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Attack Iran


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I've heard a few people talking about the U.S. going into Iran, what exactly would be the reasoning?  And isn't Iran like the holy land of the Arab world, wouldn't that totally stir up s***? :huh:


Some info would be great.



Ughh...I sure as hell hope we don't...and I don't think we will.

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off topic but... Wells has walked 16 guys in 23 IP? Ouch!



And he is still better than Garland ever was. Just sayin'

Talent-wise, Kip Wells is probably the best pitcher this organization had in a really, really long time.

That's what I like to hear. Did you know that he has a great fastball getting up around 95? :huh:

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I've heard a few people talking about the U.S. going into Iran, what exactly would be the reasoning?

You know as well as I do that the Bush regime doesn't need little things like FACTS and LOGIC to have a full scale invasion of a country. As long as you have giant :usa :usa :usa all around, people just shut their eyes and ears and close their mouths and allow Bush to do whatever he wants.


"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." ~ Doesn't that mean that it is up to each and every US citizen to make sure that our President is not lying to us? I mean, it happened in the Gulf of Tonkin and everybody bought that hook, line, and sinker. 58,000 Americans died and over 2-3 million Vietnamese perished because of an event that never took place in the Gulf of Tonkin. The documents have also come out recently that the US knew Japan was going to bomb Pearl Harbor and they still allowed those men to die just so we could enter the war (didn't even tell them to be somewhat prepared or anything).


I guess doing this ( :usa ) is a lot easier than thinking critically and looking at the facts like so few pro-war people seem to be doing these days.

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The documents have also come out recently that the US knew Japan was going to bomb Pearl Harbor and they still allowed those men to die just so we could enter the war (didn't even tell them to be somewhat prepared or anything).

This doesn't follow your arguement apu. I thought America could invade a country and enter into a war without facts or logic.

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apu..you need more of a social life  ;)

Baggs --


During the summer, I live in a town with 2000 people in it. It's a horrid little boring town and until my job starts, I basically have no real choice but listen to underground music and read since UIUC is one of the first schools to let out for the summer in early May.

So, there's not much else to do but read....and reading is a very fun activity.


Mooch --

The point of those examples was the argument that the presidential regimes can and HAVE lied in the past to us, so the public must be very weary of the regime.

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