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Yet again, the US breaks international law. What's new?


Also, any UIUC people will have a chance to see me live and in person Tuesday at 100 Noyes for the symposium about the war sponsored by the Chancellor's office on Tuesday from 3-5 pm. (Professors in this one are talking about the effect of war on the individual with focuses of professors in philosophy with the local Monsignor discussing consciencious objection) And the Chancellor's office has done a very good job in this 4 part symposium to get both liberals and conservatives involved as experts in this symposium.


I get to talk about my experience with military recruitment on campus...And I've had a very entertaining experience that really isn't flattering to the military.

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I get to talk about my experience with military recruitment on campus...And I've had a very entertaining experience that really isn't flattering to the military.


What was that experience?


Also what is with the crossed out cross as your avatar?

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I get to talk about my experience with military recruitment on campus...And I've had a very entertaining experience that really isn't flattering to the military.


What was that experience?


Also what is with the crossed out cross as your avatar?

Crossed out cross is one of the tags from one of my favorite bands, Bad Religion.


My experience. I was wearing my Get Up Kids t-shirt and my dark blue pants (so I wasn't so obvious in my anti-Bush sentiment) and I say that this Latino Campus Tour was having a dance event. So I went over to check it out. When I got there, there were no members of the dance troupe that was going to perform, but it was all US Army men. They gave me some recruitment flyers and saw that I was reading a book called "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since 1945." Then they gave me a keychain, a mug, another keychain that all said "Yo Soy el Army". They were so targeting Latinos, it was really disturbing (I almost got a CD holder that said "Yo Soy el Army" all over it but they ran out right before I got there) They gave me a flyer that, in the pictures (I counted) 49 minorities and 8 white people. So, they asked if I wanted to fill out a recruitment form after they gave me all this stuff and I declined. I asked them if I could take some pictures about how the Army recruiting thing was labeled that it was a Latino Dance Tour and they let me. So I took a bunch of pictures (the US Army is the primary funder of this dance troupe so they can hand out Army lit to Latinos) and one of the officers got really angry when I asked him why there were so few whites in the literature that he gave me. He got VERY cross with me and said "What would a person like you want with military recruitment flyers anyway?" He proceeded to not answer my questions and they took the stand down and left right after I kept pressing them why there were so few whites in the photo ops in their literature. Then one of their representatives came over and told me to leave because "I was causing a disturbance" by respectfully asking a question that they didn't want to answer. They were targeting minorities and didn't want to admit to it, not that I can blame them for wanting to be caught in something so dispicable.

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My experience. I was wearing my Get Up Kids t-shirt and my dark blue pants (so I wasn't so obvious in my anti-Bush sentiment) and I say that this Latino Campus Tour was having a dance event. So I went over to check it out. When I got there, there were no members of the dance troupe that was going to perform, but it was all US Army men. They gave me some recruitment flyers and saw that I was reading a book called "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since 1945." Then they gave me a keychain, a mug, another keychain that all said "Yo Soy el Army". They were so targeting Latinos, it was really disturbing (I almost got a CD holder that said "Yo Soy el Army" all over it but they ran out right before I got there) They gave me a flyer that, in the pictures (I counted) 49 minorities and 8 white people. So, they asked if I wanted to fill out a recruitment form after they gave me all this stuff and I declined. I asked them if I could take some pictures about how the Army recruiting thing was labeled that it was a Latino Dance Tour and they let me. So I took a bunch of pictures (the US Army is the primary funder of this dance troupe so they can hand out Army lit to Latinos) and one of the officers got really angry when I asked him why there were so few whites in the literature that he gave me. He got VERY cross with me and said "What would a person like you want with military recruitment flyers anyway?" He proceeded to not answer my questions and they took the stand down and left right after I kept pressing them why there were so few whites in the photo ops in their literature. Then one of their representatives came over and told me to leave because "I was causing a disturbance" by respectfully asking a question that they didn't want to answer. They were targeting minorities and didn't want to admit to it, not that I can blame them for wanting to be caught in something so dispicable.


Is targeting Minorities illegal?


it makes sense to give out "yo soy el Army" 'stuff' at a spanish dance. After your description of everything, I kind of want a "yo soy el Army" keychain. Was it one of those long keychains that is like a long band made out of wonven fabric like the ones that they usually hand out. They were handing those out at a stand they set up in my schools cafeteria during the lunches once, but they ran out so I only got a "Go Army" bumper sticker.


I don't really like the Army's emblem though, the lone star looks like a cross between a dallas cowboys logo and a communist flag.


Now that I think about it, I think every branch of the military has come to my school at least once this year, the Army and the Air Force come to the lunches a lot though. They show a video of Army guys running around and jumping out of helicopters and all that heroic kind of stuff, and they hand out brochures and answer questions.


I am not a leftist-socialist anti-militarist (that has a nice flow to it) like you Apu, so I usually just ask how much they get paid, rather than why they put minorities in their brochures.

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Is targeting Minorities illegal?


it makes sense to give out "yo soy el Army" 'stuff' at a spanish dance.  After your description of everything, I kind of want a "yo soy el Army" keychain.  Was it one of those long keychains that is like a long band made out of wonven fabric like the ones that they usually hand out.  They were handing those out at a stand they set up in my schools cafeteria during the lunches once, but they ran out so I only got a "Go Army" bumper sticker.


I don't really like the Army's emblem though, the lone star looks like a cross between a dallas cowboys logo and a communist flag. 


Now that I think about it, I think every branch of the military has come to my school at least once this year, the Army and the Air Force come to the lunches a lot though.  They show a video of Army guys running around and jumping out of helicopters and all that heroic kind of stuff, and they hand out brochures and answer questions. 


I am not a leftist-socialist anti-militarist (that has a nice flow to it) like you Apu, so I usually just ask how much they get paid, rather than why they put minorities in their brochures.

Targeting minorities is not illegal, it's just a very shady thing to do.


The only reason they MADE the "Yo Soy El Army" materials was because they were targeting that ethnic minority.


For example, African Americans make up 13% of the US population. Yet they compose almost 1/3 of the Army membership. Check "Homefront" by Catherine Lutz for more details about this.


I just asked them really nicely about their stuff and they were the ones that got VERY angry and defensive about the entire situation. They don't come here that often but their flyers are up all over campus. And I have yet to see a white person on the flyers that they have put up around campus (I have a giant shopping bag filled to the brim with military recruitment stuff that I have found, seen, etc.)


If you would like to read a perspective about the military, check out Boston University emeritus (and WW II veteran) Howard Zinn. He has some very good books about US history and the history of the Army etc.

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According to the latest census (2000) the US population was 69.1% non hispanic white. This is down from 75.6% in 1990. Between 1860 and 1960 it ranged from about 86 to 89%. With current trends you can safely say that today the US is about 1/3 minorities. I did a quick askjeeves and found out that the percentage of minorities of the four main branches of the armed services is as follows: Army 40% Navy 34% Marines 32% Air Force 24%. During the Clinton administration we were lectured continually that our government and all its major departments and agencies should "look like America." It seems to me that the armed forces are doing a bang up job in that regard. Please WTF is there to complain about? This is getting oh so tiresome. This continual blather is not Democrat, not liberal, it's so far to the left, to the point of painful absurdity. Why don't you do something normal? Take a hobby, have a beer, go to a strip bar, learn how to drag race, go fishing, (oops forgot fish aren't vegetables!) pick on a guy who bench presses 500lbs and see if you can remain upright. You're young and your letting life pass you by. Believe me this is not "progressive" politics and the world will never I repeat never see things your way.

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According to the latest census (2000) the US population was 69.1% non hispanic white. This is down from 75.6% in 1990. Between 1860 and 1960 it ranged from about 86 to 89%. With current trends you can safely say that today the US is about 1/3 minorities. I did a quick askjeeves and found out that the percentage of minorities of the four main branches of the armed services is as follows: Army 40% Navy 34% Marines 32% Air Force 24%. During the Clinton administration we were lectured continually that our government and all its major departments and agencies should "look like America." It seems to me that the armed forces are doing a bang up job in that regard. Please WTF is there to complain about? This is getting oh so tiresome. This continual blather is not Democrat, not liberal, it's so far to the left, to the point of painful absurdity. Why don't you do something normal? Take a hobby, have a beer, go to a strip bar, learn how to drag race, go fishing, (oops forgot fish aren't vegetables!) pick on a guy who bench presses 500lbs and see if you can remain upright. You're young and your letting life pass you by. Believe me this is not "progressive" politics and the world will never I repeat never see things your way.

SI, I've been told things will never happen before...and they happened. I know firsthand that things that are supposedly "never" going to happen can and do happen.


I have a lot of hobbies, watch cartoons, etc. I just care about politics a lot more than most adults in the USA do. Democracy is not a spectator event.

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