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SN Report: Sox to Invoke Clause on Thomas


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Guest hotsoxchick1
Originally posted by Mr. Showtime
Originally posted by hotsoxchick1either way he still gets paid from us which doesnt save us any money......may as well make him work for some of it here huh???? jmho


Well, if he's on another team, he's off the Sox payroll.


if i were him i would stick around for a little less money just to shove it up kennys asshole.........kenny wants frank out of here so bad he can taste it.....and i would stay just to spite him and let him know he cant win.......

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2 things:


1) Durham won't be on the A's next season, they won't pay him what he wants (6 or 8 million a season). If Kent leaves SF, they could pursue Durham or the Braves could give him a look because they aren't pleased with Lockhart/Giles. Other teams could enter the fray as well.


2) As far as I'm concerned, Frank Thomas being off the team will be a great thing. I loved Frank back in the day, but he is now just a distraction to the team. Even if he returns to form, I'd rather save the money and sign a pitcher. We'll have plenty of offense with Mags, Konerko, Lee, Crede and the supporting cast. We need a pitcher, not another bat. Thanks to Frank for what he's done for the Sox, but his time here should be over.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

were not going to sign another pitcher..... you can bet on that......and kennys thinking we can invite everyone back year after year is living proof that he isnt going to do anything to help make this team a contender.........i think they should show him the door before they show frank ..........

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Originally posted by abozichiu

2 things:


1) Durham won't be on the A's next season, they won't pay him what he wants (6 or 8 million a season).  If Kent leaves SF, they could pursue Durham or the Braves could give him a look because they aren't pleased with Lockhart/Giles.  Other teams could enter the fray as well.


2) As far as I'm concerned, Frank Thomas being off the team will be a great thing.  I loved Frank back in the day, but he is now just a distraction to the team.  Even if he returns to form, I'd rather save the money and sign a pitcher.  We'll have plenty of offense with Mags, Konerko, Lee, Crede and the supporting cast.  We need a pitcher, not another bat.  Thanks to Frank for what he's done for the Sox, but his time here should be over.


I'm in teh middle on this topic. I think tho9mas can have the mvp year agai, but not here. Maybe he is a cancer? I 'd rather use the DH as a "tinkering" spot in teh lineup . we all know Jm wont do that. If Lee keeps up his progress at the plate, i'd like to see him as dh, but not full time. Who says a dh has to be big , slow and powerful? Oakland had the right idea with Ray. Sox might want to take a lesson. I'm maore for frank leaving then him staying. Time to get the new blodd in here.

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

were not going to sign another pitcher..... you can bet on that......and kennys thinking we can invite everyone back year after year is living proof that he isnt going to do anything to help make this team a contender.........i think they should show him the door before they show frank ..........


Trust me we will add another pitcher and I still say that losing Frank could be a lot like the Mariners losing Arod, although to me its not the greatest comparision because Arod wasn't always starting controversy.


Someone else brought up the Arod point too.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah well if bringing up an adkins or the likes from the farm then i guess your right we will be adding another pitcher.. but if your looking for something like clemens or the likes guess what.... it aint going to happen.......we'll end up with ritchie part two......nothing more ...........and most likely less.........

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Originally posted by RedPinStripes
Originally posted by bjmarte

You all act like cub fans the way you treat Frank.  You completely underestimate him.


You should know how far that gets you with Sox fans


Allright, I take back the cubs part. But I am suprised at the number of people that want to drop Frank.


Who do you think is going to take him anyway?

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

yeah well if bringing up an adkins or the likes from the farm then i guess your right we will be adding another pitcher.. but if your looking for something like clemens or the likes guess what.... it aint going to happen.......we'll end up with ritchie part two......nothing more ...........and most likely less.........


You been drinking my Killa-Koolaid HSC? That sounds alot like on of my posts :metal

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Guest hotsoxchick1

probably killa.. its been a long nite here....lol... if i wrote something you already did im sorry i havent been paying close attention.. this small writing is getting hard to read.....so i been just kinda skimming through some of this and replying to those eye catching things ya know..........still dont take away the fact we aint going to get a new pitcher though does it.......lol...........

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You frank haters make me sick to my stomach. I hope he stays for less money so he can prove you all wrong about him being greedy, has most players in this league are(greed is slowly ruining the game of baseball) and being loyal to the sox, although i would not blame him if he left.

What kind of bulls*** is that to send a letter he has been playing for the sox for years now. He should atleast be given a phone call.

I think thomas will be back to hitting .300+ 35+ hr 40+doubles 110+ rbi and if we can get him at 250,000(not likely to happen) what a steal of a player. I would rather we sign him for 2 million a year with BIG BUCKS FOR INCENTIVES.






Little better grammer and this one accually makes sense for all you f***ers out there that care about gramer. still not perfect though

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Originally posted by soxfan420You frank haters make me sick to my stomach. I hope he stays for less money so he can prove you all wrong about him being greedy, has most players in this league are(greed is slowly ruining the game of baseball) and being loyal to the sox, although i would not blame him if he left.


If Frank's here and does well, fine. If he's somewhere else and kicking ass, fine.


I just think he's a pain in the ass.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

sucks as it may 420 the decision is all up to frank right now... and frankly speaking here i hope he does stay if for nothing else but to cause kenny williams a bit of grief..........on the other hand if i were frank i would let them invoke the clause and demand the money sooner as its stated in his contract and retire......f***ing over jr as well in the process............so much for thanks for all the good numbers through the years huh? this should send a message loud and clear to all future sox on how they will be dealt with when it comes their time and someone like kenny wants them out of town... if i were a player i wouldnt be wanting to sign here anytime soon...........f*** our management and owner..........i hope the whole thing blows up in their faces and the park stays like a ghost town for the next season......it would serve them right for their show of no class in dealing with player matters..........:**** kenny williams

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Originally posted by Murcielago

What about the A's or the O's, what about The tigers.


The A's are a possibility, but they don't spend that much money, and I think they are covered at 1B/DH.


I don't know about the Orioles, but the Tigers have 1B wrapped up in Randall Simon and I'm sure they can find a cheap DH amongst those f***nuts.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Originally posted by soxfan420

yea i wouldnt mind seeing the sox strugle the next couple of years if it ment we got a new owner. because i think anyone has to be better than wut we have now


it doesnt matter how they sturggle..we arent getting a new OWNER anytime soon unless jr dies or something... however i would like to see them fall down the toilet for as long as it takes to fire kenny williams...........:****kenny

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Originally posted by soxfan420

You frank haters make me sick to my stomach. I hope he stays for less money so he can prove you all wrong about him being greedy, has most players in this league are(greed is slowly ruining the game of baseball) and being loyal to the sox, although i would not blame him if he left. 

    What kind of bulls*** is that to send a letter he has been playing for the sox for years now. He should atleast be given a phone call. 

I think thomas will be back to hitting .300+ 35+ hr 40+doubles 110+ rbi and if we can get him at 250,000(not likely to happen) what a steal of a player. I would rather we sign him for 2 million a year with BIG BUCKS FOR INCENTIVES.






Little better grammer and this one accually makes sense for all you f***ers out there that care about gramer. still not perfect though


Way to go 420. That was a pretty good post and much easier on my eyes, lol. I am with you when it comes to greed ruining the game but greed is everywhere.


Lawyers in this country are greedy and its cause so many false suits that its ridiculous(Not saying all lawyers)

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Allright, I take back the cubs part.  But I am suprised at the number of people that want to drop Frank.


Who do you think is going to take him anyway?


Maybe Boston. I wouldnt put it past Stienbrenner just so no one else gets him. I doubt frank is going anywhere anyway. I think the media is really trying to stir s*** up. If Jr made a deal with thomas that he'll get 5 mill, do you think that deal says he can be a fa too? Not me. That deal was re-written IMO:huh

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If he can't get a contract somewhere else worth more than 40 mil he won't leave, deferred or not. Maybe on a cold day in hell. The only question is whether or not he will get traded. And even then the other team would have to pick up the 40 mil total tab for Frank or JR & KW would have to agree to pick up part of the tab. Again, I'm not holding my breath.

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I wouldn't mind keeping him, but if Frank was smart he'd get a deal with Boston.

He'll be ultra motivated or the fans will boo him way worse than the Chi. fans booed him.

He'll have a great year in Fenway.


All in all we probably should keep him don't ya think?

I do hate those spells when Frank is clueless at the plate but he always puts up a lotta RBIs, even in this bad year.


I hate KW way more than I hate Frank.

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