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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 19, 2005 -> 05:00 AM)
All I'm going to say is this definately lives up to the hype.  By far the best of this trilogy and I believe it competes with the original 3. 


Fantfreakingtastic :headbang


I agree with this. I disagree with Losmedias coworker who thought that the movie was to dialogue heavy. There was as much action in this movie as you are going to see and the action scenes were very well done. The acting in this movie while not great was much better. I'd say this is one of my two favorite Star Wars films along with Empire.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 19, 2005 -> 03:25 PM)
My co worker's review:

TOO dialogue heavy, corny and poorly written, great action, but not enough.

From purely a critical point of view, that can be said for all 6 episodes.


But there is not a lot better when it comes to a story and the imagination, which is why it's so successful (well among other things).

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 19, 2005 -> 11:13 AM)
I'm not a big fan, BUT She plays a stripper........and does some stripping........and it is some very good stripping. ;) Check it out my friend.

Now that you say that... I will pick it up for sure...thanks :cheers

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QUOTE(T R U @ May 19, 2005 -> 01:32 PM)
So did anyone else see it last night or what?? IMO it was by far the best one they made, it was f***in awesome


I need to see it a few more times to start to get some perspective but here are my thoughts at the moment. Sith is monumentally better than Eps I and II. And while it can't redeem the cinematic failings of I and II, Sith deftly tied together all the disparate story lines that those first flawed (OK, Very Flawed) gems put into motion.


I think the reality is that Lucas became better at weaving elaborate, multi-layered storylines with the prequels, even as he demonstrated how as a director he had forsaken the human element in favor of CG everything. If anything, the storylines from Menace and Clones were too complex to be the basis of a perfect cinematic experience, unlike the very linear presentations of Hope, Empire, and Jedi. As books (not necessarily the film novelizations) I think the 3 prequels would blow the original trilogy away in terms of the depth of plot development. On film, though, it was too much for the casual fan (Sith notwithstanding).


Sith is unbelievably gripping, and certainly surpassed my expectations. Someone earlier asked if it was OK for the kiddies and the answer is resoundingly no. My -7 and 5-year olds have recently become Star wars fanatics and have now seen the other 5 films. I probably pushed it with Empire, but they watched it in installments to diffuse some of the attention. Sith is easily 10x darker than Empire, and my kids are mad at me because I told them it would probably be a couple more years before they could see it. But no blame on Lucas. The film had to be that grim to get us from the 'Yippee!' happy podracing slave kid in Clones to the Galactic Bad Mutha from A New Hope. You're not going to get from A to B by singing Kumbaya with in the trees with the Ewoks.


On the downside, what was still mostly missing was the attention to the human element and the witty wisecracking dialog that the Trilogy (especially Hope) was built on. That the most memorable lines from Sith are memorable because they recycle (or is it precycle?) some of the best lines from the other films tells you that Lucas just doesn't care if his dialog is cardboard-flat just as long as it gets the job done and advances the story.


I fully appreciate that it is hard to get actors to put on career performances against blue screens with off-camera dialog and character stand-ins as the basic reference points. But, hell, this is the guy that gave us American Graffit. That was nothing but the human character portrayal.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 19, 2005 -> 05:41 PM)
You wouldn't say that if you saw how TOTALLY COOL I looked in my C3P0 costume at the theater last night...  :D




Now who's the nerd...?  Oh.. wait.... uhm... :unsure:




That's hot.. ;)

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