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rick white had an upset stomach


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those in the chatroom will affirm that when manuel came out to talk to rick white i said it looked like he said the words "take me out" to jerry...well found out from lipman that before the game rick white told cooper that he had a real bad upset stomach and didnt want to pitch tonight...dumbass trots him out there anyways :angry:

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those in the chatroom will affirm that when manuel came out to talk to rick white i said it looked like he said the words "take me out" to jerry...well found out from lipman that before the game rick white told cooper that he had a real bad upset stomach and didnt want to pitch tonight...dumbass trots him out there anyways :angry:

WTF is wrong with our coaching staff?

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Now that pisses me off. The pen was pretty well rested, especially considering we picked up another reliever. You don't pitch a guy if he's sick and says he can't pitch.


I really hope we make a move for a new manager. Backman has to be it cause he's famliar with most of the players.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well ya know what bothers me most is why the hell someone like kelly wunch cant go more than a couple of batters.........this is getting f***ing stupid.. why keep his ass here if he isnt being useful and why not bring in someone who can go more than 1 or 2 guys........damn it..........im sick of this lefty, righty s***.........just pitch the damn ball and get the outs......and why did coop let white go out there tonite all sick and stuff.. if he knew white wasnt feeling good did he not convey it to jm and make jm change guys...........wtf.........i missed everything from after kelly wunch was on (around the bot of the 7th) and wtf happened......i got caught up in work and seemed all hell broke loose..............

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well ya know what bothers me most is why the hell someone like kelly wunch cant go more than a couple of batters.........this is getting f***ing stupid.. why keep his ass here if he isnt being useful and why not bring in someone who can go more than 1 or 2 guys........damn it..........im sick of this lefty, righty s***.........just pitch the damn ball and get the outs......and why did coop let white go out there tonite all sick and stuff.. if he knew white wasnt feeling good did  he not convey it to jm and make jm change guys...........wtf.........i missed everything from after kelly wunch was on (around the bot of the 7th) and wtf happened......i got caught up in work and seemed all hell broke loose..............

white came in and you could see he had nothing at all...cruz homer should have told dipstick that...he did get a strike out before giving up a double to mora...then manuel brings in flash....flash was actually throwing better than ive ever seen him..he was hitting 96 on the gun and blew away the first hitter he faced..that guy didnt stand a chance..i was thinking man he finally has found it...then he throws a first pitch fastball to gary mathews jr and he hit a country mile....as soons as it left the bat gordon hung his head and the out fielders didnt even move much..just a few token steps back towards RC...if he pulld it more it would have landed on eutaw street...


in a way i kinda think flash is ready to step up..he really threw the ball well..but with him and white..i just seems like everytime they make a mistake they get crushed...hitters are not missing right now...you see out hitters getting fatsball tonight from lopez belt high and they foul them back or line out to someone...every mistake thrown tonight to balt hitters landed in the cheap seats

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For the record, White told Cooper that he could use a day off, not that he was sick. Cooper responded that they'd try and get him one soon. White owed it to his team to tell the whole story. Then, when the manager has ALL the pertinent information, he can "theoretically" make an intelligent decision. Because White failed to tell them about the upset stomach, he denied JM the opportunity to make the correct decision.

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Here's what I don't understand: The Sox send Paul down and bring up Sanders and now have 12 pitchers on staff. Manuel says we can use the relievers for two innings and have a well rested pen. OK! That makes sense, but what does he do? He brings in Wunsch, who hasn't given up a run yet this year and leaves him in for one scoreless inning and brings in a guy who is sick and said so to the coach and blows it!!! What is wrong with this picture? I think Manuel is so stuck with his idea of using these guys for one inning and bringing in someone else he can't think differently. It would make sense to let the relievers go two, especially when they are working on building up their arms and have been effective in the past going more than one and not bring in three guys to finsh a game. I think you stay with who is hot and not sit him down.

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well ya know what bothers me most is why the hell someone like kelly wunch cant go more than a couple of batters.........this is getting f***ing stupid.. why keep his ass here if he isnt being useful and why not bring in someone who can go more than 1 or 2 guys........damn it..........im sick of this lefty, righty s***.........just pitch the damn ball and get the outs......and why did coop let white go out there tonite all sick and stuff.. if he knew white wasnt feeling good did  he not convey it to jm and make jm change guys...........wtf.........i missed everything from after kelly wunch was on (around the bot of the 7th) and wtf happened......i got caught up in work and seemed all hell broke loose..............

I dont understand why Kelly can't....I mean hasn't he done that before in the past?


Great job communicating by the Sox coaching staff...... :nono



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I dont understand why Kelly can't....I mean hasn't he done that before in the past?


Great job communicating by the Sox coaching staff...... :nono



Last night was the perfect opportunity for Manuel to leave Kelly in for more than one inning. Let him work 2, then Marte, then Botch in the 9th..... as bad as he's been recently, he is our closer after all. Another case of BP mismanagement that Sox fans have become accustomed to the last few years.


As far as the White situation goes, how hard is it for JM to go up to his guys before the game during bp and ask them how they're feeling..... physically and mentally :huh: ? WTF is JM doing pre-game..... besides tinkering..... that he doesn't know how each and every one of his players are feeling before the first pitch of each and every game?

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I dont understand why Kelly can't....I mean hasn't he done that before in the past?


Great job communicating by the Sox coaching staff...... :nono



Last night was the perfect opportunity for Manuel to leave Kelly in for more than one inning. Let him work 2, then Marte, then <gulp> Botch in the 9th..... as bad as he's been recently, he is our closer after all. Another case of BP mismanagement that Sox fans have become accustomed to the last few years.


As far as the White situation goes, how hard is it for JM to go up to his guys before the game during bp and ask them how they're feeling..... physically and mentally :huh: ? WTF is JM doing pre-game..... besides tinkering..... that he doesn't know how each and every one of his players are feeling before the first pitch of each and every game?

thats what i was "thinkering" too..............we pay kelly all that cashola to only go one or maybe two hitters... f*** that let him earn it a bit.. make him work a few more batters or even a inning or two for a change........hes healthy now.. let him pitch..........

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