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We must take action...


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Our beloved Sox are always getting ripped off by incompetent umpires. The strike zone gets a little bigger when we come to bat, all kinds off things. I can take that, theyre only human. But last night was the final straw. As loyal Sox fans, we must take action against the umpires who cost us last nights game. We didnt play great but we would have won if Credes homer was called fair. The game would have been tied and our team would have been rejuvenated and pumped up. I believe the posters of soxtalk.com must write a letter to the head of Major League Baseball. In it, a couple of demands shall be made (feel free to add your own but please stay within reason):

-Eric Cooper must be fired. No exceptions.

-Baseball must go the way of football and install instant replay. With that, Jerry Manuel would have have challenged last night, Tim Timmons would have looked in the camera, made the correct decision and told Joe Crede to trot around the basepaths yet again.

I will help in this effort but I cant do it all by myself. I need someone first of all, to give me a place to send the letter. And one letter from a teenager is not going to do anything. More people must send in letters. Send in letters and state your own demands. But justice must be done. And please keep it formal and properly spelled and with proper grammar. As much as you may like to (and I would too), "why are you effin' morons ripping my team off?!" is not going to help. Send it on email or in the mail. But just make sure it gets there. We must right the situation. It is unacceptable.


And Comiskey, as we all know, is this years All Star game host. Im going to be there (OK, I hope Im going to be there :D ). When they introduce the umps, Im going to boo as loud as I can. I hope you people will join me. And those of you who go to Comiskey now, boo the umps.


We must take the initiative here. Doing nothing will never solve anything. We must go on the offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Roman.. if you boo the umps I hope the person next to you slaps the s*** out of you. :nono Have some friggin class would ya? Umps blow calls.. it happens all the time, to everyone. I'm sure they aren't all sitting aroung in a smoke filled room plotting this s***.. ("... Oooo guys.. I know, when Crede on the White Sox hits one close we're going to rob him!! How's that sound....??") It's the nature of the beast. They are only human.


And instant replay in baseball...? What the hell are you smokin' today?? :huh: :huh:

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For something such as a HR or a close play at the plate, there should be a replay official upstairs just watching a monitor and waiting for a mistake to be made. He can take 4 or 5 quick looks at it, and if the ump blows a call, the official can send a signal to the ump via a beeper or something and let him know that he f***ed up, and by the time the next hitter gets into the box, the error can be corrected.


One of the things about baseball that I like is the fact that the umps have the final say in what goes on, but at the same time it's also one of the major flaws when you compare it to the NFL.


The most important thing is getting the call correct, and the team that earns a win shouldn't have that quest compromised by an ump who, possibly, wasn't paying attention.

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Still. Those umpires should at least have looked at the CF jumbotron. It WAS on there. I cannot believe they missed that call.

They said that as a part of the umpires union contract ballparks are not allowed to show video in the stadium of controversial plays

Which is COMPLETELY stupid. They show it 20 times on TV, and there are far more people sitting on their couches watching than there are in the stands. People pay their hard-earned money to go to a game, and they can't even see a replay of certain plays on the jumbo-trons? Disgraceful.

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You know they NEVER screw up ,ump  union put that in because there own union knows they f*** up all the time. candy ass pussy umps are not  accountable for there s***ty decisions................total BS :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

The NFL keeps score, so to speak, on all officials throughout the season. The best are the ones that end up reffing in the Playoffs and Super Bowl, and those who accumulate a certain number of "bad points" are fired.


Anyone know if MLB has any type of disciplinary rules in place? I've never heard of any. :huh:

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You know they NEVER screw up ,ump  union put that in because there own union knows they f*** up all the time. candy ass pussy umps are not  accountable for there s***ty decisions................total BS :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

The NFL keeps score, so to speak, on all officials throughout the season. The best are the ones that end up reffing in the Playoffs and Super Bowl, and those who accumulate a certain number of "bad points" are fired.


Anyone know if MLB has any type of disciplinary rules in place? I've never heard of any. :huh:

Thats a good idea. But if we take no initiative nothing will happen...

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

Of course we care.


But, nobody cares more than Joe Crede does, yet he treated it like he's a veteran and he basically dismissed it as 1 game and that in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to make or break the season.


If the guy who HIT it isn't spazzing out, it'd be silly for us to.

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You know they NEVER screw up ,ump  union put that in because there own union knows they f*** up all the time. candy ass pussy umps are not  accountable for there s***ty decisions................total BS :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

The NFL keeps score, so to speak, on all officials throughout the season. The best are the ones that end up reffing in the Playoffs and Super Bowl, and those who accumulate a certain number of "bad points" are fired.


Anyone know if MLB has any type of disciplinary rules in place? I've never heard of any. :huh:

Nfl has scrapped doing that for the 03 season, referees felt it was unfair to them so league office CAVED in.

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

Of course we care.


But, nobody cares more than Joe Crede does, yet he treated it like he's a veteran and he basically dismissed it as 1 game and that in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to make or break the season.


If the guy who HIT it isn't spazzing out, it'd be silly for us to.

Credes a moron. One game can make or break a season. Weaklings dont argue for their cause. Crede knew it was fair. He should have told that moron Cooper that he thought so. But nope he just sat back and took it all light. When the final standings look something like Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 89-73, Im going to be very pissed off. But the way were playing, it might be Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 72-90. Were playing like crap. And now the road gets a lot bumpier...

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

Of course we care.


But, nobody cares more than Joe Crede does, yet he treated it like he's a veteran and he basically dismissed it as 1 game and that in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to make or break the season.


If the guy who HIT it isn't spazzing out, it'd be silly for us to.

Credes a moron. One game can make or break a season. Weaklings dont argue for their cause. Crede knew it was fair. He should have told that moron Cooper that he thought so. But nope he just sat back and took it all light. When the final standings look something like Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 89-73, Im going to be very pissed off. But the way were playing, it might be Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 72-90. Were playing like crap. And now the road gets a lot bumpier...

1 game only makes a difference if you allow it to.


If we end up losing the division by 1 game, we will have nobody but ourselves to blame, because we're the best team on paper in this divison. But, as Billy said in ST, paper doesn't throw strikes or hit the ball. Blaming the umpires is a cop-out.


It's about time this team stopped underacheiving. If we play under .500 over the next 3 weeks, we'll be in trouble. Not in the standings, but rather psychologically.

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

No one here cares..? Did you not see the posts from everyone pissed off..?? So what do you propose we do Roman..? Is it going to change the outcome of the game?


If YOU want to do something, do something mature. Not booing at the All Star game. That just plain stupid.

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

Of course we care.


But, nobody cares more than Joe Crede does, yet he treated it like he's a veteran and he basically dismissed it as 1 game and that in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to make or break the season.


If the guy who HIT it isn't spazzing out, it'd be silly for us to.

Credes a moron. One game can make or break a season. Weaklings dont argue for their cause. Crede knew it was fair. He should have told that moron Cooper that he thought so. But nope he just sat back and took it all light. When the final standings look something like Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 89-73, Im going to be very pissed off. But the way were playing, it might be Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 72-90. Were playing like crap. And now the road gets a lot bumpier...

Now Joe's a moron..? Unreal. If he had made a scene things would have only gotten worse. Sometimes you act like an ADULT and you take the high road no matter if YOU know YOU are RIGHT.

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

No one here cares..? Did you not see the posts from everyone pissed off..?? So what do you propose we do Roman..? Is it going to change the outcome of the game?


If YOU want to do something, do something mature. Not booing at the All Star game. That just plain stupid.

Great steff. We posted angry posts on a message board. Its not even the mlb run board. If anyone here really cared they write the problem to Selig and his band of idiots. But thats too hard. I dont care either. My word wont change anything, thats why I tried to get your guys help. Whatever, well just continue to suck and lose and no one will ever care that this downfall started because some idiot with the visual capacity of a bat screwed up a critical call. Im embarrassed to be a Sox fan...

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

Of course we care.


But, nobody cares more than Joe Crede does, yet he treated it like he's a veteran and he basically dismissed it as 1 game and that in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to make or break the season.


If the guy who HIT it isn't spazzing out, it'd be silly for us to.

Credes a moron. One game can make or break a season. Weaklings dont argue for their cause. Crede knew it was fair. He should have told that moron Cooper that he thought so. But nope he just sat back and took it all light. When the final standings look something like Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 89-73, Im going to be very pissed off. But the way were playing, it might be Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 72-90. Were playing like crap. And now the road gets a lot bumpier...

Now Joe's a moron..? Unreal. If he had made a scene things would have only gotten worse. Sometimes you act like an ADULT and you take the high road no matter if YOU know YOU are RIGHT.

I pretty much agree.


I think there are times that you must take a stand or you'll look like a wimp, but Wednesday's game wasn't the time or the place. Sure, Joe got ripped off, and everyone knows it, but you know the ump went to the clubhouse after the game and saw the replay, and hopefully will go out of his way to give us a make up call next time we need one.


That said, if Joe had caused a scene and then after the game made comments, that could lead to more "bad calls" in the future.


Joe, IMO, did the right thing -- if anyone was going to go nuts and/or make comments, it had to be JM -- but I think he did the right thing too, for the same reasons I mentioned above.

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

No one here cares..? Did you not see the posts from everyone pissed off..?? So what do you propose we do Roman..? Is it going to change the outcome of the game?


If YOU want to do something, do something mature. Not booing at the All Star game. That just plain stupid.

Great steff. We posted angry posts on a message board. Its not even the mlb run board. If anyone here really cared they write the problem to Selig and his band of idiots. But thats too hard. I dont care either. My word wont change anything, thats why I tried to get your guys help. Whatever, well just continue to suck and lose and no one will ever care that this downfall started because some idiot with the visual capacity of a bat screwed up a critical call. Im embarrassed to be a Sox fan...

Oh geez.. now you're embarassed to be a Sox fan..? You crack me up. Roman.. EVERYONE saw the play. Trust me.. it'll get talked about. You need to relax. Now.. back to my initial comment.. if you boo at the All Star game, I'm kicking your ass! ;)

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Thanks for all your help. We were robbed of a win and no one is going to do anything. Lets just suffer under miserable umps who will continue to rip us off. I cant believe no one here actually cares... :angry:

Of course we care.


But, nobody cares more than Joe Crede does, yet he treated it like he's a veteran and he basically dismissed it as 1 game and that in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to make or break the season.


If the guy who HIT it isn't spazzing out, it'd be silly for us to.

Credes a moron. One game can make or break a season. Weaklings dont argue for their cause. Crede knew it was fair. He should have told that moron Cooper that he thought so. But nope he just sat back and took it all light. When the final standings look something like Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 89-73, Im going to be very pissed off. But the way were playing, it might be Kansas City 90-72, Chicago WS 72-90. Were playing like crap. And now the road gets a lot bumpier...

Now Joe's a moron..? Unreal. If he had made a scene things would have only gotten worse. Sometimes you act like an ADULT and you take the high road no matter if YOU know YOU are RIGHT.

The people on this Earth who dont speak their minds are weak. The strong speak their minds and people know what they are thinking. Joes a weakling, a true man would tell the ump what he thought. Thats exactly what I do. People know what goes on in my mind, and can ya guess why? Cuz I tell em. I bet there are people on this board who think Joes a moron and the umps should be booed but theyre afraid to speak their mind. That why my opinions are so outrageuos, because I speak my mind. I dont cover my emotions by naivete and pretending all is good...

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