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Travelling and such...

Rex Kickass

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So, I've made plans to quit my job and apartment, sell my car and travel round the world... starting in Europe (where I know people and can couchsurf). I hope to do it in the next couple months... but I need help on ideas. Anyone know where I can get cheap airfare, free stays, etc? I'm doing this on the ultra cheap. I'm building a website for it. http://www.thisworldtraveler.com to chronicle my travels too...


So, is this a good idea? Or am I just stupidly insane? Or both?

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Guest hotsoxchick1
So, I've made plans to quit my job and apartment, sell my car and travel round the world... starting in Europe (where I know people and can couchsurf). I hope to do it in the next couple months... but I need help on ideas. Anyone know where I can get cheap airfare, free stays, etc? I'm doing this on the ultra cheap. I'm building a website for it. http://www.thisworldtraveler.com to chronicle my travels too...


So, is this a good idea? Or am I just stupidly insane? Or both?

wow cool..... if you check online for the airfare and such you should get it cheaply... ask rex hudler which site he uses to travel with, i know he told me once but i foregot .. he gets great deals though.. youll find him on the main board or pm him.........i know a few people in germany who may be able to put you up for a few days if your going there........other than that i wish you luck and have a great trip......take lots of pics..........

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So, I've made plans to quit my job and apartment, sell my car and travel round the world... starting in Europe (where I know people and can couchsurf). I hope to do it in the next couple months... but I need help on ideas. Anyone know where I can get cheap airfare, free stays, etc? I'm doing this on the ultra cheap. I'm building a website for it. http://www.thisworldtraveler.com to chronicle my travels too...


So, is this a good idea? Or am I just stupidly insane? Or both?

i backpacked through europe in the 80's...youre gonna love it


here are some suggestions...you have to get a eurail pass...i dont know what it cost now but it was 800 bucks for one month when i went..you can ride any train and use any ferrys in europe for no additional cost...what i did was just criss cross the whole continent...i saw about 20 countries...i would like go to copenhagen..spend the day..then go to the train station..catch the next train leaving and pick a destination about 8 hours away...sleep on the train and wake up the next morning in that town..each major train station in europe has shower fascilities you can use....


when i got tired of the train id stay in hostel...which is basically a huge hotel room with about 20 beds...just pick and crash..its about 1 1/th the cost of a hotel and you get dinner and breakfast at alot of them


i met so many cool people that way..i met this girl from croatia who took me home and had dinner with her parents (when they were still part of the former yugoslavia)...awesome food...then she dragged me to a classical concert (i was a metal head then..lol) because we argued on the train alot about music...then i went to as resort town in macedonia just north of albania and this guy let me and girlfriend use his beach house for free for 4 days while he was out town...met a huge group of people in greece that were traveling together and we hooked up with them..about 30 people from maybe 7 or 8 different countries...they were all doing the same thing we were...hoping trains going wherever it took them...we went night clubbing ..in liechtenstein at like midnight we met a guys from switerland and austria that were both in the army in those countries so we all were drinking shots for free cause the barmaid closed down the pub abd was just having a great rtime listening to us...we couldnt even walk and she had a place above the bar and let crash there and made us breakfast the next morning..i wont even go into what happened in amsterdam :headbang



i did this with my girlfriend at the time (she was german so that helped alot) and a friend from the army...somethimes we would go place together other we would all split up and would be like..okay we will meet at the main train station in rome in 4 days for breakfast...it was really awesome (made sure i went to amsterdam by myself ;) )



its is a good idea??...no..its a great idea...youre gonna love it...


my suggestions...eurail pass , back pack , get a few travel guides like "europe on 25 bucks a day" and hit as many countries as possible..


how long do you plan on doing this???..one month for just europe want enough

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I'm talking 4-6 months, potentially longer.


I have free stays lined up with family and friends of family in much of France, Berlin, Hamburg and Basel Switzerland.


I can probably get about 2 months of couch surfing without too much problem. I'd like to find some work along the way to make it not such a big money loser. I'd actually like to break even on the trip.

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