the incident by the New York Times, plus some other stuff that hasn't been said yet




But only a few days earlier, in a briefing on Thursday, Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had said that the senior commander in Afghanistan believed the protests had stemmed from that country's reconciliation process.


"He thought it was not at all tied to the article in the magazine," General Myers said.


In the interview, Mr. Whitaker expressed frustration at the Pentagon for not informing the magazine of questions about the accuracy of the original account until about 10 days after it was published. He added that the magazine was continuing to report on the underlying accusations of Koran desecration.


An article in the current Newsweek said the original report, written by a veteran investigative reporter, Michael Isikoff, and the magazine's national security correspondent, John Barry, relied on a "longtime reliable source" who told Mr. Isikoff that a new report on prisoner abuses at Guantánamo would include a mention of a Koran being flushed down a toilet. The magazine said it showed the original article to a Pentagon official who challenged one aspect of the story but not the report about the desecration of the Koran.


Because of other reports about prisoner abuses there, the magazine said, the toilet incident "seemed shocking but not incredible."


much more at the link

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The old standby of two independent sources verifying information has been reduced to 1 source. Much of this was not pushed by the mainstream media, but independent Internet based web sites. These sites were not and are not held to the same standards as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Tribune, or any other main stream media source. Drudge can publish allegations that Kerry was having an affair, never apologize, and it barely registered a blip on the radar screen.


Even in days gone by, two lairs could get a fake story printed, now it takes just one source. Every administration had ways of planting stories, trial balloons, damaging opposition stories. Now it is much easier for both parties, especially the conservatives. They are forcing the media to be biased in their direction and have the 24/7 radio on their side. They only need one high ranking official to whisper to one reporter. Journalism requires trust of the sources. Journalism doesn't work if they need to hire a team of detectives and issue polygraphs to every source. We have to accept that for journalists to uncover the Monica Lewinsky's of the world, they may occasionally fall prey to a dishonest person. With the miles of print and hours of coverage every day, it probably is amazing they are accurate as much as they are.

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QUOTE(winodj @ May 16, 2005 -> 06:24 PM)
Does this mean that the So Called Liberal Media is responsible for the death of thousands of US soldiers for not adequately investigating the claims about weapons of mass destruction?


Yeah that is a cute soundbyte and all, but don't doubt the power of the media. How many people died as a direct result of the media playing messages of hate for the Tutsis, and inflaming the Hutus to kill them in the Rwandan genocide in 1994? Is the guy who gives a monkey a gun responsible at all when the monkey shoots someone with it?

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 17, 2005 -> 03:39 AM)
I wonder how many of you that are upset about this alleged desecration of the Quran would get half as indignant over a similar desecration of the Bible.

Not near as many that beg for a "source" when someone posts a trade rumor.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 17, 2005 -> 09:39 AM)
I wonder how many of you that are upset about this alleged desecration of the Quran would get half as indignant over a similar desecration of the Bible.



Half indignant is a hell of a lot better than rioting and killing people. You may remember the incident a while back with the so-called piece of art by Andres Serrano’s called Piss Christ, which was a crucifix in a jar of urine and blood. While there were shouts of protest from all the religious groups, I don't recall any riots. In fact, there seemed to be lots of liberals defending this artists 'right' to create such a piece. Maybe the people who supposedly flushed the Koran down the toilet should have applied for a NEA grant. They could have called it performance art.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 17, 2005 -> 06:53 AM)
Half indignant is a hell of a lot better than rioting and killing people.  You may remember the incident a while back with the so-called piece of art by Andres Serrano’s called Piss Christ, which was a crucifix in a jar of urine and blood.  While there were shouts of protest from all the religious groups, I don't recall any riots.  In fact, there seemed to be lots of liberals defending this artists 'right' to create such a piece.  Maybe the people who supposedly flushed the Koran down the toilet should have applied for a NEA grant.  They could have called it performance art.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 17, 2005 -> 07:01 AM)
The old standby of two independent sources verifying information has been reduced to 1 source. Much of this was not pushed by the mainstream media, but independent Internet based web sites. These sites were not and are not held to the same standards as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Tribune, or any other main stream media source. Drudge can publish allegations that Kerry was having an affair, never apologize, and it barely registered a blip on the radar screen.


Even in days gone by, two lairs could get a fake story printed, now it takes just one source. Every administration had ways of planting stories, trial balloons, damaging opposition stories. Now it is much easier for both parties, especially the conservatives. They are forcing the media to be biased in their direction and have the 24/7 radio on their side. They only need one high ranking official to whisper to one reporter. Journalism requires trust of the sources. Journalism doesn't work if they need to hire a team of detectives and issue polygraphs to every source. We have to accept that for journalists to uncover the Monica Lewinsky's of the world, they may occasionally fall prey to a dishonest person. With the miles of print and hours of coverage every day, it probably is amazing they are accurate as much as they are.


So, what you are saying here is that because bloggers practice shoddy journalism, that justifies the main stream media doing the same. Sorry, but that doesn't fly in my opinion.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ May 16, 2005 -> 04:14 PM)
Agreed, and that their best interests would be in keeping quiet.


And the liberal media has an interest in doing anything to bring down the Bush administration. Hell, they've already been caught reporting a fabricated story (Memogate). Why should we assume that Newsweek's story is legitimate?

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QUOTE(winodj @ May 16, 2005 -> 05:24 PM)
Does this mean that the So Called Liberal Media is responsible for the death of thousands of US soldiers for not adequately investigating the claims about weapons of mass destruction?


No, it was Saddam's fault for not allowing UN weapons inspectors to do their jobs.

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Apparently, rules for handling the Quran at Gitmo, which have been in effect for two years, are such that the Quran can only be touched by chaplains. These chaplians have to wear gloves. The detainees are supposed to see the chaplains putting on the gloves.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 17, 2005 -> 09:20 AM)
Apparently, rules for handling the Quran at Gitmo, which have been in effect for two years, are such that the Quran can only be touched by chaplains.  These chaplians have to wear gloves.  The detainees are supposed to see the chaplains putting on the gloves.

Isn't it the same way with orthodox Jews and the Torah at temple? Way back in my memory I seem to remember them having to wear gloves and be a man in good standing. Could be wrong.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ May 17, 2005 -> 10:25 AM)
Isn't it the same way with orthodox Jews and the Torah at temple? Way back in my memory I seem to remember them having to wear gloves and be a man in good standing. Could be wrong.


I can't speak for that, but this does show that showing the Quran the proper respect was thought out and rules were implemented. It kind of shoots another hole in the totally retracted toilet story.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 17, 2005 -> 10:33 AM)
I can't speak for that, but this does show that showing the Quran the proper respect was thought out and rules were implemented.  It kind of shoots another hole in the totally retracted toilet story.


I'd be careful to make that leap of faith though... just because there are rules and regs for something doesn't mean they were always followed. This case seems to be falling apart before our very eyes, suprise surprise.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 17, 2005 -> 04:12 PM)
I'd be careful to make that leap of faith though... just because there are rules and regs for something doesn't mean they were always followed.  This case seems to be falling apart before our very eyes, suprise surprise.


I'm shocked. :o :o :o

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 17, 2005 -> 08:45 AM)
So, what you are saying here is that because bloggers practice shoddy journalism, that justifies the main stream media doing the same.  Sorry, but that doesn't fly in my opinion.


No what I am saying is the pace has picked up. If a main stream media sits on a story for a few days, it's all over the Internet and it appears their bias is influencing what is printed and what isn't. You have to admit many times we hear Hannity, Rush, etc. repeating something they have heard and complaining the liberal media isn't picking up on the story, blah, blah, blah. When a story breaks out, how many people turn to the Internet for their news? How many are looking to cable? The pace is too fast for plodding, multiple verifications, on facts. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying the public demands it or the outle goes out of business.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 17, 2005 -> 07:39 AM)
Yeah that is a cute soundbyte and all, but don't doubt the power of the media.  How many people died as a direct result of the media playing messages of hate for the Tutsis, and inflaming the Hutus to kill them in the Rwandan genocide in 1994?  Is the guy who gives a monkey a gun responsible at all when the monkey shoots someone with it?


Last time I checked, Newsweek is not state run radio. If you blame the deaths of a dozen Afghanis who probably don't know what Newsweek is on Newsweek, does that mean any media that reports on abortion clinics is indirectly responsible for the bombing of a clinic because if the news wasn't reported, maybe that assclown that bombed the place wouldn't be so upset?

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