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Ozzie's Rant

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Like I said in the first post...I don't mind his rants, but this was just a question on why he did a particular thing. Reporters aren't saying you f***ed up man....they are just saying...why did you do what you did. That's part of the post game interview. Palmer is a weasel and I can careless if Oz gives it to him...just don't think he deserved it in this case.


It's a question that needed to be asked and I wanted to hear his answer. Once I got the real answer I totally understand why he made the change. I don't totally agree with the move, but that is a matter of opinion and I can totally see his side now.


Just saying he freaked out for no reason there.

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QUOTE(BuehrleTheAce @ May 23, 2005 -> 08:20 AM)
but don't take the ball away and let somebody else take his win away


Just to clarify, BMac was in line for the W. He exited after 5IP with a 2-1 lead. That's why Ozzie took him out, to give him a chance for the win with no chance for a loss.


Yeah I know he was in line for the win, that's my point...let him lose the game if anybody's going to do it. Don't take it out of his hands. If he gives up a run or two there then take him out. He can blame himself for a couple of bad pitches, but it isn't going to take anythign away from how he pitched in his ML debut. He might have gotten an L...big deal....it's gonna happen sometime. Why not get it out of the way. He has shown he has the composure to handle that. He isn't an emotional basketcase like some pitchers.


With all that being said...I totally see Ozzie's reasoning now. He was doing what he thought was best for Bmac and that's fine by me.

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I understand Ozzie's decision. I also don't have a problem with him yelling at the media, especially a bullet-head like Brad Palmer. The Professor...whatever. Ozzie is going to be Ozzie. You take the good with the bad.


As Dusty Baylor would say 'Chill out dudes!'

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FWIW, when I used to caddy I had Brad Palmer one time. The guy is a jackass. Total jackass.


That said, Ozzie needs to understand that part of being the manager is dealing with the media. It's in the job description.


I also think taking out BMac was a bad move. Let the kid show what he's got. If he loses the lead, so what? It happens. It still would have been a very solid debut. So give him a chance to be a hero.

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And if Ozzie Left B-Mac in there and he gave up the HR we would be ranting and raving about how ozzie is an idiot for leaving him in blah blah......Our bullpen has showed it can handle games....I in no way blame oz for this loss he wanted to win just as much as us. We'll have enough time to see bmac in the future. We won the series and thats all we need to do just keep on winning series......You can just tell he wanted to win with his comments which i dont care about either....whoever said it reminds them of Ditka thats exactly right the only man to bring our beloved bears to the promised land

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QUOTE(DABearSoX @ May 23, 2005 -> 12:04 PM)
And if Ozzie Left B-Mac in there and he gave up the HR we would be ranting and raving about how ozzie is an idiot for leaving him in blah blah......Our bullpen has showed it can handle games....I in no way blame oz for this loss he wanted to win just as much as us. We'll have enough time to see bmac in the future. We won the series and thats all we need to do just keep on winning series......You can just tell he wanted to win with his comments which i dont care about either....whoever said it reminds them of Ditka thats exactly right the only man to bring our beloved bears to the promised land


For the record, I would not have ranted and raved that Ozzie left bmac in there. He was at 78 pitches, had not lost velocity, was in the 6th inning with one guy on first and one out. A minor jam as far as jams go and IMO, it would have been good to see him get out of it. If he gave up a homer there...I wouldn't blame ozzie at all. I didn't want him to take him out, let alone EXPECT him to.


On the other side I aint ranting and raving or calling him an idiot for taking him out. It could have went either way. I'm just saying he didn't have to freak on that question cause it was a legitimate question.


Either way...yes it was a great series. I'll take 2-3 going against their two top pitchers and a hall of famer who can revert to form on any given day.

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While Guillen could relax a bit, like 90% of managerial decisions, he could've gone either way. he chose to take him out, it didn't work.


Guillen was probably pissed because the media, like fans, are trying to go back on s*** and see what was the mistake. when a mistake is made, fine, but pulling McCarthy wasn't a bad call at all. Vizcaino, who I think will be a quality reliever when it's all said and done, simply didn't get it done.

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I wouldn't have ranted if BMac had served up a HR there...http://www.southsidesox.com/story/2005/5/2...3/3297#readmore


Here's something to think about RE: the Douchebag ozzie put in the game...


Last season, Neal Cotts was put into a game with a lead of three or less 6 times. He escaped with the lead 4 times, in games that finished as Sox victories to record 4 holds, in 6 opportunites.


Currently Vizcaino has 3 holds in 6 opportunites. In one of his converted holds, he allowed 2 runs in 1.1IP. This guy is a criminal. He's a f***ing arsonist. When put in a tight spot, he's escaped just twice in 6 chances without allowing a run. He's f***ing terrible.

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Yeah, I was a little surprised when they showed him walking out already... but then I immediately realized what he was doing. I don't think the move was bad at all. That's how he decided he wanted to do it. Get McCarthy out with some confidence. I had faith in Vizcaino too, I think that as time goes by, he will do better and better.

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Here's Ozzies...

''Ah, don't come and second-guess me,'' Guillen shouted in a fast, choppy, angry tone. ''Because if you come here every day and see how we handle stuff on the pitching staff, that's what we do. Gee, oh [bleep].''


This kid comes from the minor leagues and did the best he could do to keep us in the game. I had a lot of confidence in my god [bleep] bullpen, and that's what I put in there. Jesus. Second-guess me after this [bleep] happens. Aramis Ramirez [earlier in the game] hit two good balls against the kid. I want this kid to leave the mound with his head up and a chance to win the game at the big-league level.

''All right. You guys happy about it? You've got to be kidding me.''



Holy s***! This may sound like a stupid question, but where these comments broadcasted? O_O

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ May 23, 2005 -> 01:19 PM)
Holy s***! This may sound like a stupid question, but where these comments broadcasted? O_O


They've been playing them on Mac, Jurko, and Harry this afternoon.



"Say hello to my little friend!" :lolhitting

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ May 23, 2005 -> 08:20 AM)
If the Sox get to the playoffs or (please) World Series, wait until he sees the media coverage and second-guessing there. He needs to chill and just say he made a mistake.

it's not a mistake. trust is earned, and though B-Mac has earned a call-up with his pitching in spring training and in the minors (an injury to El Duque didn't hurt either), when you can go to fresh arms that have pitched in the major leagues to close out a game, you do it until McCarthy has proven himself a little more in the majors. anyway, that wouldn't be like Ozzie, now would it?

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 23, 2005 -> 07:28 AM)
Just admit you made the wrong choice and move on.


Sometimes this guy is a mental midget and then after the game he just can't admit that he flat out blew it with a dumb decision.


In this case, he put in Vizcaino, who we all knew would piss the bed.  Hell I called it in the chat the minute they brought him in.


B-Mac coulda finished the inning, bottom line.


Hopefully our manager learns to admit his mistakes in the future, otherwise he is going to have a catastrophic blowup at some point when the team isn't doing so well.


I agree. It was a bigtime mistake and almost everyone knew the lead was going to be blown as soon as we saw Viz and Cotts warm up. We all wanted to know what the hell Ozzie was doing. Yeah, he does it all the time. He micromanages way too damn much. The guy let a man on in the 5th and only gave up 4 hits with 1 run. Let him at least finish the inning. Especially after the guy was on 6 days rest. I think Ozzie is just too bigheaded to admit a mistake. Admit you made a mistake and move on Oz, more people would like you if you did that. I support him on most of the other stuff, not this though. When a Cubs fan says, "What the hell is Ozzie doing" on one of their own message boards, you know he's wrong.




This just occured to me. It seems as if Ozzie handled McCarthy like Jerry Manuel handled Jon Garland. A man on first, you're getting pulled.

Edited by nitetrain8601
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