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Time to revisit the attendance concerns


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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 04:57 PM)
1.  Attendance is as valid a discussion as b****ing about Oz, Crede, etc.


2.  It's almost pointless because I would venture to guess that most who post here attend as many games as possible and are doing their part.

I haven't attended 1 Sox game in my life. Does that make me a bad person? :lol:

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  SleepyWhiteSox said:
1.  Attendance is as valid a discussion as b****ing about Oz, Crede, etc.


2.  It's almost pointless because I would venture to guess that most who post here attend as many games as possible and are doing their part.

And #2 is the entire reason this thread is pointless.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 06:58 AM)
I haven't attended 1 Sox game in my life. Does that make me a bad person?  :lol:


Expect Jab to tell you to get onto the next flight/ship/underwater train from Australia to Chicago before you say a word in this thread



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QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:57 AM)
Then keep your mouth shut and stop b****ing about the attendance like a woman.  Unless, of course, you think that your b****ing like a woman will actually make the attendance increase.

you think that b****ing about Ozzie's decisions will do anything, or that if you complain enough Joe Crede will wander into traffic? by your logic, you shouldn't be posting here.

Edited by AirScott
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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 07:03 AM)
As are the other threads. Hell, why not just shutdown soxtalk.com since all the discussions are pointless? This is just as pointless as a Chavez thread or Timo Sucks, etc. thread.


:notworthy :notworthy


I am still waiting for Jabroni to respond to post #11 in this thread. What happened Jabroni? Cannot find it????

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QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 11:37 PM)
I am not bringing it up here to point fingers at anyone. See my first post, disclaimer #2. I am bringing it up to solicit opinions on what could the real reason be? With every passing day, every reason thrown before (weather, attendance, lack of winning team, lack of confidence the team will continue to win, non-friendly park, upper deck, blue seats etc etc) is getting proven to be wrong

Let me pose this question to perhaps shed some light on the subject.


If it wasn't for the "atmosphere," and if going to Wrigley wasn't the "in thing" to do for many people, what would the Cubs' attendance be? In other words, how many people in Chicago are actually interested in going to a baseball game for the baseball?


Here's another angle. The two Los Angeles teams draw 3 million plus, year in and year out, but the city will not support a football team. Figure that one out. (I don't think it's as easy as saying Los Angelinos don't like football.)

Edited by nvxplorer
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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 02:03 AM)
As are the other threads. Hell, why not just shutdown soxtalk.com since all the discussions are pointless? This is just as pointless as a Chavez thread or Timo Sucks, etc. thread.


Maybe not pointless, but frustrating.


The fact of the matter is that there is no single solution. Hell, none of us know the true reason either. It's all speculation as to why attendance is low.


The frustrating part is that you're coming onto a forum where, like I said before, almost everybody goes to plenty of games. You're preaching to the choir.

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WHooooo careess, all that matters are wins and losses. This just in, players dont give 2 s***s about fans (most probably share Everett's thoughts), all care about making money, and some value winning. They don't go to Soxfest or do events because they want to, they are forced to or are payed for it and don't want to ruin their rep(exceptions might be getting good feelings for making kids happy, but I doubt they care about the 30 year old season ticket holder). Because of this, I don't think they care about attendance at all, and it doesn't affect performance (obviously to this point). The atmosphere is overrated IMO (it's better for fans of course, except that you get the idiot fair weather fans at the park who show what idiots they are. I personally like not waiting in lines and getting a nice seat selection). Why do you need help to get motivated when you're the best team in the big leagues? Oh wow, 30,000 yelling "Guch", I'm sure that will help him guess right on the breaking ball.


Plus we are dealing with Uncle Jerry here, as much as I like him, I doubt a big part of extra attendance money would go into the payroll, and as it is, this team has already tried obtaining different stars, and it hasn't worked. And if he would put it in the payroll, I'd still expect raised ticket prices, which means if this team stops performing, attendance would be lower than the norm.


And I also agree with the comments above, living on the West Coast is also an excuse, so quit crying. Obviously, nobody is even saying you should be going to at least 1 game, but you shouldn't tell others to do so when you don't. Other fans also live out of market, far from the market, can't afford tix, etc which would all fall under excuses, such as weather, school status, or living on the West Coast.

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  SleepyWhiteSox said:
Maybe not pointless, but frustrating.


The fact of the matter is that there is no single solution.  Hell, none of us know the true reason either.  It's all speculation as to why attendance is low.


The frustrating part is that you're coming onto a forum where, like I said before, almost everybody goes to plenty of games.  You're preaching to the choir.

The Sox attendance is low?!? s***, I didn't know that until I read it here.

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QUOTE(nvxplorer @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:06 AM)
Let me pose this question to perhaps shed some light on the subject.


If it wasn't for the "atmosphere," and if going to Wrigley wasn't the "in thing" to do for many people, what would the Cubs' attendence be? In other words, how many people in Chicago are actually interested in going to a baseball game for the baseball?


Here's another angle. The two Los Angeles teams draw 3 million plus, year in and year out, but the city will not support a football team. Figure that one out. (I don't think it's as easy as saying Los Angelinos don't like football.)


About the football team, contrary to popular belief, the city just doesn't give a damn about football.


In Chicago, baseball is a major sport and tons of people care about it. I don't think Cub fans don't get as much credit as they deserve. Their fanbase has increased knowledge of the team. I mean, I even know this one completely ditzy girl who doesn't watch any other sports who can tell me what's Aramis Ramirez's stats and stays up to watch the Cubs play the west coast games. So far, most of the Cub fans I've met this year are actually baseball smart. Even they will be the first to tell you Nomar shouldn't be starting in the ASG.

Edited by nitetrain8601
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QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 07:07 AM)
WHooooo careess, all that matters are wins and losses. This just in, players dont give 2 s***s about fans (most probably share Everett's thoughts), all care about making money, and some value winning. They don't go to Soxfest or do events because they want to, they are forced to or are payed for it and don't want to ruin their rep(exceptions might be getting good feelings for making kids happy, but I doubt they care about the 30 year old season ticket holder). Because of this, I don't think they care about attendance at all, and it doesn't affect performance (obviously to this point). The atmosphere is overrated IMO (it's better for fans of course, except that you get the idiot fair weather fans at the park who show what idiots they are. I personally like not waiting in lines and getting a nice seat selection). Why do you need help to get motivated when you're the best team in the big leagues? Oh wow, 30,000 yelling "Guch", I'm sure that will help him guess right on the breaking ball.


Plus we are dealing with Uncle Jerry here, as much as I like him, I doubt a big part of extra attendance money would go into the payroll, and as it is, this team has already tried obtaining different stars, and it hasn't worked. And if he would put it in the payroll, I'd still expect raised ticket prices, which means if this team stops performing, attendance would be lower than the norm.


And I also agree with the comments above, living on the West Coast is also an excuse, so quit crying. Obviously, nobody is even saying you should be going to at least 1 game, but you shouldn't tell others to do so when you don't. Other fans also live out of market, far from the market, can't afford tix, etc which would all fall under excuses, such as weather, school status, or living on the West Coast.


Who cares? Read before you post genius. JR cares. And if JR cares, it affects who we have on our roster every year.

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QUOTE(AirScott @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:02 AM)
you think that b****ing about Ozzie's decisions will do anything, or that if you complain enough Joe Crede will wander into traffic?  by your logic, you shouldn't be posting here.


Posting hear about those things is a way of venting, I see attacks on attendance as an attack on the fans and fellow posters, which is extremly lame when you don't go to the games yourself

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Hey Jabroni - when are you going to answer this from post #11? You obviously seem to be ignoring it.....maybe it was too difficult so I reproduced it below :lol:




QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 06:04 AM)

Will b****ing about the attendance change a f***ing thing?




So why even bother b****ing?






So will b****ing about Ozzie change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Cruddy change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about giving up BMac for Chavez change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Shingo change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Jizzcan change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Brantley change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Timo Focking Perez change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Paulie change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Dead change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Moronotti change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about DJ change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Cotts change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about corpseball change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about Walker change anything? So why even bother?


So will b****ing about the Spankees losing to the Twinkies change anything? So why even bother?

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  sox-r-us said:
Who cares? Read before you post genius. JR cares. And if JR cares, it affects who we have on our roster every year.

I just talked to Jerry and he said he doesn't give a s*** about what people from the west coast think about the Sox attendance because they don't go to games anyways. :lol:

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QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 02:07 AM)
Oh wow, 30,000 yelling "Guch", I'm sure that will help him guess right on the breaking ball.

I just like the atmosphere. Sox games feel like high school football games, there's nobody there. even going to Cubs games there's a different feeling, that's why I was disappointed when I was going to go to New York for an uncle's wedding that the Yankees weren't in town. it's just something I'd like to experience, and would be great if it were to be at Comiskey.


(and yes, I went to the Cubs game, last season for their last game and during June the season before. baseball's baseball, both times was free, and I was hoping the Cubs would be tied going into the last game, just so I'd be there when their hopes were crushed.)

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