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Let's face it


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Maybe A.J. Pierzynski was a big pick up, but I'm starting to think none of the other everyday pick up's matter worth a damn. Would we be even close to 30 wins this year with last years pitching staff? I bet we'd be lucky to be sniffing 15.


I'm not one to normally make rants like this, but I think it's fairly obvious our offense is at the bottom of the barrel. I'm not certain we've scored over 10 runs yet this season, and I can't remember many occasions where our offense put a team in their place when we had a chance.


90% of our line-up hacks with the same mentality we had last year: pulling the ball. Frank Thomas may be coming back tomorrow, but that doesn't do s*** for our offense when we get past the 4 and 5 hitter.


I'm tired of Rowand, Dye, Everett, Uribe, Crede, Konerko and Pierzynski. I'm tired of them being as inconsistant as a little boy at a candy shop. Do they have the talent we think they do? Two months into the season, I'm not so sure anymore.


Keep pitching, or else.

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Well there has been some bright spots but yeah mostly its bad. Everett, Uribe, Crede, Dye are for the most part easy outs. Konerko and Rowand seem to have got their s*** together as of late but for a lot of this young season have been easy outs. It seems with exception of Pods, Iguchi, and AJ no one has been good... even AJ hasnt done that well.


To put it all together yes this offense is bad.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2005 -> 02:30 PM)
Almost, if not every hitter in the lineup is hitting WELL below there career average.


It's almost June. They've been in a funk for two months. Can we call it a funk at this point?

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2005 -> 03:30 PM)
What I seem to not understand is about 2 weeks ago everyone was saying how we have been playing SOOO well, and we all can't expect them to play at a .750 clip the rest of the season. I can't count how many times I saw if the Sox play .500 the rest of the way, we will have ___ this many wins.


My question is how did you expect the Sox to lose? Was there going to be a good way this team was going to lose? While the O has obviously been struggling badly, Almost, if not every hitter in the lineup is hitting WELL below there career average.


This team is in a funk right now, no getting around it, but was it not expect to happen some point this season???



Which is why today's player of the game is none other than.......Roy Halladay. :cheers


At least they'll still be 3.5 in front.

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QUOTE(DABearSoX @ May 29, 2005 -> 08:50 PM)
looks like our pitching is coming back to earth......gonna be a rough 4 months if this is how we are going to play


I pointed this out in the game thread. The biggest difference between our pitching early in the season...and recent games is the following: The first 40 games or so, our pitchers did an amazing job at getting the big 3rd out in an inning in crucial situations. In four of our last five losses, the winning run scored against us with 2 outs. Between Dubois' homer, Kennedy's double, McPherson's homer, and Mench's homer.....those were all with 2 outs. Remember how guys like El Duque were able to pull a rabbit out of their ass in order get out of big innings against the Twins, etc?

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:04 PM)
You would think we just played the Royals and D-Rays this last road trip. The Halos are always competitive, and Texas is just stacked.


Texas can't be stacked. A-Rod is no longer with them.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2005 -> 03:04 PM)
You would think we just played the Royals and D-Rays this last road trip. The Halos are always competitive, and Texas is just stacked.


We split with Anaheim, which we should have. We were just swept by Texas, which we should not have been. Texas can mash the ball, but their pitching is weak and we went in their with a bunch of broken tree trunks.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:08 PM)
We split with Anaheim, which we should have. We were just swept by Texas, which we should not have been. Texas can mash the ball, but their pitching is weak and we went in their with a bunch of broken tree trunks.



Young came into the game with a 4-2 record and over his last 3 starts had an ERA of 1.69.


But I gotta be careful with what I post. The last time I posted that, I got called a s***head. :bang

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It's one thing to lose both games to the Rangers....but it's another to look like you didn't even deserve to be playing on the same field as them. Hell, it looked like they were swinging aluminum bats, and we were swinging with wiffle ball bats.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2005 -> 09:18 PM)
We had 18 hits in the 2 games. I wouldn't go that far, but I wouldn't expect anything else out of you.


Nice to see you treating people with respect. Just because someone has a difference of opinion, doesn't mean they're not a Sox fan or don't know baseball. The Rangers hit 7 homers in the series, compared to one homer by us. We got our ass kicked, plain and simple.

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QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 09:20 PM)
This guy Tony is a real idiot.  He thinks the Sox offense is hitting on all cylinders....as thier record spins slowly back to .500.


Seriously, stop with the name calling and acting stupid.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:18 PM)
We had 18 hits in the 2 games. I wouldn't go that far, but I wouldn't expect anything else out of you.


Doesn't matter. We only ended up scoring 6 runs this series against the rangers. The This offense is sad as all hell and there really isnt any way around it. We have scored a combined 17 runs in our last 7 games. No need to worry though we have that record to fall back on.

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It's one thing to lose both games to the Rangers....but it's another to look like you didn't even deserve to be playing on the same field as them.  Hell, it looked like they were swinging aluminum bats, and we were swinging with wiffle ball bats.

yeah u know, aluminum bats r soooooo good at dropping bloppers in front of the outfielders. Dude, this was a s*** luck game that was decided by bloppers, not a 3 runs bomb off of Jon as some would have us believe. Everything that happened to him beyond that bomb were not caused by big hits. Our offense showed some flashes over the last week only to be shut down with runners in s.p. The one good thing about s*** luck is it can get on ure side on the flip of a quarter, hopefully we get some lucky hits w/ 2 outs in our homestand to help out those who r hitting.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 29, 2005 -> 09:24 PM)
You said we looked like we were swinging whiffle ball bats. I said we had 18 hits in two games. The Rangers O beat up on are pitching, no where did I say they didnt. All you mentioned was hitting, and I brought up 18 hits.


It was a figure of speech. Fair enough, I understand your opinion though. Lets just be thankful for Halladay today, or else it would have been the smallest 2.5 lead in history.

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QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:25 PM)
Sorry, but this guy attacked me right off the bat, probably on the basis of my screen name.


No. You are wrong. Basically you are lucky there are no admins on at the moment.

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