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Ozzie's Rant

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I don't get on Oz too much for his comments. I don't mind a lot of the s*** he says...but he had no reason to jump on Brad Palmer, who was just asking the question all of us had on our minds. I know when Oz took out Bmac, I was yelling at the tv. Let him make his own bed. If he gives up the lead then it's on him...and he'll learn from it, but don't take the ball away and let somebody else take his win away. I was pissed. I wanted Bmac to finish the inning, but fine hey I'm not the manager and when Ozzie was asked the question why he did it, I was curious for his resopnse.


Instead he went off on the reporter.... A simple explanation such as this one, courtesy of DeLuca from the sun times,...would have been fine....


McCarthy, who hadn't pitched beyond the fifth inning in his previous two shaky outings at Class AAA Charlotte, had thrown only 78 pitches. Ramirez had one hit in his previous 12 at-bats, but seemed locked in against McCarthy with his two line drives. Vizcaino had held Ramirez to a .182 average (2-for-11) with three strikeouts in their previous encounters and Patterson had a .200 average (2-for-10) with three strikeouts against Vizcaino. History favored Vizcaino, and Guillen had reason to be so confident in his bullpen. Sox fans will say Guillen was too quick with the hook, but trying to get a victory for a 21-year-old in his debut was the right move.


Here's Ozzies...

''Ah, don't come and second-guess me,'' Guillen shouted in a fast, choppy, angry tone. ''Because if you come here every day and see how we handle stuff on the pitching staff, that's what we do. Gee, oh [bleep].''


This kid comes from the minor leagues and did the best he could do to keep us in the game. I had a lot of confidence in my god [bleep] bullpen, and that's what I put in there. Jesus. Second-guess me after this [bleep] happens. Aramis Ramirez [earlier in the game] hit two good balls against the kid. I want this kid to leave the mound with his head up and a chance to win the game at the big-league level.

''All right. You guys happy about it? You've got to be kidding me.''



Oz needs to chill...people are going to ask questions about moves he made. Nobody is saying he's a bad manager, they're just asking why he made the move. I know I was asking it...and if oz explained it how DeLuca did then I'd be fine with it and say..'That's why I'm not a manager' and chalk it up as the right move they went wrong....but no need to spaz out on a guy.


This is one aspect where Ozzie needs to grow up as a manager. There are times when reporters 2nd guess and play monday morning qb's and I don't care if Ozzie goes off on that...but this was just a questoin I'm sure many of us wanted to know the answer to.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 23, 2005 -> 08:16 AM)
I can see how it would be annoying to be second-guessed by a chumpstain like "The Professor" Brad Palmer.  Hindsight is a mutha-f*cker.

f*** the media. Brad palmer is a little b****. To make it worse, I'm pretty sure he's a chub fan. :P

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Dispite the people not understanding what Ozzie was trying to do, everyone knows that was the correct move in that situation. When a guy making his major league debut, in hostile territory, against one of the best pitchers in the game, and having had tons of success in it, you make sure he has a chance to win it. Period.

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Will Oz's manners put fans in the seats, or keep them away? I'm guessing he's going to be a draw. In some ways I see some Dikta in Oz. I believe a quick analysis would have been better along with an Ozzism, but he's acting like a Chicago guy. I think changing his name to Ozzie Rogalski would be the final icing on the cake.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 23, 2005 -> 09:20 AM)
Will Oz's manners put fans in the seats, or keep them away? I'm guessing he's going to be a draw. In some ways I see some Dikta in Oz. I believe a quick analysis would have been better along with an Ozzism, but he's acting like a Chicago guy. I think changing his name to Ozzie Rogalski would be the final icing on the cake.


Possibly, but he could easily turn into a Jim Mora too :P

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Just admit you made the wrong choice and move on.


Sometimes this guy is a mental midget and then after the game he just can't admit that he flat out blew it with a dumb decision.


In this case, he put in Vizcaino, who we all knew would piss the bed. Hell I called it in the chat the minute they brought him in.


B-Mac coulda finished the inning, bottom line.


Hopefully our manager learns to admit his mistakes in the future, otherwise he is going to have a catastrophic blowup at some point when the team isn't doing so well.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 23, 2005 -> 08:28 AM)
Just admit you made the wrong choice and move on.



I think he made the right move. If he were in tha position again , I still think that's the right move. Just because the bullpen blew it does not make ozzie wrong.

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I agree with the move Ozzie made. For once maybe we should be blaming the party at fault - the relief pitcher who allowed the tying and winning runs to score. Should Oz have ranted? No, but I can understand where it came from though.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 23, 2005 -> 07:41 AM)
Why does he have to explain himself to "The Professor of Hindsight" Brad Palmer?


The question was legit and needed to be asked. Ozzie is not available to answer questions during the game. If Palmer didn't ask it, someone else would have.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 23, 2005 -> 08:41 AM)
Why does he have to explain himself to "The Professor of Hindsight" Brad Palmer?




He didn't have to explain anything. And quite honestly.. I don't feel he did. Just more yelling and cursing.

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Dusty's son = Ozzie's cursing and ranting and raving


Every manager has a way to avoid actually answering the tough questions after a difficult decision....call it a cop out or whatever...


But the fact is to judge if he made the right decision or not at this point means absolutely nothing...there are arguments for both sides.

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