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I'm fucked..decisions..decisions


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if this girl is so hot she obviously has alterior motives and/or a venerial disease. gorgeous girls dont just walk up to shmucks (no offense) like you or i.


damn i sound paranoid. oh well do what you feel, just make sure you're sure.

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Originally posted by Mr. Showtime

Originally posted by GASHWOUND

But my women won't even let me give her anal!?!?!?! What's up with that!?!:P


Will, maybe if you ask nicely she'll let this other girl strap it down, as Hawk would say.


Do you have experience in this? Just curious;)

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

oh and one more question..how do you know she hasnt already cheated on you ???????????????????? hmmmm now theres another twisted thought for you to ponder................:D


Nah, Why would she cheat on perfection..:cool:

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Originally posted by Spiff

if this girl is so hot she obviously has alterior motives and/or a venerial disease. gorgeous girls dont just walk up to shmucks (no offense) like you or i.


damn i sound paranoid. oh well do what you feel, just make sure you're sure.


Yeah, you sound like Doub, saying Bush is going into Iraq for the oil.

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Originally posted by Spiff

if this girl is so hot she obviously has alterior motives and/or a venerial disease. gorgeous girls dont just walk up to shmucks (no offense) like you or i.


damn i sound paranoid. oh well do what you feel, just make sure you're sure.


Shmuck? hat exactly is a shmuck..don't know if I am or not..

Either way, maybe if i looked like Carrot Top than i can see some ulterior motives, but I'm an alright lookin guy..Not Brad Pitt good lucks, more like Tom Cruise good looks:cool:

Kidding, but I can see here being "attracted" to me..

I'm thinkin she may have not have found me attractive to me when she first saw me..like I said, she's hot..But we hung around with each other for that hour and made her laugh and stuff.she may have fond me more attractive as the night when on..that kinda thing

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Don't worry, I'm convinced women don't only go for looks.


Most of the time they also go for money and on rare ocassions very attractive women go for personality too. Sorry to stereotype here.


Just think of it this way, if your with this babe, when you walk around, your going to have your head up all high and mighty everywhere you go.

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Just stick to your relationship you have going on right now. 99 out of 100 times this "really hot" girl really is a slut who is clueless about life!


Oh, yea, well, I'm not the world's greatest relationship expert, as I have never had a boyfriend in my entire life. But oh well! C'est la vie! :(

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I'm betting that you weren't the first guy the chick has done this with - which leads me to one conclusion....HERPES!


Seriously, I think if you love who you're with, stick with her. Cuz if you get caught ( and you WILL get caught ), you'll lose the good one, and then Miss Hottie will drop her number on some other guy in some other bar and YOU go back to being Senor Spankola!


And don't listen to RPS - it's OBVIOUS nobody's ever dropped the Magic Seven into his hand!!:D

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Originally posted by Spiff

if this girl is so hot she obviously has alterior motives and/or a venerial disease. gorgeous girls dont just walk up to shmucks (no offense) like you or i.


damn i sound paranoid. oh well do what you feel, just make sure you're sure.


Hmm... I didn't even think of that. This is actually good advice.


And thanks for your concern, HSC, but I'm having no problems in the "getting ass" department. :)


All joking aside, though, I wouldn't risk it. You're already coming off as feeling guilty before you've even done anything remotely wrong, and guys only get caught when their emotions start acting up like a whiny b****, and by the looks of this thread, she's going to see right through you like a wet Kleenex. However, if you feel like risking it, go for it man. Just no half-assing it. You've got to be in these things 100% or not at all.


However, I wouldn't know too much on the subject, as my longest relationship with a girl lasted all of 3 months. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be with someone monogamously for 2 YEARS. (I think if you add up the time I was with my longest 5 or 6 girlfriends, it approaches 2 years, actually), but in my time at high school, I ran into this sort of thing over and over again.


If you're comfortable with the consequences, do it! If not, don't.

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Since you asked here's my take. Dump the girlfriend first then go for it with the babe. Unless you really think your current girlfriend is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with then go experiment. Even if you are sure think about it really hard. You are 22! Go take some time to have fun and grow up before you lock yourself into that kind of commitment. Don't get me wrong. I love my wife very much but we dated a long time before we got married this past July, and I am almost 30.


What I don't think you should do is cheat on your current girlfriend, that is too weasely. Dump her before you get your groove on. That at least leaves the door open to getting back with her later if the babe doesn't work out or you decide that she really is the one for you. You are almost sure to get caught if you cheat on her and that is pretty much a guaranteed way to make her hate you the rest of your life. And if she doesn't hate you for it then she is too stupid to marry.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

just go for it... but remember to put a helmet on your soilder before he does battle... hey you only live once right..........may as well go with a smile on your face right????? :D

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Life isn't 100% about having FUN! There are responsibilities that come with it. Like I said, 99 of 100 of these so-called "hot girls" really are sluts without a clue about life! You should be looking for someone who will forward you in the game of life rather than someone who will hold you back! Those who are clueless about life are just roadblocks who will get in the way of you making the most of your life!


Ask yourself this question...Will my current girlfriend positively effect my drive to be a success in life? Just remember that LOOKS don't mean s***! Remember that external beauty is only skin-deep. You want someone who possesses internal beauty, one of whom you can share more than a superficial relationship with!


All and all, my philosophy of life is as follows:


Never make myopic decisions; but instead, consider the farsighted effects of such actions. Above all, reach for the furthest star. For if you don't, the "Winner's Circle" will never bare your presence.

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Originally posted by HeatherTheRedbird

Just stick to your relationship you have going on right now.  99 out of 100 times this "really hot" girl really is a slut who is clueless about life!


Oh, yea, well, I'm not the world's greatest relationship expert, as I have never had a boyfriend in my entire life.  But oh well!  C'est la vie! :(


Never had a boyfriend? Hmm,interesting.. What's up? Have you been with guys? and if you have you just "do stuff" and than just leave..like a one-night stand kinda thing? Or do you "do stuff" with a certain guy, and its an open "relationship" and technically this certain man isn't a "boyfriend"

Of course you could be a virgin, or into females (or both) in which would explain you never having a boyfriend in which case you should give me a call:D



But seriously, I kinda know in my heart that "hot girl" is not the relationship, dating kinda chick and most likely just a..what's the word I'm looking for.."Booty call"

Which in hindesight is nice and all, but I would feel a tremendous amount of GUILT.


Damn it, if only she was a celebrity, I would feel much better about doing it.


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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

just go for it... but remember to put a helmet on your  soilder before he does battle... hey you only live once right..........may as well go with a smile on your face right????? :D


Come on, I wear a condom when I have sex with my girlfriend, I would put 3 of them on "if" I would to go through with this.

Good one I use is the Crown Skin Less skin..Very good

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Originally posted by The Critic

I'm betting that you weren't the first guy the chick has done this with - which leads me to one conclusion....HERPES!


Seriously, I think if you love who you're with, stick with her. Cuz if you get caught ( and you WILL get caught ), you'll lose the good one, and then Miss Hottie will drop her number on some other guy in some other bar and YOU go back to being Senor Spankola!


And don't listen to RPS - it's OBVIOUS nobody's ever dropped the Magic Seven into his hand!!:D


Herpes? yeck!

And I'm as stealth as something..stealthy..I would never get caught:D

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Trust me you'll get caught. Women just know these things. Hell, I could see it now, you go home visiting your parents and your mom will figure it out, lol.


Anyway, I'd tend to go with what BJ and Heather are saying. Of course like I've said numerous times if you think your in a dead end relationship then I'd say go for it, of course first break it off with your girl.


I ain't an expert on long relationships though. I think my longest relationship was about a month. I'm holding out for the hottest women who I get along with and isn't all materialistic and s***.

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Originally posted by doubleM23

Originally posted by Spiff

if this girl is so hot she obviously has alterior motives and/or a venerial disease. gorgeous girls dont just walk up to shmucks (no offense) like you or i.


damn i sound paranoid. oh well do what you feel, just make sure you're sure.


Hmm... I didn't even think of that. This is actually good advice.


And thanks for your concern, HSC, but I'm having no problems in the "getting ass" department. :)


All joking aside, though, I wouldn't risk it. You're already coming off as feeling guilty before you've even done anything remotely wrong, and guys only get caught when their emotions start acting up like a whiny b****, and by the looks of this thread, she's going to see right through you like a wet Kleenex. However, if you feel like risking it, go for it man. Just no half-assing it. You've got to be in these things 100% or not at all.


However, I wouldn't know too much on the subject, as my longest relationship with a girl lasted all of 3 months. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be with someone monogamously for 2 YEARS. (I think if you add up the time I was with my longest 5 or 6 girlfriends, it approaches 2 years, actually), but in my time at high school, I ran into this sort of thing over and over again.


If you're comfortable with the consequences, do it! If not, don't.


Nah, if I would to go through with it I would be as cool as the other side of the pillow.:cool:

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Guest hotsoxchick1

And thanks for your concern, HSC, but I'm having no problems in the "getting ass" department.


However, I wouldn't know too much on the subject, as my longest relationship with a girl lasted all of 3 months. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be with someone monogamously for 2 YEARS. (I think if you add up the time I was with my longest 5 or 6 girlfriends, it approaches 2 years, actually), but in my time at high school, I ran into this sort of thing over and over again.



ok on the one hand you say you have no problems getting any in the ass department.... but then again on the other hand you say your longest relationship lasted three months.......seems to me you are having some problems somewhere along the line....must be your liberal thinking huh?????


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