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I had some great and profound things to say and then as I was typing my reply I hit the wrong button and lost my message. Oh well, no reason to get fired up or nothing right Jerry?


The Sox showed FIRE last night and Jon was there leading the team. Rios got into too. Gotta love what happened. I loved the displays by Big Hurt, Mags and CLee. Gordon was great. What more could you ask for? Little concerned about Koch, but I thought he was pitching pretty well and that homer he gave up was a fluke. I guess when your going bad nothing comes your way. Never saw a lot of blazing speed though. Could he have been concentrating more on just pitching good or is he hurt?


No problem with JM not getting al fired up. It was the team that led the charge and that's the way it should have been. JM just wanted to make sure the little boys in blue didn't toss his entire starting 9.

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How can you not love Hawk after this.    Actually, when Harrelson was screaming, and JM was out there really calmly talking to the retard... err... umpire,  I thought he should be the manager.  I think he knows this team more than JM does. I'm going to email Hawk and tell him.



Rios ejected too.

Just wanted to say something about Hawk for manager. You don't want to go there after his fiasco as GM once. Hawk is a great announcer and was a great player, but that's where it ends. His forte is not in the dugout. I love him though.

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How can you not love Hawk after this.    Actually, when Harrelson was screaming, and JM was out there really calmly talking to the retard... err... umpire,  I thought he should be the manager.  I think he knows this team more than JM does. I'm going to email Hawk and tell him.



Rios ejected too.

Just wanted to say something about Hawk for manager. You don't want to go there after his fiasco as GM once. Hawk is a great announcer and was a great player, but that's where it ends. His forte is not in the dugout. I love him though.

Well he was awful handling personell decesions as a GM, but I am kind of curious what kind of a manager he would make. Being a long term player he seems to have a knowledge of the way the game should be played and what players are thinking, and unlike Jerry, isn't afraid to show some passion to get players cranked up.

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