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Dixie Chicks learning a lesson


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Not only do they have the freedom of speech, but they are learning that people have the freedom to react to their speech. It has been interesting to hear these Hollywood stars get their lives changed when they open their mouths. These people have never faced adversity in their lives and they can't understand why all of their usual "yes people" are not saying yes anymore. Yes your actions have consuequences. Deal with it. :usa

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Not only do they have the freedom of speech, but they are learning that people have the freedom to react to their speech.  It has been interesting to hear these Hollywood stars get their lives changed when they open their mouths.  These people have never faced adversity in their lives and they can't understand why all of their usual "yes people" are not saying yes anymore.  Yes your actions have consuequences.  Deal with it. :usa

I don't agree that they've never faced hard times. Many of them have been worse off than we can imagine. My issue is that they forget that part when they make it only to remember it when needing some sympathy for something. I can't wait to get the issue of Entertainment Weekly though. I love to laugh ;)

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I don't agree that they've never faced hard times. Many of them have been worse off than we can imagine.


Shanaya Twain lost both her parents in car acident and had to basically become a "kept woman" in Canada for 2 years to make ends meet and support her younger siblings. Allya was "discovered" by R.Kelly when she was 14. Many times over. Jack Nicholson was raised thinking his grandmother is his mother and his mother is his sister, Peter O'Tool was raised as a girl until the age of 12. Jeniffer O'Neal attempted suicide twice by the time she was 15, accidentally shot herself in the stomach at 30 and had a husband who molested her child by the time she was in late 30's...Roman's Polanski mother threw him off the train going to Auswitsz not to mention Sharon Tate "episode". Michael Jackson was beaten and abused into being a freak he is today by his father. Halle Berry was at various times beaten by Wesley Snipes (lost hearing in one of her ears), David Justice and, rumour has it, is constantly cheated on by Eric Bene. Michael Jordan couldn't marry his college girlfriend because he didn't pass the uppper-class version of the paper-bag test as far as her Black Elite parents were concerned. Both Robin Williams and Samuel L. Jackson are former long-time coke fiends........etc, etc, the list goes on and on and on.


Let's face it, most if not all celebritites were real people before they became famous (not that one becomes immune to suffering when one starts having some money in the bank, mind you) with all that it entails, including but not limited to depressions, abortions, abusive relationships, drug/alchool addiction, sexism, spiritual dilemmas, freak injuries, family feuds, racism, poverty, betrayal, failure, debilitating illness, etc, etc, etc....to say nothing of problems that come with the territory- namely constant rejection/unemployment to say nothing of porn, prostitution and "casting couch" (two words...Harvey Weinstein, lol) that 70-80% of "Hollywood" folks had to do at point or another in their life....Did I mention Stage Mother Hell ? It's the best suffering money can't buy if you are a kid


If you want to color all of them as these overprivileged, clueless sub-humans and caricatures, go ahead, but it will be far, FAR from the truth. They are no different that athletes, politicians, etc.

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Yeah looking back that whole statement about never having faced adversity was probably a dumb thing to say. I just have no pity for hearing the Dixie Chicks, Susan Surrandon, Tim Robbins and the like whine about this stuff, when they got themselves into it. They have the freedom to say whatever they want to, but they don't seem to like the fact that people also have the right to react how they want to.

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I just have no pity for hearing the Dixie Chicks, Susan Surrandon, Tim Robbins and the like whine about this stuff, when they got themselves into it. They have the freedom to say whatever they want to, but they don't seem to like the fact that people also have the right to react how they want to.


Agreed to a certain extent...unless institutions and the government get involved and, let's face it, most of the time there is some big-ass corporate/political/religious push behind these kinds of public crucifictions. It's not as simple as "people have spoken", SS2K3 and you know it perfectly well.


As for Maines, she was obvisously pandering to Brits with her little joke, too bad they heard it over here. No big deal, but her career will suffer.

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But it was a big corporation that made her image in the first place! No one would have cared about anything she would said if her record label hadn't have created the whole "Dixie Chicks" personna. It would be hypocritical for her to chastise the very media that made her rich.


And let me qualify this when I say it. I know most people can't/don't think for themselves. They need CNN/the catholic church/ the democratic party etc or whoever to tell them what they need to be thinking. So with my line of thinking I can't get to upset about the process that is now working against them.

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But it was a big corporation that made her image in the first place! No one would have cared about anything she would said if her record label hadn't have created the whole "Dixie Chicks" personna. It would be hypocritical for her to chastise the very media that made her rich


Sony giveth, Sony taketh away, eh?


And let me qualify this when I say it. I know most people can't/don't think for themselves. They need CNN/the catholic church/ the democratic party etc or whoever to tell them what they need to be thinking.


Be careful what you say, some people may perceive you to be a presumptious elitist, nobody likes those :)


So with my line of thinking I can't get to upset about the process that is now working against them.


Hey, I have nothing invested in Dixie chick or Democratic party for that matter. I find the whole situation both funny and sad, that's all. Real world as it were.

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Yeah looking back that whole statement about never having faced adversity was probably a dumb thing to say.  I just have no pity for hearing the Dixie Chicks, Susan Surrandon, Tim Robbins and the like whine about this stuff, when they got themselves into it.  They have the freedom to say whatever they want to, but they don't seem to like the fact that people also have the right to react how they want to.

What's the deal with Surandon and Robbins, what happened there? :huh:

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Yeah looking back that whole statement about never having faced adversity was probably a dumb thing to say.  I just have no pity for hearing the Dixie Chicks, Susan Surrandon, Tim Robbins and the like whine about this stuff, when they got themselves into it.  They have the freedom to say whatever they want to, but they don't seem to like the fact that people also have the right to react how they want to.

What's the deal with Surandon and Robbins, what happened there? :huh:

That was the whole Bull Durham anniversary/ Hall of Fame cancellation thing, over the vocal anti-war stance of Susan Surrandon and Tim Robbins.

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I don't have any idea what type of person Halle Berry is, but for the life of me I don't understand some "men". If she is a selfish vacuous beauty then just dump her. I never understood the need some men have to beat the crap out of their women. I never met David Justice but he didn't seem to be that kind of guy. Not a big fan of modern Hollywood but liked the work of Wesley Snipes for the most part. Oh well, you never know.

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But it was a big corporation that made her image in the first place! No one would have cared about anything she would said if her record label hadn't have created the whole "Dixie Chicks" personna. It would be hypocritical for her to chastise the very media that made her rich


Sony giveth, Sony taketh away, eh?


And let me qualify this when I say it. I know most people can't/don't think for themselves. They need CNN/the catholic church/ the democratic party etc or whoever to tell them what they need to be thinking.


Be careful what you say, some people may perceive you to be a presumtious elitist, nobody likes those :)


So with my line of thinking I can't get to upset about the process that is now working against them.


Hey, I have nothing invested in Dixie chick or Democratic party for that matter. I find the whole situation both funny and sad, that's all. Real world as it were.

Meh, Elitist no, opinionated... hell yes! Commonly they are connected, but in my case I love to hear what people have to say and think.

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gee , your fan base leaves you????... you cant sell records..what next???..posing nude of coursed..but its not about the nudity...its about clothes getting in the way of the message...lmfao...


the message is..when no one will buy your s*** and your in danger of losing your lavish lifestyle...its time for "snatch shot"

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I don't have any idea what type of person Halle Berry is, but for the life of me I don't understand some "men". If she is a selfish vacuous beauty then just dump her. I never understood the need some men have to beat the crap out of their women.  I never met David Justice but he didn't seem to be that kind of guy. Not a big fan of modern Hollywood but liked the work of Wesley Snipes for the most part. Oh well, you never know.

It's a control issue.


I can't speak for Snipes.. but DJ has a nasty temper and has a habit of dating insecure females. She was nothing but a beauty pagent winner when they married. After New Jack City she was Cleveland's "superstar". He did not like that one bit from what I was told (from a former teammate of his that I'm pretty sure can be trusted as a valid source ;) )

The trend continued when he got involved with the local news girl. Once she got discovered by ABC NY he wanted nothing to do with her (or his child) and she had to (very publicly) go after him for support (he had to be served during BP - nice guy, eh?)

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gee , your fan base leaves you????... you cant sell records..what next???..posing nude of coursed..but its not about the nudity...its about clothes getting in the way of the message...lmfao...


the message is..when no one will buy your s*** and your in danger of losing your lavish lifestyle...its time for "snatch shot"

Baggs.. their record sales actually went up. They aren't in any danger.

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Not a big fan of modern Hollywood


Granted society is more "liberalized" now...but Old Hollywood gets romanticized; Grace Kelly, Talullah Bankhead, Joan Crawford, Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, Rita Hayworth and countless others could give current stahs run for their money in the depravity/amorality (I sould like a damn preacher, lol) department.

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I don't have any idea what type of person Halle Berry is, but for the life of me I don't understand some "men". If she is a selfish vacuous beauty then just dump her. I never understood the need some men have to beat the crap out of their women.  I never met David Justice but he didn't seem to be that kind of guy. Not a big fan of modern Hollywood but liked the work of Wesley Snipes for the most part. Oh well, you never know.

It's a control issue.


I can't speak for Snipes.. but DJ has a nasty temper and has a habit of dating insecure females. She was nothing but a beauty pagent winner when they married. After New Jack City she was Cleveland's "superstar". He did not like that one bit from what I was told (from a former teammate of his that I'm pretty sure can be trusted as a valid source ;) )

The trend continued when he got involved with the local news girl. Once she got discovered by ABC NY he wanted nothing to do with her (or his child) and she had to (very publicly) go after him for support (he had to be served during BP - nice guy, eh?)

It's a f***ed up issue.


(Not that it has any bearing on the my point) I don't think Halle is a "vacuous pageant" type at all Miss Whatever or not, she has always been a known as very tempestuous, emotional, hugely insecure person herself, and that doesn't mesh well with a man who is also like that. Sparks will fly.


As far as "only an idiot would cheat/beat on Angelina Jolie or Halle Berry" arguement, there is an old saying and goes like this: "Behind every successful beauty is a man who is bored with her"


Add to it insecurity and jealosy that some of these husbands have in abundance, and you have recipe for disaster.




As far as "serving" goes, it's a norm in the high-stakes male world, whether it's BP, shooting set or a board meeting. Never let class get in the way of a good head.

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Not a big fan of modern Hollywood


Granted society is more "liberalized" now...but Old Hollywood gets romanticized; Grace Kelly, Talullah Bankhead, Joan Crawford, Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, Rita Hayworth and countless others could give current stahs run for their money in the depravity/amorality (I sould like a damn preacher, lol) department.

I'm sure what you say is right I just am not a big fan of modern pop culture. I'd just much rather see those stars you mentioned and countless others of those eras than what Hollywood is putting out today. No plot, no dialogue, middle school boy farting in the back of the classroom humor and mindless special effects. You couldn't pay me to see most of the movies that are being made today. I realize that will win me no points here or anywhere else but I like what I like. ;)

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gee , your fan base leaves you????... you cant sell records..what next???..posing nude of coursed..but its not about the nudity...its about clothes getting in the way of the message...lmfao...


the message is..when no one will buy your s*** and your in danger of losing your lavish lifestyle...its time for "snatch shot"

Baggs.. their record sales actually went up. They aren't in any danger.

their sales went up with the anti -war crowd...people who dont listen to thatg genre...within the country music base their sales are almost non existant...when the hoopla from the war dies down and the anti war folks forget all about country music and the dixie chics then what will they do???

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I'm sure what you say is right I just am not a big fan of modern pop culture. I'd just much rather see those stars you mentioned and countless others of those eras than what Hollywood is putting out today. No plot, no dialogue, middle school boy farting in the back of the classroom humor and mindless special effects. You couldn't pay me to see most of the movies that are being made today. I realize that will win me no points here or anywhere else but I like what I like.


Your nostalgia is understandable...but I wasn't talking about their "art"/work (there is something to be said about all the talentless pretties that Studio System and Production Code era put out on regular basis...not much has changed, lol) but rather their personal lives. Hell, it'd be easier for me to list those stars who were/are not cheap, uber-obnoxious, slutty or hateful

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gee , your fan base leaves you????... you cant sell records..what next???..posing nude of coursed..but its not about the nudity...its about clothes getting in the way of the message...lmfao...


the message is..when no one will buy your s*** and your in danger of losing your lavish lifestyle...its time for "snatch shot"

Baggs.. their record sales actually went up. They aren't in any danger.

their sales went up with the anti -war crowd...people who dont listen to thatg genre...within the country music base their sales are almost non existant...when the hoopla from the war dies down and the anti war folks forget all about country music and the dixie chics then what will they do???

That's more than likely the case Baggs. I remember specifically reading a 30 spot drop of their album from number 3 to number 33 on the Billboard 100 ranking released immediately after their anti-war comments..... one of the biggest one week drops in Billboard history. Diane Sawyer is supposed to be doing an interview with the Dixie Pig who forgot who her core audience was. I guarantee the interview is not being done to discuss the meteoric rise of their album among the Anti-War crowd. :lol:

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This is from George Bush's primetime interview


Of the singing Texas trio, who have been outspoken critics of the U.S.-led war, Bush said, "The Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind."



At the same time, Bush added: "They shouldn't have their feelings hurt just because some people don't want to buy their records when they speak out. You know, freedom is a two-way street."

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