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Kittle on Bonds

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I think bonds was just being an asshole at the time and didn't necessarly mean what he said...but just wanted Kittle to go away. that being said, I don't like Bonds at all...


And I don't really see why Kittle would lie...oh yeah, to sell books. :bang

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 03:10 PM)
Why would Bonds be reading a Ron Kittle book?


If he does not sign autographs for white people, I doubt he reads books written by the same white people.


Anyways I think its hyperbole, and I doubt Bonds is a racist.




That is why he just wants to pass ruth and doesn't care about hank aaron's record as much? His goal has always to break ruth's record and not aaron's.

Edited by qwerty
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I can't believe some of the posts in here... IMO kittle is telling the truth... why do I think this?? must be "spidey sense" ... if it isn't true where's the libel/defamation of character lawsuit?? there isn't any because it is true.. same reason noone is suing canseco, cause his book is true... and even if barry was "joking" that's even worse... can you imagine a white player saying he doesn't sign for african-americans...even if he were "joking"... it would be all over the press, jesse jackson would be picketing stadiums, and the white player would be forced out of the league... the fact that this is getting little press IMO means that it is entirely true... I cannot wish harm/injury on any person, regardless of color, but something tells me barry is getting his punishment with his "infection"...


ps... stef... you should be ashamed of yourself for comparing frank to barry... :angry:

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QUOTE(sec159row2 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 01:22 PM)
and even if barry was "joking" that's even worse... can you imagine a white player saying he doesn't sign for african-americans...even if he were "joking"...  it would be all over the press, jesse jackson would be picketing stadiums, and the white player would be forced out of the league... 


ps...  stef...  you should be ashamed of yourself for comparing frank to barry...  :angry:


Well, we all saw what happened when John Rocker (a man who always said just the right things, didn't he?) obliquely referred to Randall Simon as a "fat monkey" when they were both on the Braves. You're correct, the press and the public were not very forgiving of that. Or his statements about gays, immigrants, etc...

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QUOTE(sec159row2 @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 01:22 PM)
ps...  stef...  you should be ashamed of yourself for comparing frank to barry...  :angry:



It was not a comparison, it was a description of how Bonds acts based on my interactions with him.


Many of YOU should be ashamed of YOURSELVES for the nasty things you say about a person you don't even know.


Karma alright.. fear it.

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Ruth still has more prestige than Hank so its pretty understandable why Ruth's records may be more important to Barry.


It would be like saying, I want to beat MJ's or Wilts scoring numbers instead of Kareem's.


I dont really see much more to it, especially since Hank's record will be much harder for Barry to accomplish.



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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 1, 2005 -> 02:14 PM)
I remember when I first heard this interview and he said Dusty was there and stuff too, so im sure if it was a lie Dusty or someone would come out and say so... Hell Bonds hasnt even denied it has he?


I don't take celebrity denials as adding to or detracting from the veracity of a report. Bonds, like many celebrities, could spend his entire day denying statements.


I wonder if he meant by white people, Ron or the people who would benefit? And he could have easily said not to opponents.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 07:59 AM)
I don't take celebrity denials as adding to or detracting from the veracity of a report. Bonds, like many celebrities, could spend his entire day denying statements.


I wonder if he meant by white people, Ron or the people who would benefit? And he could have easily said not to opponents.



He said basicly the whole locker room was there including Dusty and after Bonds left they all signed some crap and gave him some crap for the kids.... So like I said b4, if he says all those people were there and none of them deny it... it leads you to believe that what he said was the truth, except part of him kicking Bonds ass... he would of been owned.

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I don't see anyone else out there saying it did happen either.


Like I said in another thread.. Ron's life now consists of whoring his benches and this book. Before this.. Ron didn't have enough $$ to pay to have his name in the papers.

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The odds of Kittle's story not being true have got to be 1,000,000 to 1. I don't like Kittle, everytime I hear him talk about baseball he has an attitude like he invented the game, but for him to make up a story with racial tones to it, if not true would start a firestorm, and his life would be ruined. Of course maybe the people who start these firestorms haven't read the book, its not exactly a bestseller.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 05:43 PM)
I don't see anyone else out there saying it did happen either.


Like I said in another thread.. Ron's life now consists of whoring his benches and this book. Before this.. Ron didn't have enough $$ to pay to have his name in the papers.

So it is ok to call Kittle a whore pretty much but we can't refer to Bonds as a racist or a jag or anything because we don't know him? I am confused.

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QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 02:03 PM)
So it is ok to call Kittle a whore pretty much but we can't refer to Bonds as a racist or a jag or anything because we don't know him?  I am confused.



You can call anyone anything you like. I never said you or anyone else couldn't.

I did not call him a whore.. I said he's "whoring".


Don't put words in others mouths and maybe you won't be so confused.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 01:46 PM)
It was not a comparison, it was a description of how Bonds acts based on my interactions with him.


Many of YOU should be ashamed of YOURSELVES for the nasty things you say about a person you don't even know.


Karma alright.. fear it.


God forbid some of us connect the dots here. All Barry does is cry about racism and being a black man, wah wah wah. I'm sick and f***ing tired of Barry playing the race card, or putting his son in an interview, whenever some sort of controversy surrounds him.


"I'm just a successful black man, watch me b**** and moan about how Amerikkka is racist!"


I hope Barry Bonds never passes the Babe, I hope Barry Bonds never plays baseball again, I hope Barry Bonds is always seen as a f***ing cheater who used steroids knowingly. He's a piece of s*** and will never be half the player that the Babe was.

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If memory serves me here, when this quote first surfaced some time ago, that there was some discrepency in Kittle's story. Something like he said it happened such and such year, but one of the people he said was a witness wasn't with the Giants at the time. I don't remember the details and I'm too damn lazy to look for it.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 05:01 AM)
If memory serves me here, when this quote first surfaced some time ago, that there was some discrepency in Kittle's story.  Something like he said it happened such and such year, but one of the people he said was a witness wasn't with the Giants at the time.  I don't remember the details and I'm too damn lazy to look for it.



He was on MJ&H Monday whoring that book of his again and Brian asked him when it happened and he said.. "oh.. let me see... umm... ya know I'd have to check my notes.." and then 2 second later said "I have an iron clad memory..I have enough info for 5 books."


Ahhh-bulls***-choo... :rolly

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QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 04:23 PM)
I hope Barry Bonds never passes the Babe, I hope Barry Bonds never plays baseball again, I hope Barry Bonds is always seen as a f***ing cheater who used steroids knowingly. He's a piece of s*** and will never be half the player that the Babe was.


You know what, this is horrible to say, but I can't say I dont agree with at least some of it......


Ever since Bonds has been a daily occurance on ESPN for the past 5 years i began not liking him more and more. I have never seen a player whine so much. Maybe thats just what the media is showing but for gods sake act like a professional ball player. In the recent year it has gotton to the point where he thinks he is some sort of immortal. I mean please, doesnt even let his team know how he is doing, has press confernece after press conference trying to make people feel bad for him, and has a website dedicated to everything BARRY. What a freakin Jack Ass, I wouldn't mind never seeing him play an MLB game again. And I am glad the sox took some scrub over him in the 1985 draft.....eat s*** barry

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Barry Made them pay $75 for this pictures cause they are white....



I also would like to add that I don't think he is a racist, but just an extreme Jack-Ass.......i found this picture on his website, these people won a contest, I think the contest was to get a picture takin with him......WELL WHOOPDE f***ING DO.....I'd take a picture with Timo over this piece of s***

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