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Time to revisit the attendance concerns


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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 09:40 AM)
Do the White Sox even have promotions for IIT & UIC fans?  This would seem to me to be a no-brainer.  They should have promotions for U of Chicago, De La Sallle, & the other nearby high schools as well.  If they don't then they are ignoring potentially 1000's more in the fan base. 




I went to De. The only perk was getting out of school early for a couple of day games, prresumably to avoid traffic. Their were never any promotions that I can remember outside of hearing about hearing school employees get free tickets every now and then. De also plays one game a year at Comiskey, but tickets are not free. You'd think their would be more promotions seeing as how the school is literally 2 blocks away, there are lots of Bridgeport, Canaryville, etc. area kids that go there (think: building a fanbase when they're young), and lots of ushers and kids that work at the park go to De.

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QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 02:56 PM)
The metra argument that jugg brings up is something i've been saying for years.  I take the RI train whenever i go downtown and it goes directly past the park, why not put a quick stop there?

don't really understand it.



Ask Metra.. it's got nothing to do with the Sox.

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QUOTE(AirScott @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 09:00 PM)
I'd enjoy them more with more fans involved in the game.



Hu...? The amount of people at the game effects if you have a good time or not..?


That's weird.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 05:39 AM)
Ask Metra.. it's got nothing to do with the Sox.


I would imagine the cost to Metra isn't worth it. Just by eyeballing that bridge quite a few times while walking under it, it wouldn't be cheap to build a stop there, and I don't know if there would even be room, without taking up valueable season ticketholder parking lots. Plus the bridge doesn't look to be in the best of condition, parts of it are crumbling and/or leaking. In order to put a stop there, I would guess you would have to rebuild that whole train tressel too.

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QUOTE(Yossarian @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 12:20 PM)
Owned because attendance is up 11%?


Let me do a little bit of math here...


The Sox drew just under 2 million people to the ballpark last year. If you add 11% to that, you add about 220,000 fans for a season. I don't know in reality what the average spending is at the ballpark, but a solid guess in my mind is $50 a person (factor in ticket, parking, food, beer, etc) If you multiply those 220,000 people to $50 each you have just added $11,000,000 in revenues to the Sox. Sounds to me like another big line salary.


An 11% increase is huge for the Sox.

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I dont know why everyone is b****ing about the attendance. I for one, like it when the park isnt packed. Its easier for me to get off the EL, there are less fair weather fans who dont know what the f they are doing at baseball games. And I can get to the beer/food lines quicker. I like being able to move around on the concourse, and I like it when there arent 10 people STANDING in the aisles waiting for the beer man in the middle of an inning. I would rather have 20,000 good solid sox fans than 38,000 f***ing yahoo's

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 05:42 AM)
Hu...? The amount of people at the game effects if you have a good time or not..?


That's weird.


More often than not, I hate it when more people are there.

It is great to have the crowd noise and see the place full, but the big crowds also bring out the big idiots. It would be ideal if the place was filled with people who have bought ticket packages ahead of time and have money invested in their seats. This way they are less likely to be there just to get drunk and make an ass of themselves.

I have had my seats in the bleachers for years now and I love the view from out there, but I am at the point where I don't even want to go on Mondays and Tuesdays anymore. The half price nights bring out the crowds and with them the drunks who feel they have to start fights and throw s***.

I usually have a better time when the crowd is smaller. Easy in and easy out parking, no lines for food, and I can hit the men's room and get back to my seat without missing a pitch. Plus, I don't have swarms of drunken frat boys fist fighting around me or throwing food, coins and other objects at other people in the crowd.

Guess I am just a grouchy old fart now. :D

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QUOTE(zach23 @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:16 AM)
More often than not, I hate it when more people are there.

It is great to have the crowd noise and see the place full, but the big crowds also bring out the big idiots. It would be ideal if the place was filled with people who have bought ticket packages ahead of time and have money invested in their seats. This way they are less likely to be there just to get drunk and make an ass of themselves.

I have had my seats in the bleachers for years now and I love the view from out there, but I am at the point where I don't even want to go on Mondays and Tuesdays anymore. The half price nights bring out the crowds and with them the drunks who feel they have to start fights and throw s***.

I usually have a better time when the crowd is smaller. Easy in and easy out parking, no lines for food, and I can hit the men's room and get back to my seat without missing a pitch. Plus, I don't have swarms of drunken frat boys fist fighting around me or throwing food, coins and other objects at other people in the crowd.

Guess I am just a grouchy old fart now.  :D


sometimes i have to agree with that.

i think in sept, if we're in the race still, more fo teh true fans will be out and it will be an energetic crowd thats into the game........hopefully.

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QUOTE(zach23 @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:16 AM)
More often than not, I hate it when more people are there.

It is great to have the crowd noise and see the place full, but the big crowds also bring out the big idiots. It would be ideal if the place was filled with people who have bought ticket packages ahead of time and have money invested in their seats. This way they are less likely to be there just to get drunk and make an ass of themselves.

I have had my seats in the bleachers for years now and I love the view from out there, but I am at the point where I don't even want to go on Mondays and Tuesdays anymore. The half price nights bring out the crowds and with them the drunks who feel they have to start fights and throw s***.

I usually have a better time when the crowd is smaller. Easy in and easy out parking, no lines for food, and I can hit the men's room and get back to my seat without missing a pitch. Plus, I don't have swarms of drunken frat boys fist fighting around me or throwing food, coins and other objects at other people in the crowd.

Guess I am just a grouchy old fart now.  :D

hahahaha, same posts at the same time. :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers


this is why my season tickets are going to be in the 300 level next year.

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  southsider2k5 said:
In order to put a stop there, I would guess you would have to rebuild that whole train tressel too.


But you have to do that any ways just to keep the RI line in service. You can't keep running it if there is any threat to safety. For me the whole Metra argument comes back to the fact that it runs partially on public funds just like the CTA. The state has controlling interests in it. If building a Metra stop there (with places to eat) means getting the WSox past the 2 million mark then the windfall is that JR & company have to pay a few million in rent. That's a reasonable incentive to the state right there.


With repsect to the lots I think you go for broke with a new Metra stop. Don't just stop there. Make use of the space alongside the tracks for drag cart races, batting cages, etc. Build an entire sports complex there like we have out in the burbs. You can make up the parking space by double-decking the south lot. The sports complexes out in the burbs do well financially so I think it would succeed at the Cell as well. I like the idea maybe even more than the carnival because you can build these to operate all year round. Not the long track go cart racing but the batting & pitching cages.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:21 AM)
hahahaha, same posts at the same time. :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers


this is why my season tickets are going to be in the 300 level next year.




The VIP's are great and I prefer the 100 level to the 300 level which is why we spend the extra $$ to have season tickets there. We don't have any of that riff raff by us ever. And the other holders rarely give away their seats and when they do they are to people who behave.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:21 AM)
hahahaha, same posts at the same time. :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers


this is why my season tickets are going to be in the 300 level next year.


Yeah, I have been telling my friend we should spend a little extra and move. The only bad thing is we have first row in the bleachers and it is nice not to have anyone in front of us. I am sure if we move we will be back a few rows no matter where we go.

The other thing is, we like the bench seats of the bleachers. More room to spread out.

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QUOTE(zach23 @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:25 AM)
Yeah, I have been telling my friend we should spend a little extra and move. The only bad thing is we have first row in the bleachers and it is nice not to have anyone in front of us. I am sure if we move we will be back a few rows no matter where we go.

The other thing is, we like the bench seats of the bleachers. More room to spread out.



You guys should stay there.. Jake will love those seats and you'll love them once you start bringing him and all his "essentials" :lol:


BTW.. I sent you an email a while ago.. you get it?

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QUOTE(zach23 @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:25 AM)
Yeah, I have been telling my friend we should spend a little extra and move. The only bad thing is we have first row in the bleachers and it is nice not to have anyone in front of us. I am sure if we move we will be back a few rows no matter where we go.

The other thing is, we like the bench seats of the bleachers. More room to spread out.

Thats where we were, 160 last year, we moved up to the first baseline this year, and I really love the seats, but after taking Quick's seats in the 300 level, I realized how nice it is sometimes to have room to spread out and not have to deal with the half price riff raff, plus its still a pretty good view.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:14 AM)
I dont know why everyone is b****ing about the attendance. I for one, like it when the park isnt packed.  Its easier for me to get off the EL, there are less fair weather fans who dont know what the f they are doing at baseball games.  And I can get to the beer/food lines quicker.  I like being able to move around on the concourse, and I like it when there arent 10 people STANDING in the aisles waiting for the beer man in the middle of an inning.  I would rather have 20,000 good solid sox fans than 38,000 f***ing yahoo's



That is not a good arguement. More fans in the park = more $ the club can spend on payroll.


Personally, I love going to a game when I know it's going to be packed. Besides, even though they are professional and get paid for it, players want a full house as well.

Do you think they get up the same for an April afternoon game against the Royals when there might be 6000 fans there vs. a packed house against the Twins, Cubs, Red Sox, Yanks?


I'm not complaining about attendance, but the atmosphere in the park does affect the players.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:30 AM)
That is not a good arguement. More fans in the park = more $ the club can spend on payroll.


Personally, I love going to a game when I know it's going to be packed. Besides, even though they are professional and get paid for it, players want a full house as well.

Do you think they get up the same for an April afternoon game against the Royals when there might be 6000 fans there vs. a packed house against the Twins, Cubs, Red Sox, Yanks?


I'm not complaining about attendance, but the atmosphere in the park does affect the players.

How can my opinion of my experience at the game be an argument to begin with??? :bang

No where in my statement did I say anything about the players. I go to a minimum of 40 games a year, no matter who they are playing, so for me, I like it when there are pure fans there and not riff raff. Im a young guy too and it still bothers me. It was my opinion on my experiences.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:27 AM)
You guys should stay there.. Jake will love those seats and you'll love them once you start bringing him and all his "essentials"  :lol:


BTW.. I sent you an email a while ago.. you get it?


I will never take Jake for a half price night though. To much bulls*** out there on those nights to have him with.

He went to his first game on Memorial day, that game wasn't on my plan and I bought seats down the first base line. He seemed to enjoy the whole thing and wasn't freaked out by the crowd or the pre-game fireworks at all. He isn't too bad to travel with either, just one bag and the stroller (which we left up in the chained off area at the top of the section.)


I did get your email.

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QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 12:44 AM)


I made it clear why I care. Because it affects the team's chances to sign studs. Read my posts again.



the sox have s*** attendence learn to live with it... what difference does it make??? the only thing that matters are the nine guys on the field... if you ever end up going to sox park you will find out it is a great place with 20k... if the sox started drawing 40k a game I would probably stop going... and if you think the $$ that 40k a game would bring in would go toward new "talent" you're nuts.. those profits are going into jerry's and his investors pockets......


I am also questioning how much you pay attention to what has happened to the sox this offseason... they got rid of their "higher" profile guys mags.. clee.. to get "nobody's" pods, hermy ...and the team is doing better... the direction this team is taking is away from the tejada's and arod's not toward them...

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