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Attack of the ants!


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So, we've been having a problem with ants in our apartment. Not just in the kitchen, but everywhere. There's no food left out or anything like that.


So, I was hoping I could get some advice on products or solutions from people.


Thanks from me and my grossed out roomie.

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 09:42 PM)
eat some of the ants in view of other ants.  they will report to their hill that you are not to be messed with


Done and done.


And that cat's been doing that for days. Focking ants.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 10:37 PM)
So, we've been having a problem with ants in our apartment. Not just in the kitchen, but everywhere. There's no food left out or anything like that.


So, I was hoping I could get some advice on products or solutions from people.


Thanks from me and my grossed out roomie.


Get some traps, and some spray. Ortho makes some good products that we sell at my job.


I'm heading to the West Coast for Sox-Pads, if the problem isn't solved by then you can move in with me.


I can see it now..:chair

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QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 09:53 PM)
I'm heading to the West Coast for Sox-Pads, if the problem isn't solved by then you can move in with me.


I can see it now..:chair

It's a deal.... :P


(cue Ian releasing ants outside my apartment in the middle of the night :D )

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Personally, I'd prepare for the worst :o :o :o


"One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves."



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We have a similar problem, but it is in the kitchen only. We mop the floor at least once a week and add ammonia (sp?) to the floor wash. We also mop the counters at least once a day. We also use ant traps. I also found out that when you squirt them with window cleaner that has ammonia, they die instantly (the little bastards shouldn't have pissed me off damn it!). lol

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 06:48 AM)
You need a Fire Ant Reaction Team (F.A.R.T.) to drop a big bomb on them.


(I know, they're not fire ants like they are around here... but hey...)


Yesterday, I was getting some stuff out of my truck and was standing on a fire ant mound wearing sandals. Those little bastards are nasty. Thankfully I had some rubbing alchohol and some fire ant itch relief gel handy. In less than a minute, I must have had 30 bites.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 07:48 AM)
Yesterday, I was getting some stuff out of my truck and was standing on a fire ant mound wearing sandals. Those little bastards are nasty. Thankfully I had some rubbing alchohol and some fire ant itch relief gel handy. In less than a minute, I must have had 30 bites.


Funny, yet not so funny fire ant story. My brother and I were born and raised here in Michigan City, in the shadow the Dunes National Lakeshore and spent many a days up at the beach playing in the sand. We moved to Webster Texas when I was 9 and my brother was 5. The first time he went out and played in our yard, he plopped down in a anthill thinking it was a sand pile. He was almost covered in bites up to his waste. Now as an adult he hates the beach.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 07:37 PM)
So, we've been having a problem with ants in our apartment. Not just in the kitchen, but everywhere. There's no food left out or anything like that.


So, I was hoping I could get some advice on products or solutions from people.


Thanks from me and my grossed out roomie.

Clean up everything and go to like home depot. Ask them for a safe pesticide (one thats alright to use in the house) and just spray along all the floor areas and that should do it.


You may have to do it every few months just to keep them away. We like live on a freaking ant hill out here and started spraying that stuff every few months (usually on the outside walls of the house) but also by the kitchen and areas where food are and we rarely see ants now.


And boy do ants suck.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 07:57 PM)
It's a deal....  :P


(cue Ian releasing ants outside my apartment in the middle of the night  :D )

Lol, now I'll know why he isn't showing up to San Diego this weekend, he's gonna be taking the detour route through New York :lol:

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 04:48 AM)
Yesterday, I was getting some stuff out of my truck and was standing on a fire ant mound wearing sandals. Those little bastards are nasty. Thankfully I had some rubbing alchohol and some fire ant itch relief gel handy. In less than a minute, I must have had 30 bites.



I shouldn't laugh at your misfortune jim, but I must :P

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We have ant hills outside everywhere in our hood. But we see only a few a year in the house because of ant traps. These things really work. You place them near vents & large water pipes where humidity can lead to water droplets forming on the pipes. When it gets really hot & humid insects are drawn to damp or moisture areas.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 10:28 AM)
Every time I want my ants to leave, I just start playing my rock n roll music loudly.


They just gather up my uncles and head out. Works every time.

You are so not going to be the Exterminator on Queer Eye :lolhitting

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