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QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ May 19, 2005 -> 10:57 AM)
Newsweek obviously had an agenda when they published the story.


Does anyone actually have a link to the article? I hear the part about the Koran was only a couple of lines.


Oh yah and lol at newsweek has an agenda

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BigHurt35, you make some very good points. I stated at some point that anyone who would pull this flushing Quran pages was stupid. But, on second thought, I change my mind. Ok, so it would be a PR nightmare for us in Muslim countries. However, we are also at war with Muslim terrorists. "Desecrating" the Quran is not torture. It's not inhumane. It does, however, hurt their feelings. Awwwwwwwwww. Too f***ing bad.

Edited by YASNY
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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 19, 2005 -> 11:32 AM)
BigHurt35, you make some very good points.  I stated at some point that anyone who would pull this flushing Quran pages was stupid.  But, on second thought, I change my mind.  Ok, so it would be a PR nightmare for us in Muslim countries.  However, we are also at war with Muslim terrorists.  "Desecrating" the Quran is not torture.  It's not inhumane.  It does, however, hurt their feelings.  Awwwwwwwwww.  Too f***ing bad.


I think that flushing Koran pages down the toilet, in general, is childish and can understand why it would offend Muslims. But it's not like we're (allegedly) doing it in a public square in Mecca. I'm all for it being used as an interrogation technique (if that's indeed what happened) for dealing with violent Islama-fascists. If they've been captured after attacking/killing our soldiers, I agree that we have the right to hurt their feelings.


I wonder how the Chinese or Russians would deal with captured terrorists? Probably not half as humanely as we have.


QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 19, 2005 -> 11:29 AM)
And here I was beginning to think it was just me who found spreading the Gospel absolutely revolting.  :ph34r:  :fight


Now that's funny. You get a virtual "gold star," Jim. :D

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ May 19, 2005 -> 11:31 AM)
Does anyone actually have a link to the article?  I hear the part about the Koran was only a couple of lines.


Oh yah and lol at newsweek has an agenda



If they didn't have an agenda then why print something as inflammatory as this without checking their facts first. As a prominent member of the print media they have a responsibility when they're going to print something that will have an impact on US policy and US soldiers to ensure that what they're saying is, in fact, accurate. None of that matters to them obviously and as a result of their shoddy journalisim people are dead, our efforts to rebuild Afghanistan took a major hit and our soldiers were put at risk.


This is inexcusable. Those responsible for running this story should all be fired.

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Muslims beleive the Quran to be THE word from God... even more so then our bible, meaning we in the western world view that the bible was written by chosen ones - muslims believe no intermediary was involved - therefore each copy is sacred.


If we throw a bible away and go pick up another one, most in the western world don't give it a second thought.


EVERY copy of the Quran is sacred and to not be desacrated (sp).


So - when you do that, you really piss off some people. And rightly so if they're doing it purely for reaction.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 19, 2005 -> 12:17 PM)
Muslims beleive the Quran to be THE word from God... even more so then our bible, meaning we in the western world view that the bible was written by chosen ones - muslims believe no intermediary was involved - therefore each copy is sacred.


If we throw a bible away and go pick up another one, most in the western world don't give it a second thought.


EVERY copy of the Quran is sacred and to not be desacrated (sp).


So - when you do that, you really piss off some people.  And rightly so if they're doing it purely for reaction.


Similarly, Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe that one is actually drinking the blood of Christ during communion. Because of this, Presbyterians are not allowed to take communion during Catholic or Orthodox services. However, when a Presbyterian friend of mine took communion at a Catholic church a couple years ago (he didn't know about this rule), nobody threw him in prison or even yelled at him, despite the fact that he "disrespected" their beliefs.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 19, 2005 -> 01:16 PM)
If they didn't have an agenda then why print something as inflammatory as this without checking their facts first.  As a prominent member of the print media they have a responsibility when they're going to print something that will have an impact on US policy and US soldiers to ensure that what they're saying is, in fact, accurate.  None of that matters to them obviously and as a result of their shoddy journalisim people are dead, our efforts to rebuild Afghanistan took a major hit and our soldiers were put at risk. 


This is inexcusable.  Those responsible for running this story should all be fired.


Nuke: check your facts, you'll find the Pentagon did not respond to queries involving this article from Newsweek until a week after publication. The Pentagon did not deny the allegation, nor did they confirm it. They had no comment. You'll also find that the military commander for Afghani operations say that the riots had very little, if nothing, to do with the Newsweek article. I guess I'll defer my judgment to the guy who's boots are actually there.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 19, 2005 -> 12:16 PM)
If they didn't have an agenda then why print something as inflammatory as this without checking their facts first.


They thought it was true. Contrary to what the White House wants you to think Newsweek probably didn't publish an article to take a shot at Bush or whomever. I'm sure newsweek didn't believe their source would fold under white house and pentagon pressure.


Blaming Newsweek for the deaths of these people is really irresponsible on the White Houses behalf. I'm going to make a comparison. Take Russia where corruption is obviously rampant. Then a news outlet publishes an article where a paragraph makes a sensational claim of corruption which incites the population. The accuracy comes into question but the presence of corruption is was always present anyways. Therefore you'd say that the Kremlin is really in the end to blame. It's the same with Guantanamo, records of Abuses are apparent.

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I'll make another comparison. Take you, for whom anti-American crap is obviously rampant. Then BigHurt makes a sensational accusation towards you of anti-Americanism. This incites many posters on here to berate you endlessly. The accuracy comes into question but the presence of anti-Americanism is always present anyways. Therefore you could say that you are really to blame. It's the same with Guantanamo, records of Abuses are apparent.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 19, 2005 -> 04:42 PM)
I'll make another comparison.  Take you, for whom anti-American crap is obviously rampant.  Then BigHurt makes a sensational accusation towards you of anti-Americanism.  This incites many posters on here to berate you endlessly.  The accuracy comes into question but the presence of anti-Americanism is  always present anyways. Therefore you could  say that  you are really  to blame. It's the same with Guantanamo, records of Abuses are apparent.


LOL! Great post.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 19, 2005 -> 12:32 PM)
BigHurt35, you make some very good points.  I stated at some point that anyone who would pull this flushing Quran pages was stupid.  But, on second thought, I change my mind.  Ok, so it would be a PR nightmare for us in Muslim countries.  However, we are also at war with Muslim terrorists.  "Desecrating" the Quran is not torture.  It's not inhumane.  It does, however, hurt their feelings.  Awwwwwwwwww.  Too f***ing bad.


But we are trying to build bridges with average, normal, sane, Muslims. We cannot write off the entire population.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 19, 2005 -> 04:51 PM)
But we are trying to build bridges with average, normal, sane, Muslims. We cannot write off the entire population.



Being falsely accused of desecrating their holy book in the print media isin't helping in that endeavor. Retraction or no retraction the damage is done.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 19, 2005 -> 10:32 PM)
Being falsely accused of desecrating their holy book in the print media isin't helping in that endeavor.  Retraction or no retraction the damage is done.


Nuke, on Olbermann a few nights ago, he was discussing how two former interrogators from Gitmo verified that there were widespread abuses of the Koran going on at the base even to the point where there was a public PA announcement there saying that they would stop doing it.


While the Newsweek story may have had errors, there seems to be abuses that need to be addressed.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 20, 2005 -> 12:50 AM)
Nuke, on Olbermann a few nights ago, he was discussing how two former interrogators from Gitmo verified that there were widespread abuses of the Koran going on at the base even to the point where there was a public PA announcement there saying that they would stop doing it.


While the Newsweek story may have had errors, there seems to be abuses that need to be addressed.



Names? Pictures? You still need something more equivocal than a couple of "unnamed sources" before you can go around saying something like that.


The Newsweek story was so fundamentally flawed that it required a retraction and there is still no hard evidence that this type of behaivior was going on.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 20, 2005 -> 01:32 AM)
Names?  Pictures?  You still need something more equivocal than a couple of "unnamed sources" before you can go around saying something like that.


The Newsweek story was so fundamentally flawed that it required a retraction and there is still no hard evidence that this type of behaivior was going on.


NYT investigated the article. If I wasn't being all lazy on vacation, I'd go search up the article.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 19, 2005 -> 05:51 PM)
But we are trying to build bridges with average, normal, sane, Muslims. We cannot write off the entire population.


Point granted. But ... since these people in Gitmo ARE the enemy, people that have tried to kill Americans ... I really don't care if we "offend" them in way, shape or form. So, let's hypothetically say that this going on in Gitmo. What possible reason could Newsweek have for even reporting it? It is not torture. It is not inhumane. It doesn't even cause the prisoners to break a sweat. The only reason Newsweek could possibly have for reporting it is cause outrage against the US in Muslim nations. As far as I'm concerned, the problem is not that we are doing it. The problem is that Newsweek reported it. True or false, they should not have reported it.


Unless, of course, they want to take their happy asses to Tehran and open a corporate office there.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 20, 2005 -> 03:30 AM)
Point granted.  But ... since these people in Gitmo ARE the enemy, people that have tried to kill Americans ... I really don't care if we "offend" them in way, shape or form.  So, let's hypothetically say that this going on in Gitmo.  What possible reason could Newsweek have for even reporting it?  It is not torture.  It is not inhumane.  It doesn't even cause the prisoners to break a sweat.  The only reason Newsweek could possibly have for reporting it is cause outrage against the US in Muslim nations.  As far as I'm concerned, the problem is not that we are doing it.  The problem is that Newsweek reported it.  True or false, they should not have reported it.


Unless, of course, they want to take their happy asses to Tehran and open a corporate office there.



I think it's also worthy of note that the US bends over backwards to provide these people at GITMO with an opportunity to worship in their standard way ( to include providing them with muslim prayer rugs and markings on the pavement pointing which way Mecca is so they can face the right way when they pray ) and their meals are cooked in such a way as to not offend their Muslim sensibilities. All of these points are, of course, ignored by the media because the good things we do for these people ( even though they are enemies of our country ) dont sell newspapers/magazines. All they want to print and talk about is abuses ( real or imagined ) cause, along with blood and death, that's all that sells.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 19, 2005 -> 11:32 PM)
Being falsely accused of desecrating their holy book in the print media isin't helping in that endeavor.  Retraction or no retraction the damage is done.


Agreed. We have to remember when we are "softening prisoners" by forcing behavior that is against their societal taboos, we are also alienating the very people we are trying to win over.

This won't be as bad once we are able to give Iraq all the same freedoms we have. Strip bars, Howard Stern, rising teen pregnancy, lowered religious observations, etc.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 20, 2005 -> 04:30 AM)
Point granted.  But ... since these people in Gitmo ARE the enemy, people that have tried to kill Americans ... I really don't care if we "offend" them in way, shape or form.  So, let's hypothetically say that this going on in Gitmo.  What possible reason could Newsweek have for even reporting it?  It is not torture.  It is not inhumane.  It doesn't even cause the prisoners to break a sweat.  The only reason Newsweek could possibly have for reporting it is cause outrage against the US in Muslim nations.  As far as I'm concerned, the problem is not that we are doing it.  The problem is that Newsweek reported it.  True or false, they should not have reported it.


Unless, of course, they want to take their happy asses to Tehran and open a corporate office there.


I guess it comes down to how you view the role of the media in our society. Those that believe our media should be propaganda machines for the government will agree with you. Those that believe a government is strongest when their actions are not crowded in secrecy, will not.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 20, 2005 -> 07:03 AM)
I guess it comes down to how you view the role of the media in our society. Those that believe our media should be propaganda machines for the government will agree with you. Those that believe a government is strongest when their actions are not crowded in secrecy, will not.


It's not about media and government, it's about about media and America. I want the media with it's nose in the government's business. But no good could come from the reporting of this situation. None whatsoever. We are dealing with people that want to kill YOU, yet you are so concerned with offending them. Reporting the methods we are using to "get to" these guys, when it is not in violation of the Geneva convention, only to stir up anti-American sentiments is pathetic. As I said, let Newsweek set up shop in Tehran. They care so little for the US and it's citizens, they should just leave.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 20, 2005 -> 07:23 AM)
It's not about media and government, it's about about media and America.  I want the media with it's nose in the government's business.  But no good could come from the reporting of this situation.  None whatsoever.  We are dealing with people that want to kill YOU, yet you are so concerned with offending them.  Reporting the methods we are using to "get to" these guys, when it is not in violation of the Geneva convention, only to stir up anti-American sentiments is pathetic.  As I said, let Newsweek set up shop in Tehran.  They care so little for the US and it's citizens, they should just leave.


If it is not reported then it is up to the government to decide what we should do. I am concerned about offending the people we are trying to help. Perpetuating the ugly America view of being an insensitive blood thirsty nation without respect to their religion, culture, or society does not help.


It is a far worst road if the media started deciding what should and shouldn't be covered by the effect is has. Isn't this the type of bias you have complained about? Deciding what to report or not based on political reasons? Was America better or worse off for Watergate? Was America better or worse off for Whitewater? Monica? If the media knew about Monica and didn't report it, saying they thought America would be better off not knowing, would you have defended them?


Too many Americans want to be spared the ugly realities of life. Do not show the coffins of the men and women we've sent to Iraq. Do not show the types of techniques we are using to gain information. We can sink to whatever depths we want as long as we do not have to hear or see it.


Yes, there are certain secrets that should not come out in the media. But the situation should be extraordinary and eventually reported.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 20, 2005 -> 07:31 AM)
The point is ... there is nothing illegal or underhanded about what they were doing in Gitmo.  So why is it newsworthy?  Because it incites anti-American hatred.  That's all it accomplishes.

The media seem to forget that they're Americans as well as reporters. And, as Americans, they're hated just as much as you and I.

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