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I can't stand that apathetic-but-cocky look he has on his face, especially when things are going good. Is it true that he is a pot head? Girls nod your head if he is...And if so, he will never be the Joh Garland we saw in flashes because that s*** simply doesn't fly in the majors. Ask Caruso...


I want him in the bullpen and if his stuff doesn't start shining through and if he doesn't turn the corner control-wise (one night he gets 5 pitches over for strikes, the next 1 or less)........send his Surfer Dude ass down and let him rot in AAA in he so wishes. I do NOT want him go to another team and pull a Kip Wells on us, and I have a feeling he will.

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I can't stand that apathetic-but-cocky look he has on his face, especially when things are going good.  Is it true he is a pot head?  Girls nod your head if he is...And if so, he will never be the Joh Garland we saw in flashes because that s*** simply doesn't fly in the majors. Ask Caruso...


I want him in the bullpen and if his stuff doesn't start shining through and if he doesn't turn the corner control-wise (one night he gets 5 pitchers over for strikes, the next 1 or less)........send his Surfer Dude ass down and let him rot in AAA in he so wishes.  I do NOT want him go to another team and pull a Kip Wells on us, and I have a feeling he will.

He has the same attitude as Kipper. He's a PUSSY! He gets shaken up easily and if he hits someone, he stays on teh outside of teh plate all day and hitters know it. When he controls teh inside part of the plate with low pitches, he's not bad, but he's too inconsistant.

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He has the same attitude as Kipper. He's a PUSSY!


OT: Last time I checked Kip has become a very good #2-3 pitcher and a co-ace of the Pirates. If you saw him reach 97 mph during one 12-pitch battle in the 7th inning (against Cubbie hitter I think) I would definately not call him a pussy. He was one, he is not anymore.

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I don't think Kip was a pussy. I think it was more the fact that Kip got drilled like 3 consecutive games on shots up the middle and it threw off his game.


I always liked Kip and he's doing pretty damn well with the Pirates. That being said he's no a Pirate.


I sure hope Garland comes through. Last year I didn't see anything in him. This spring I saw a ton of talent and awesome movement and now he's doing this.


Come on Jon, settle down, keep the ball down, throw strikes and trust your "stuff".

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He has the same attitude as Kipper. He's a PUSSY!


OT: Last time I checked Kip has become a very good #2-3 pitcher and a co-ace of the Pirates. If you saw him reach 97 mph during one 12-pitch battle in the 7th inning (against Cubbie hitter I think) I would definately not call him a pussy. He was one, he is not anymore.

I'll agree with that. He was the biggest sissy you could put on the mound when he was here though.

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pot head?

Everyone in pro sports is a pot head...

Shut the f*** up.


What a moronic comment.

i would say its probally 50-50 on the pot and pro sports.

And when you factor in how many of today's athletes beat their wives, drive drunk, murder, and hang out with gangs, it's no wonder why there are very few athletes that kids can actually look to as a positive role model. It's a shame that so many choose to ruin their lives. So much talent, and such little common sense...sad.

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pot head?

Everyone in pro sports is a pot head...

Shut the f*** up.


What a moronic comment.

i would say its probally 50-50 on the pot and pro sports.

And when you factor in how many of today's athletes beat their wives, drive drunk, murder, and hang out with gangs, it's no wonder why there are very few athletes that kids can actually look to as a positive role model. It's a shame that so many choose to ruin their lives. So much talent, and such little common sense...sad.

i disagree with that completly 95% of my friends have been arrested, and i still have no record what so ever. it is not who you know, its what you do that counts.

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pot head?

Everyone in pro sports is a pot head...

Shut the f*** up.


What a moronic comment.

i would say its probally 50-50 on the pot and pro sports.

And when you factor in how many of today's athletes beat their wives, drive drunk, murder, and hang out with gangs, it's no wonder why there are very few athletes that kids can actually look to as a positive role model. It's a shame that so many choose to ruin their lives. So much talent, and such little common sense...sad.

i disagree with that completly 95% of my friends have been arrested, and i still have no record what so ever. it is not who you know, its what you do that counts.

WOW, you hang out with some winners, lol. :rolleyes:

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i disagree with that completly 95% of my friends have been arrested, and i still have no record what so ever. it is not who you know, its what you do that counts.

People with morals and principles don't fraternize with criminals.

uh, yeah lol.

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Nardi screwed Kip up. kip never hit 95 with the Sox and here comes the pirates pitching coaches fixes a little mecanical problem in Kip and Kip consistently hits 95-97 MPH on the Fastball.



Garland needs to take his little ass to AAA, To much plane riding for him

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why are you bringing up the pot head crap?


it seems more made up and a way to give a guy a bad rap than anything. the only things I've heard about Garland is that he's pretty low key and quiet.

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why are you bringing up the pot head crap? 


it seems more made up and a way to give a guy a bad rap than anything.  the only things I've heard about Garland is that he's pretty low key and quiet.

Brando is bored. Things are probably slow over at WSI......

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why are you bringing up the pot head crap? 


it seems more made up and a way to give a guy a bad rap than anything.  the only things I've heard about Garland is that he's pretty low key and quiet.

Well I agree as long as Jon isn't a pot head.


I don't care what someone does on their own time, but if those actions hinder his on-field performance (and being a pot head would do that), that's when I have a problem with it.


I hope Jon's not a pot head.


I don't remember who suggested he's a pot head -- but whoever did, what basis do you have for making that statement? Any? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

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why are you bringing up the pot head crap? 


it seems more made up and a way to give a guy a bad rap than anything.  the only things I've heard about Garland is that he's pretty low key and quiet.

Well I agree as long as Jon isn't a pot head.


I don't care what someone does on their own time, but if those actions hinder his on-field performance (and being a pot head would do that), that's when I have a problem with it.


I hope Jon's not a pot head.


I don't remember who suggested he's a pot head -- but whoever did, what basis do you have for making that statement? Any? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

Brando/voodoo. Enough said?

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Nardi screwed Kip up. kip never hit 95 with the Sox and here comes the pirates pitching coaches fixes a little mecanical problem in Kip and Kip consistently hits 95-97 MPH on the Fastball


The funniest part was when Kip reached 98mph on a 2-2 pitch, it was the first game in Pirates uniform that I saw...needless to say I fell out of my chair. Garland will never throw that hard because you need insane arm speed to get to that kind of velocity and John's renowned "smooth" delivery ensures that he will never throw faster 92-93 unless Cooper starts tweaking something big time.


I don't remember who suggested he's a pot head -- but whoever did, what basis do you have for making that statement? Any? Or are you just talking out of your ass?


With all due respect, it was a question not a statement...motherf***er.


People with morals and principles don't fraternize with criminals.


They're too busy bombing abortion clinics, duh.

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