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Al-Zarqawi injured


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 24, 2005 -> 11:03 AM)
I like how the words are now being bastardized into "killing women and children are ok" when a year ago that was NEVER to happen.


This proves to me that they will not stop at anything to kill us.

Its all because we believe in a different "Invisible man" than they do....hell of a reason to be killing people....hopefully we nail this prick soon. Only bad thing is he falls another will be right there to take his place.

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Not specifically saying it is anybody in this thread but does anybody else find it amusing that the most fundamentalist Christians in the US also seem to be the most outspoken supporters of the war? I guess that "love your enemies" message of the New Testament really sunk in. As Lenny Bruce said, "I always thought it was 'Thou shalt not kill' not 'Thou shalt not kill but...'."


And EvilJester -- I'm sure you've heard the Doug Stanhope discussion about terrorism and religious wars: "You'll never see this on the news. Today 40 people died when the Atheist Stronghold suffered heavy shelling from the Agnostic Front in the north." :lol:

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his supporters are asking for prayers??? muslims praying for a fellow muslim so he can live to kill them another day... makes sense


I'm surprised the headline didn't read "freedom fighter suffers injury caused by murdering crusaders" or " the great satan has injured one of our freedom loving brothers" I'm sure this guy is a innocent boy scout

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 24, 2005 -> 11:17 AM)
Not specifically saying it is anybody in this thread but does anybody else find it amusing that the most fundamentalist Christians in the US also seem to be the most outspoken supporters of the war?  I guess that "love your enemies" message of the New Testament really sunk in.  As Lenny Bruce said, "I always thought it was 'Thou shalt not kill' not 'Thou shalt not kill but...'."





Love thy enemy huh? Lets look at our "enemy" for a minute shall we. Their ultimate goal is to wipe out America and replace it with a muslim theocracy ( this is the gods honest truth ), they murder people, including their own, indiscriminantely, and they bastardize a peace loving religion like Islam by twisting its teachings around to justify murder and destruction.


Our "enemy" is not Islam as you subtly imply with your post, but the less than 1 PERCENT of Muslims who seem to think its ok to murder and destroy indiscriminantely to advance their aims of a Taliban like world. This is an enemy which needs to be destroyed and shown no quarter.


LCR allow me to reduce the scale of this for a moment to explain it. What do you do when someone is actively trying to kill you and your family and cannot be dissuaded by reason?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 24, 2005 -> 02:28 PM)
Love thy enemy huh?  Lets look at our "enemy" for a minute shall we.  Their ultimate goal is to wipe out America and replace it with a muslim theocracy ( this is the gods honest truth ),  they murder people, including their own, indiscriminantely, and they bastardize a peace loving religion like Islam by twisting its teachings around to justify murder and destruction.


Our "enemy" is not Islam as you subtly imply with your post, but the less than 1 PERCENT of Muslims who seem to think its ok to murder and destroy indiscriminantely to advance their aims of a Taliban like world.  This is an enemy which needs to be destroyed and shown no quarter.


LCR allow me to reduce the scale of this for a moment to explain it.  What do you do when someone is actively trying to kill you and your family and cannot be dissuaded by reason?


I didn't imply it was all of Islam -- I'll leave that to the Freepers and PABAAH fanatics. I'm just saying that it is hypocritical for "Christians" to say that they ascribe to the teachings of Jesus while at the same time supporting a war effort that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.


And to counter your claim -- When the militia nuts in the US, who can't be dissuaded by reason bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City, where was the US military demands for bombing the Hell out of Michigan (McVeigh's home state)? I mean, if we are to invade and bomb the states that harbor terrorists, then we need to bring these demands to their conclusion.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 24, 2005 -> 03:04 PM)
And to counter your claim -- When the militia nuts in the US, who can't be dissuaded by reason bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City, where was the US military demands for bombing the Hell out of Michigan (McVeigh's home state)?  I mean, if we are to invade and bomb the states that harbor terrorists, then we need to bring these demands to their conclusion.



Your comparison is rediculous. McVeigh happened to live in Michigan for a while. Does that mean they provided him with the bomb making materials? Did they rent the truck that he used in the attack for him. Did they send state troopers to case the Murrah Federal Building for him?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 24, 2005 -> 03:21 PM)
Your comparison is rediculous.  McVeigh happened to live in Michigan for a while.  Does that mean they provided him with the bomb making materials?  Did they rent the truck that he used in the attack for him.  Did they send state troopers to case the Murrah Federal Building for him?


Well if we bomb Afghanistan from the skies (and you and I both know collateral damage is going to happen) as a state which harbored a terrorist then we should do the same to Michigan -- if we're truly to follow this fiat to its logical conclusion.


And you damn well bet that the militia assisted in getting him the materials to perpetrate the attack.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 24, 2005 -> 11:17 AM)
Not specifically saying it is anybody in this thread but does anybody else find it amusing that the most fundamentalist Christians in the US also seem to be the most outspoken supporters of the war?  I guess that "love your enemies" message of the New Testament really sunk in.  As Lenny Bruce said, "I always thought it was 'Thou shalt not kill' not 'Thou shalt not kill but...'."


Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that most fundamentalist Christians understand that not every conflict can be solved via diplomacy.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 24, 2005 -> 03:35 PM)
Well if we bomb Afghanistan from the skies (and you and I both know collateral damage is going to happen) as a state which harbored a terrorist then we should do the same to Michigan -- if we're truly to follow this fiat to its logical conclusion.


And you damn well bet that the militia assisted in getting him the materials to perpetrate the attack.



There is no comparison whatsoever between what Afghanistan did for Bin Laden ( actively aided and supported him ) as opposed to Michigan which unknowingly had some guy who was planning an attack living there. You bet your ass that if they had wind that he was planning something like he was planning they would have sent about 2 dozen SWAT officers to his house to take him down.


Oh, you try and make it sound like the Michigan Militia is some sort of state sponsored organization. THEY ARE NOT! They are a group of backwoods wannabe soldiers who play G.I. Joe in the middle of nowhere for sport.


Once again. Your comparison is rediculous. Try again.

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LCR, if you want to take this to its logical conclusion, the US should bomb...the US. Because who trained bin Laden to begin with? That's right, the United States Government when we were training Afghani forces to fight off the Soviet Union in the late 70's and early 80's.


The problem is, there is not logical conclusion. Do what you have to do and get the hell out. I don't think logic and war have much to do with each other at all.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 24, 2005 -> 04:35 PM)
Well if we bomb Afghanistan from the skies (and you and I both know collateral damage is going to happen) as a state which harbored a terrorist then we should do the same to Michigan -- if we're truly to follow this fiat to its logical conclusion.


And you damn well bet that the militia assisted in getting him the materials to perpetrate the attack.


The big, big difference is that the governor of Michigan didn't offer him asylum in exchange for hard currency, and then refuse to turn him over as soon as a crime of mass murder was committed in his behalf. I am pretty sure Michigan, and all of the states that had involvement in this case cooperated to the fullest extent possible. That kind of blows that hypothetical.

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We aren't fighting for "Invisible Men" and neither are they. It's merely a smoke screen for the fundamentalists to grab other Muslims and take them into their camp. In reality, those fundementalists view America as an imperial nation. Which, in some cases i can view as true. We aren't that perfect country as much as we all believe we are. Hwoever, thats not to say that what these fundamentalists are doing is right, because obviosuly it isn't.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 24, 2005 -> 07:30 PM)
The big, big difference is that the governor of Michigan didn't offer him asylum in exchange for hard currency, and then refuse to turn him over as soon as a crime of mass murder was committed in his behalf.  I am pretty sure Michigan, and all of the states that had involvement in this case cooperated to the fullest extent possible.  That kind of blows that hypothetical.


We've offered Cuban terrorists to stay here before (trained on our dollar...i.e. Orlando Bosch) and they've refused to turn him over to Cuba since he was a CIA asset during the Cold War -- Bosch bombed Cuban passenger jets. A country cannot live by "Do as I say but not as I do"

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