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ball was 5-7 feet fair when it passed the foul pole..but the big thing was it wasnt a homer that wrapped around the pole..it landed in a seat that was about 3 seats over from the foul pole...the ball in its flight at no time was in foul territory...horrible umping tonight...cant say anything else about it


you knows its bad when manuel gets off his duff to argue TWICE in one game :bang

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ball was 5-7 feet fair when it passed the foul pole..but the big thing was it wasnt a homer that wrapped around the pole..it landed in a seat that was about 3 seats over from the foul pole...the ball in its flight at no time was in foul territory...horrible umping tonight...cant say anything else about it


you knows its bad when manuel gets off his duff to argue TWICE in one game :bang

You call that arguing? I call that asking the ump what he is doing for dinner tonight. He was out there for all of 10 seconds, besides the time he was waiting for an answer. He abandoned his team at a critical juncture.

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ball was 5-7 feet fair when it passed the foul pole..but the big thing was it wasnt a homer that wrapped around the pole..it landed in a seat that was about 3 seats over from the foul pole...the ball in its flight at no time was in foul territory...horrible umping tonight...cant say anything else about it


you knows its bad when manuel gets off his duff to argue TWICE in one game :bang

You call that arguing? I call that asking the ump what he is doing for dinner tonight. He was out there for all of 10 seconds, besides the time he was waiting for an answer. He abandoned his team at a critical juncture.

for jerry thats argueing :)

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for jerry thats argueing :)

Yep. Not much he can do, not like they'll just change their mind and call it a homer, just because Manuel yelled at them.


Someone is going to say they lost this game, because Manuel didn't show enough fire. But at this point I'd like to see Backman up here.

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The second time jerry went out he should of got ejected with the hope of installing some life into this team cause they are lifeless out there.


No way will they win. You can see it in their eyes. I can see them pissed as hell about the way they are swinging. I think Ward needs to do some serious tutor sessions with these guys getting them in the cages quite a bit and I'm sure he's doing just that.


Its killing me to watch this game and i've finally turned it off.

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for jerry thats argueing :)

Yep. Not much he can do, not like they'll just change their mind and call it a homer, just because Manuel yelled at them.


Someone is going to say they lost this game, because Manuel didn't show enough fire. But at this point I'd like to see Backman up here.

You guys are totally missing my point. The goal of the arguement isn't to overturn the call. Once the call is made that is it. The object is to get your own team fired up and take away the punch in the stomach that you just recieved by losing a 2 run HR to incompetence. YOu are standing up for your player. That is the other point.

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ball was 5-7 feet fair when it passed the foul pole..but the big thing was it wasnt a homer that wrapped around the pole..it landed in a seat that was about 3 seats over from the foul pole...the ball in its flight at no time was in foul territory...horrible umping tonight...cant say anything else about it


you knows its bad when manuel gets off his duff to argue TWICE in one game :bang

Crede and Pauly are on my fantasy team...I needed that homer, those rbi's and those runs!!!


:fyou Cooper.



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The second time jerry went out he should of got ejected with the hope of installing some life into this team cause they are lifeless out there.

This team is playing like JM manages..... has been since 2001 and I will continue to say that because of constant mediocrity and underachieving, JM must be fired before the end of April..... before it's too late..... if the White Sox plan on winning the AL Central.

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The second time jerry went out he should of got ejected with the hope of installing some life into this team cause they are lifeless out there.

This team is playing like JM manages..... has been since 2001 and I will continue to say that because of constant mediocrity and underachieving, JM must be fired before the end of April..... before it's too late..... if the White Sox plan on winning the AL Central.

I'm starting to come around to your way of thinking on JM. The team hasn't shown any passion for quite some time now. I think we need someone that will light a fire under their asses and see who jumps.

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for jerry thats argueing :)

Yep. Not much he can do, not like they'll just change their mind and call it a homer, just because Manuel yelled at them.


Someone is going to say they lost this game, because Manuel didn't show enough fire. But at this point I'd like to see Backman up here.

You guys are totally missing my point. The goal of the arguement isn't to overturn the call. Once the call is made that is it. The object is to get your own team fired up and take away the punch in the stomach that you just recieved by losing a 2 run HR to incompetence. YOu are standing up for your player. That is the other point.

im not missing your point..im just not gonna get upset aboutnit because i know how manuel is...he is not gonna change...he is into this spiritual existance thats one with the universe...might be great for him as a human being but it sux for him as a manager...but he wont change so why worry about it??


ive been on the wally backman / nick leyva bandwagon since about july of last year..thats all i can do about that

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for jerry thats argueing :)

Yep. Not much he can do, not like they'll just change their mind and call it a homer, just because Manuel yelled at them.


Someone is going to say they lost this game, because Manuel didn't show enough fire. But at this point I'd like to see Backman up here.

You guys are totally missing my point. The goal of the arguement isn't to overturn the call. Once the call is made that is it. The object is to get your own team fired up and take away the punch in the stomach that you just recieved by losing a 2 run HR to incompetence. YOu are standing up for your player. That is the other point.

im not missing your point..im just not gonna get upset aboutnit because i know how manuel is...he is not gonna change...he is into this spiritual existance thats one with the universe...might be great for him as a human being but it sux for him as a manager...but he wont change so why worry about it??


ive been on the wally backman / nick leyva bandwagon since about july of last year..thats all i can do about that

How come Zen was great for Phil Jackson and sucks for JM? :D

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The second time jerry went out he should of got ejected with the hope of installing some life into this team cause they are lifeless out there.

This team is playing like JM manages..... has been since 2001 and I will continue to say that because of constant mediocrity and underachieving, JM must be fired before the end of April..... before it's too late..... if the White Sox plan on winning the AL Central.

I'm starting to come around to your way of thinking on JM. The team hasn't shown any passion for quite some time now. I think we need someone that will light a fire under their asses and see who jumps.

Why does he even bother getting up off his ass if that is all he is going to do. I've always liked JM but if pulls that zen crap to many more times I'm jumping on the Fire Jerry bandwagon.


I'd have asked the ump to change the call. Then, when he refused I'd go on a tirade. When he kicked me out I'd have told him to think of me when he watches the replay tonight and realizes he's incompetent at his job.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i dont know, i think it shows a more mature person going out there to argue a call when you can do it in a calm manner as opposed to kicking up dirt and yelling and throwing your fist around in a fit... which do you think the ump is going to listen to more closely?????? the calmness has its benefits.. just not this time around...........of course if jer went out there yelling and screaming he would have been tossed out of the game ........not exactly what he needs to be doing........

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i dont know, i think it shows a more mature person going out there to argue a call when you can do it in a calm manner as opposed to kicking up dirt and yelling and throwing your fist around in a fit... which do you think the ump is going to listen to more closely?????? the calmness has its benefits.. just not this time around...........of course if jer went out there yelling and screaming he would have been tossed out of the game ........not exactly what he needs to be doing........

Who cares if JM gets kicked out. KW is phoning it in anyway :angry:

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah well it cant work for him to get kicked out.. and i would rather have had kw go down yelling and screaming .. maybe then he would get fired and the hell out of chicago...jm should have gave the ump the phone instead....... ;)

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Jeez, give the guy a couple of months.

A couple of months? This team has underachieved BIG TIME with JM as manager for two seasons now..... not to mention mediocre at best ball in the second half of 2000. He's had two-and-a-half goddamn years. Don't give me that "give the guy a couple of months" bulls***.

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