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Maggs streak is over.


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Good point Killa, but I thought Valentin was hitting pretty well.

I wished we got more games on TV in KC

He may be..... it's just with my work schedule, usually when I tune in and Valentin's at bat, he don't do s***. If you say he's doing all right, he probably is.

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Still going to win the division, Jason?

Yes because our division blows and I stick to that. KC isn't crap and the Twins will be the team we compete with, but KC will finish about .500.


The Sox are far superior to these teams. Am i pissed heck ya I am, but I want to get Harris up here with Rowand getting sent down where he can play everyday and work on his swing and approach. He will never be sucessful when he hacks at every damn thing thrown his way.


Sorry Aaron, I'm a huge fan, but I have been sickened watching you. I've also been sickened watching Konerko. Why do we have ot keep sticking him out there. On the plus side he took a couple more towards right today but they went foul. Konerko is trying to pull everything as are all our hitters.


Why can't our coaches get on these guys and show the angels who don't do that crap a team that doesn't have our offensive talent. Come on guys get it together.

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did anyone else catch this..in the 7th down 5-1...very well could have been maggs last at bat to keep the streak alive...from a 2-1 count he takes trwo pitches that were borderline strikes called balls to draw the walk to get us a baserunner...he gave up his 18 game hitting streak to help the team...its why is a superstar in my book

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Maggs still doesn't look right at the plate.  I don't know how he had that streak, but he isn't hitting the ball right.


All or hitters are trying to pull the ball 90% of the time and its pissing the heck out of me.

The next hitter that pulls a ball should be fined $1000.

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I wouldn't go that far, but the ones that are pulling the outside pitches or being selfish with long swings with runners in scoring position. Take the Major League Approach and start fining these jackasses that are being selfish.


I know its harder then I act like it is to go opposite field, but these guys are major league hitters and they know how to do it.


I'm also pretty upset after todays performance. I still know this team will be fine, but I do think we'll see some personel changes.

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did anyone else catch this..in the 7th down 5-1...very well could have been maggs last at bat to keep  the streak alive...from a 2-1 count he takes trwo pitches that were borderline strikes called balls to draw the walk to get us a baserunner...he gave up his 18 game hitting streak to help the team...its why is a superstar in my book

Excellent point, bet plenty of others wouldn't be looking for the walk there.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I agree we have been frustrating at times despite a pretty good record.

Hope Konerko can get it going afore long.

paulie has other problems to worry about right now.........his hip being one of them..........

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I agree we have been frustrating at times despite a pretty good record.

Hope Konerko can get it going afore long.

paulie has other problems to worry about right now.........his hip being one of them..........

If you're saying that he's injured (I have no idea if he is or isn't), then he needs to sit his ass over on the bench and let Daubach or someone else play. Having a crippled PK in the lineup isn't going to help our chances of winning the Central.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

injured??? dont know .. but sore as all hell.. yea i heard that one for sure......maybe he does need a bit of down time.. :huh:

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Maggs still doesn't look right at the plate.  I don't know how he had that streak, but he isn't hitting the ball right.


All or hitters are trying to pull the ball 90% of the time and its pissing the heck out of me.

I was thinking the same thing during Wed's game. He had that streak, yet his avg was under .300. So basically he was getting 1 hit per game, and pretty much going 1-3 or 1-4 every game. He hasn't found his stroke yet -- and the same could be said about 50% of our lineup, actually.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

nah ill pass on paulie, espically after his detroit fiasco..yikes dont want to be caught up in that :o .......now if it were maggs needing a massage i may consider it... ;) ........anyhow, you havent noticed that when maggs is up to the plate he is standing a bit different these days???? dont know why he changed it...maybe it had to do with his workouts with arod over the spring training?????? not sure but i dont like it and wish he would go back to the old one........he did better with it i think........mho

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nah ill pass on paulie, espically after his detroit fiasco..yikes dont want to be caught up in that :o .......now if it were maggs needing a massage  i may consider it... ;) ........anyhow,  you havent noticed that when maggs is up to the plate he is standing a bit different these days???? dont know why  he changed it...maybe it had to do with his workouts with arod over the spring training?????? not sure but i dont like it and wish he would go back to the old one........he did better with it i think........mho

I haven't noticed too much a difference...I'll have to look closer next game (which will be Friday since today's game will be blacked out for me :().


With all the freaking out that's going on...


-- Our #3 hitter is about 90 points below his career avg so far


-- Our #4 hitter is about 30 points below last year's avg


-- Our #5 hitter has been invisible


-- Our #6 hitter has been extremely inconsistent


-- Our main CF'er is hitting about .100


-- Our closer has an ERA of almost 10.00




-- Our "#3" starter has an ERA of 7.32


We should be much better than 12-9 (probably 15-6 I'd say), but I think it's FAR, FAR too early to panic. We're only about 1/8 into the season.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

im not freaking out yet.. ill wait till june is over with or half way over anyhow.....the upcoming weeks here we have "real teams" in and out of town and it should tell us about where we are playing wise as a team......i wasnt all hyped up at the begining of the season about things so i guess thats why im not freakin out just yet.........some of the moves kw made have done us good and some of them im just not impressed with as of yet..........like i said june and then ill start getting pissy, down right mad as all hell and ready to chop off heads.....(not freaking out though)....lol........ :D

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im not freaking out yet.. ill wait till june is over with or half way over anyhow.....the upcoming weeks here we have "real teams" in and out of town and it should tell us about where we are playing wise as a team......i wasnt all hyped up  at the begining of the season  about things so i guess thats why im not freakin out just yet.........some of the moves kw made have done us good and some of them im just not impressed with as of yet..........like i said june and then ill start getting pissy, down right mad as all hell and ready to chop off heads.....(not freaking out though)....lol........ :D

So far, I'd rate the following as successes....


- D'Angelo (.340 avg, high OPS), Loaiza (4-0, 1.24 ERA), Rios (few AB's, nearly 10 RBI)


The following as OK to moderate....


- White (he had the game where he gave up the GW homer to Randa, otherwise he'd be a success), Colon (not quite his dominant self so far)


And the following are disappointments (so far, of course)....


- Daubach (.075 or so avg), Gordon (near 8.00 ERA), Koch (2 BS)


So IMO, KW is 3-3-2 so far in '03 (I might have forgotten someone, though).

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