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Car question

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I own a 1990 Mercury Grand Marquis, and have a question. When my car is on for 10-15 minutes (usally when im parking) in stalls (the engine shuts off, but the car is still actully on), so I have to start it up again. The engine runs fine, so im assuming it is something with one of the fuses, because recently I had a new stero installed. Everytime I start the car the clock resets back to 12:00, also since the stero installation the inside lights only work with the the car on.


Any suggestions to what the promblem might be would be appricated.

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I was riding fine for 20 minutes or so, and put it in reverse to park, and it stalled. It always does stalls in reverse. The stereo was off so I don't think it's something with one of the fuses.

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I just talked to Brian about it (Mercury enthusiast). He said that his ASC McLaren Capri has a large stereo and to support the amp draw, the guy he bought it from upgraded his altenator and the battery to make sure there is enough juice for everything.


He said if that isn't your problem, check the fuel filter (it could need replacing - when it gets gummed up the fuel that gets through isn't as much and is dirty clogging your injectors or carb depending on which fuel system you have - this if my observation, not his from previous experience).

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