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I'm fucked..decisions..decisions


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I have a query, which I need some advice...

I went out with the boys like I do every Sunday to Stardust to play pool..But there were some really hot girls there that day for some reason..and when I mean hot..I mean HOT..model like.. A few of them actually came to play with us(there were 3 of us) and 2 came over..You know we started talking, laughing, some flirting was going on..you know..the usual stuff.Didn't think much of it. More than an hour had passed, and we had to go to meet some other friends..So we started saying our goodbyes and crap like that when one of the Hotties pulled me aside and asked me if we wanted to get together and s*** like that..Sooo, like the idiot I am I gave her my #, and she gave me hers..

See, there is where my dilemma lies..I have a girlfriend, going on 2 years now..And she's great..Love her like heck

But this girl was maybe the hottest girl I've ever seen.(I guess she couldn't resist my wit and charm, along with my movie star good looks:cool:):D


Anyways, WTF should I do??

I wouldn't even give this a second thought, but she was so f***in hot I'd quit my job and move to alaska if she asked me too..(just kidding)..But you get my point..

And I know the girls on this board are gonna call me a dog for even thinking about doing this..But they've never been a guy..(violins playing in the background) You don't know how hard it is, Its this damn PENIS! it'll be the death of me, I swear..


SIGH...If life wasn't already hard with f***in work and s***..Now this..

So what do you guys think..What would you do?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

dont listen to rps.... he will get you in trouble every time.....lol.... i wouldnt call you a dog...i will just offer this advise.. take it for what its worth....my first question would be how old are you ??? if your in the 18-25 range then i would tell you go for it, live and explore life a bit your still young....if your older and have been with your current girl for 2 years now then i would say what the heck is keeping you from marrying her ???? the grass is NOT always greener if you get my drift.....so it depends on how much your current relationship means to you .......if you have doubts then i would say expirement a bit... if you have no doubts then dont risk the chance of getting caught, f***ing up your relationship with your girl.. once you have been busted and tagged a cheater you never live it down........

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Originally posted by RedPinStripes
Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I say if you like the one girl you got, stick with her, cause you never know what will happen with this other chick.


Of course its easy for me to say this because I haven't seen this model of a women.


f***in weak!


I knew you'd think that way. My theory is, if you can get one hot chick, then thats all you need. Of course Gash needs to ask himself whether the women he is with is the right one, if she isn't then go for it. Of course when you spend 2 years with a girl its not just some girl, so you got to think things over real carefully.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Originally posted by doubleM23



omfg lmao.. you wont carry a gun but youll suggest he do a three way..... geez us h christ what is this world coming to..........:o

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1omfg lmao.. you wont carry a gun but youll suggest he do a three way..... geez us h christ what is this world coming to..........:o


That's Doub for you.


I'd carry a gun, so my three way suggestion doesn't sound as dumb as Doub's.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

and you would probably get a three way before doub...since you show your compassion for your country.......it says you have charactor, honor and dignity.....always a + when trying to get some........:D

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1and you would probably get a three way  before doub...since you show your compassion for your country.......it says you have charactor, honor and dignity.....always a + when trying to get some........:D


Bush said a while back: "I like the fact that he loves his country".


Yeah, he was talking about me.


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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah but he said country not c***ry.... theres a difference.......of course its coming out of the mouth of a "bush" so take it for what its worth...........lol......dub still wont be getting in any three ways before you do ..........:D

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

dont listen to rps.... he will get you in trouble every time.....lol.... i wouldnt call you a dog...i will just offer this advise.. take it for what its worth....my first question would be how old are you ??? if your in the 18-25 range then i would tell you go for it, live and explore life a bit your still young....if your older and have been with your current girl for 2 years now then i would say what the heck is keeping you from marrying her ????  the grass is NOT always greener if you get my drift.....so it depends on how much your current relationship means to you .......if you have doubts then i would say expirement a bit... if you have no doubts then dont risk the chance of getting caught, f***ing up your relationship with your girl.. once you have been busted and tagged a cheater you never live it down........


I'm 22 right now, and marriage aint in my sight right now..Hell No!

The girl I'm with is great, for one she WORKS!! That's HUGE in my book..She can be a bit b****y sometimes, but woman isn't it?:D

But since I work sometimes 11 hour days(usually just 8) and she works, its very hard to have "together time" if you know what i mean..When I get home i just want to relax on my lazy-boy and watch some tube..But when you're in a relationship you can't do that to much, so my days turn longer so we can go out and stuff..movies, dinner and s*** like that..some sex thrown in there...


God, I sound like a married man?!?!!I'm in a f***in rut

My prob is I like the girl I'm with, but I do want to get with some other girls and there's an 'tunity here in which i can get with one right away..But should I break up a 2 year relationship just to get with incredibly hot babe, or should I keep the "saftey net" in my curent GF and maybe have a one-night stand sorta thing.

But that would feel weird..

Its sorta like masturbation,it feels great when you're in the act, but when you're done you kinda feel disgusted with yourself(guys know what i mean)

That may be the feeling I would have if I go through with this either way..

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I say if you like the one girl you got, stick with her, cause you never know what will happen with this other chick. 


Of course its easy for me to say this because I haven't seen this model of a women. 


Like I said i my original post, I woudn't give this a second thought if this chick wasn't so damn HOT..I go out to play pool, clubs..stuff like that with my friend and there's always flirting going on with girls and the clubs, but that's as far as it goes..these girls are pretty, some may even be "sorta" hot, this chick I met was GORGEOUS!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

does your girlfriend know your name on here??? if not have her read this and tell her its some guy and see what she would say about it.....lol....hey at least you would know how pissed she would get right?? and it would definately help ya make up your mind if it was worth it or not..........;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Originally posted by GASHWOUND
Originally posted by doubleM23



God, I wish


But my women won't even let me give her anal!?!?!?! What's up with that!?!:P

you can always ask murc and puma for they anal.....:o

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

does your girlfriend know your name on here??? if not have her read this and tell her its some guy and see what she would say about it.....lol....hey at least you would know how pissed she would get right?? and it would definately help ya make up your mind if it was worth it or not..........;)


No, she hardly ever goes on the web..and that would be wierd..I ca see it now...


GASH:"Hey honey, come look at this post here on this Sox messageboard..What do you think this guy should do..


GF:"Why are you showing me this, are you thinking of doing this???"


GASH: No baby, I was just seeing what you think this "guy" should do?!?!


GF: Yeah right, you cheated on me, right?!?! You f***IN ASSHOLE! I hate you!


GASH: No, No baby, I love you, I would never do that..You're the only one..


GF: LIAR! get outa my life, I hope you rot in hell in a pile of your own feces!!


GASH: But, but..What are you doing with that gun!?!?! No NO!!!!!!!








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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I say if you like the one girl you got, stick with her, cause you never know what will happen with this other chick.


Of course its easy for me to say this because I haven't seen this model of a women.


Sorry man. But after reading this response, the voices of thespians Bill S Preston Esquire and Ted "Theodore" Logan say it best..... "f**." :metal


And Gash, if this chick is as hot as you say she is, bang her, THEN move with your girlfriend of 2 years to Alaska so this chick can't track you down afterwards ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1

lol ok then dont do that.......i just figured if you let her read it and asked for her to help you make a response to it then you would know what you were getting into .... and if she saw that another chick was telling you what to do without dissing on you then maybe you would be surprised at her response......you know how us females tend to stick together on certian subjects.....lol........

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Guest hotsoxchick1

oh and one more question..how do you know she hasnt already cheated on you ???????????????????? hmmmm now theres another twisted thought for you to ponder................:D

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