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Questions for Tyler Lumsden


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Lummy has agreed to take questions and since there isn't a pesky baseball season to get in the way, he should be able to get back this time. I'd like all questions by 10pm CST Wednesday nite. This should be fun.



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I have quite a few, so you can use whatever you want.


"Did you ever get a chance to rub Howard's Rock?"


For those that don't know, 1. thats not a nasty question 2. its a rock that the football team rubs before each game as they run down a hill, supposed to have mystical powers.


"I see that you grew up in Roanoke, VA. Whats it like growing up in a town with so much athletic history? Lots of great athletes come from that area as you already know I'm sure."


"Where did the nickname "Lump" come from? Also, have you ever thought about throwing a pitch right handed in the middle of a game since you are ambidextrious or amphibious as Yogi would say. I'm not even sure if its legal :-). "



Chris, Lubbock, TX

Edited by Palehosefan
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Guest JimH

Tyler, can you take us through your rehab from the time the bone chips were taken out, to now? We are curious what they're having you do, and what you cannot do at this point.


Did you experience any elbow problems in college, or was this kind of a surprise to you?


Can you tell us which of your peers/teammates (pitchers) you're most impressed with? Whose "stuff" are you impressed with, who's got the best control?

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