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Message to Kenny Williams....


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Who cars how Borchard's numbers are.  They can't get worse than Aaron's and he is a much bigger power threat in the lower part of the order.  Atleast he can make contact when he swings.


We need to do something soon.

Who said anything about his numbers?


I'm asking if he's healthy because an injured Borchard isn't something that we need right now.


Rowand -- 7 K's in 47 AB vs. ML pitching

Borchard -- 10 K's in 43 AB vs. AAA pitching


Even with Rowand SUCKING, his K/AB ratio is better.


Yeah, Borchard makes much better contact.

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Despite how they play, this team is very talented, and it's not KW's nor JM's fault if they fail to do the job that they're being paid millions to do.

it's KW's fault because he put a team together that has no speed so manufacturing runs is nearly impossible and for 3 seasons now we have needed a power hitting left handed bat for the middle of the line up and he has failed to produce one...


but you make a good point..manuel didnt lose this game tonight..the bullpen did..white and gordon are veterans and they need to start pitching like they are

Disagree Baggs. I've said it time in and time out this team has plenty of speed to manufacture runs. You don't have to be a fast team to manufacture runs. You need to have hitters that are patient, don't strike out much and put the bat on the ball. Do a lot of hit and runs. Plus Maggs, Jimenez, Jose, Caballo and Olivo can all steal 20 bases. Rowand can steal a decent amount too. Crede, Thomas and Konerko are the only guys that wouldn't be running or stealing many bases.


Angels aren't that fast of a team. They have a few guys that are slow too and they are an ultimate example of manufacturing runs.


Ken Williams has put together a great team. No way do I want to see him go. I've stuck up for him when he was making some questionable moves because I liked his overall thought and I love the way this team looks on paper. Its the manager and players job to do the rest.

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if you dont buy the lefty right logic then why is every team in baseball dying for left handed relief pitching???.

Maybe they're buying into it too, I don't know.


All I know is that if you have good players who do their job, it doesn't matter what hand they hit/throw with -- you'll win lots of games.


And every team isn't dying for left-handed relief help. Nearly every team is dying for pitching PERIOD help because the league has too many teams and the talent has been extremely diluted -- but that's a discussion for a different thread.

teams arnt dying for left handed pitching???...i saw jesse orosco warming up in the pen today...he's a grandfather in his last 40's ;)

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That "lefty-righty" thing is a big part of the Sox problems. Take opening day against KC for example. Hernandez got into a groove, and had righty after righty come up to the plate. Sure, the guys at the top of the order were lefties (switch), but are they the guys that put fear in a pitcher's heart, or doubt in their head? No, not really. These pitchers get comfortable pitching to a string of right handed hitters. They can hit the same spots over and over for their out pitch. They don't even have to think, jus keep doing what they've been doing. We need someone in the middle of the lineup that can drive in a 100 runs from the left side. And if we can get equal value out of PK, or Carlos Lee, and the guy we receive be a lefty, then we need to do it. There has to be othe teams out there besides the Twins that are heavily left handed and could use some pop from the right.

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