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China running 1,000 spies in Canada


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Last Updated Wed, 15 Jun 2005 23:59:15 EDT


Two Chinese defectors say the Chinese government has a network of more than 1,000 spies and informants in Canada.


The two men were diplomats in Australia, where they are now seeking political asylum. They say Australia and other countries such as the United States have Chinese spy networks operating inside them too.


The defectors say the spies and informants have orders to disrupt the Falun Gong movement, which China calls "a dangerous cult," and to steal commercial and scientific secrets.




The defectors went on to say that the spying network extends to countries with large Chinese immigrant populations, including the U.S. and Canada. How said he'd worked in a group in the Chinese Public Security Bureau known as the 610 office, a special unit created in 1999 to monitor and disrupt the activities of the Falun Gong overseas.

How says Canada has more spies operating in it than any other country.




The Chinese embassy in Ottawa dismisses Wang's allegations and the allegation of the Chinese defectors in Australia as "pure fabrication."


However, former CSIS agent Michel Juneau-Katsuya, finds them credible. During the mid-1990s ,Juneau-Katsuya oversaw the CSIS Asian-Pacific desk. He says if Canadian intelligence agencies weren't preoccupied with Islamist terrorists these days they would realize the greatest threat to Canadian security comes from China.


Particularly in the theft of scientific and commercial data.


"We estimated at CSIS that we were losing $1 billion a month, $12 billion a year, due to industrial espionage," he said.

But Juneau-Katsuya does find the allegation that there are over 1,000 Chinese spies in Canada hard to believe. He says it's more likely the majority are not trained spies but paid informants. But he says there's plenty of evidence to prove that Chinese intelligence agents use illegal methods to spy on and disrupt the Falun Gong.




I wish I knew something about China. They're a f***in' mystery.

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