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What Is Your Greatest Memory

Southside hitmen

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The very last game. I saw it in person.


Our friend, Harold Reynolds, made the last out.


Before the game, the team was tossing baseballs into the stands as one way to show appreciation to the fans.

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I made it to Chicago only once to see the Sox and that was 1987. I saw Neil Allen of the Sox get rocked for 5 runs in the 1st inning and get pulled without recording an out. The next day he was released. I also saw Kenny Williams hit a homer, but Milwaukee beat Chicago 7-4

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1) 1983 - The Double Leyland

A young Middle Buffalo postions himself smartly along

the 3rd base line before game-time hoping to get Ron

Kittle's autograph. Keeping his true intentions to

himself, young MB passes the time by getting 3rd

base coach Jim Leyland's autograph. As Kittle passes

behind Leyland to assume his left-field position for

warm-ups, young MB yells to Kittle for an

autograph. Kittle makes eye-contact. Young MB

asks Leyland to pass the program to Kittle for the

autograph. Leyland signs it a second time and passes

it back. Kittle is gone. The double Leyland. :gosoxretro:


2) Doug Jones meets Middle Buffalo's younger brother

This is Middle Buffalo at his finest. Center field

bleachers again, above the Cleveland Indians bullpen.

Young MB and younger brother are standing

above the Indians bullpen trying to get someone,

anyone, to toss them a ball. MB's brother will not be

denied. He keeps yelling for Doug Jones to toss him a

ball. Seizing the opportunity, Middle Buffalo tells

his brother that the reason Jones isn't throwing him a ball

is because he's pronouncing Jones' name wrong. My brother,

still not to be denied, spend the rest of the game

yelling, as I told him to, "Hey HONES,

throw me a ball!" Hones (pronounced with a spanish "J" sound) - classic. :bang

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The last time I was ever at old comiskey I couldn't see the game because that very day I had one of my eyes almost poked out by some douche at school. I was 9 or 10 years old (1990 I believe).


We left before the game was over because once Thigpen came outta the bullpen it was all over.

Edited by bschmaranz
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I think it was 1987, the year Minnesota won the World Series, and I was 8 years old. Growing up, my dad was a Cubs fan (still is), but thankfully my mom was the voice of reason, and came from a Sox family.


(I remember when we visited Cooperstown when I was 14 or 15 and I wore my Sox hat, my dad wore his Cubs hat. This guy, both he and his son were wearing Yankees hats, walked up to us and said, 'How in the world did that happen?' :D )


Anyway, I grew up in the south burbs and my dad despised going into the city, so he never ventured deep into the urban jungle of wrigleyville. when we went to ballgames, it was always sox park -- relatively easy to get to because of the ryan.


I remember being at the old park for (I think) a sunday afternoon game that season against the Twins. The only real detail I remember was Tim Laudner, the old catcher and alumnus of what turned out to be my college alma mater, hit a grand slam. I was soooooo pissed.


I think in all, we went to the old park about six or seven times. I remember the sticky floors, the troughs in the bathrooms, the beams blocking half the cheap seats. that urine smell permeating throughout the structure.


But for all its drawbacks, you can't really compete with that amazing view when you made it through those cramped concourses and got that first look at the field.


All I have to say is, pitch to fisk at your risk.

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1) During the all-star game I had horrible seats way down in the left field corner (those seats sucked). I decided to take a stroll down to the home plate area and got there just in time to have a perfect view of Fred Lynne's grand slam.

2) Sitting in the center field bleachers with friends before a Sunday game. Some guys came out and asked if we wanted to be in a movie they were making about Ron LeFlore. We got to hold a big poster that said "Drop Dead LeFlore" and we actually were in the movie.

3) Being at the game where Buddy Bradford hit one on the roof.

4) Woody Held tossed me a batting practice ball.

God, I could go on all day...

Edited by Carlo Paz
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Bachelor Party in the right field bleachers


Singing with Nancy

Singing with Harry


Taking a shower


Southside Hit Men


Meeting Veek


Meeting Bill Murray and have him remember me from a party at the Western Open.


Foreigner - Aerosmith Concert

Pabloe Cruise, Steve Miller Band, Eagles

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QUOTE(Southside hitmen @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 08:02 AM)
I remember the Old Wrestling matches at the park.. It was cool seeing the Freebirds VS Von Erichs...


I loved when the Bull and Kittle it the roof shots those were always amazing to watch


Roof Shots! :cheers


the electricity in the air after a roof shot was awesome.

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I was four and went to my first game. The memory is my first view of the field as I walked through the tunnel to get to our seats. That was awesome! Another time was when my aunt had to use the restroom so I walked with her and someone hit a homerun and we happened to be under the scoreboard when it went off. So many other memories though...

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I don't have many memories, seeing as I was born in 1981 and then our family moved from Indiana to VA in 1988, but the most vivid memory was in 1987 (I think) when Craig Grebeck and Ozzie Guillen hit back-to-back HRs off Nolan Ryan (with Texas at that time). The crowd was going ape s***. The next time through the order, Ozzie got a heater square between the shoulder blades and a "don't ever f*** with me again" stare from Nolan. Nolan looked as if he was going to charge the f***ing plate instead of the other way around.


My dad and I went to two games in July 1990 which was the last time I was there. I had little emotional tie to it (being not even nine yet), at the time I remember being more facsinated with the new stadium. But my dad and his parents have memories at Old Comiskey going back to the 50's (for my dad) and 30's for his parents. My dad and granddad went to the last two games at Old Comiskey. There's a picture on my dad's dresser of the two of 'em standing just above the Sox dugout, it's really cool.


OK, emotional rant over.


:bringit :fthecubs :gosox3:

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I wanna say it was 1984. First up was Luzinski...He cranks a ROOF SHOT and the place is going nuts. Next up is Kittle....ROOF SHOT. Now it's insane in there. Paciorek comes up and cranks a regular homer out to center. Back to Back to Back homers. :gosoxretro:

Edited by SAVVY18
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QUOTE(SAVVY18 @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 08:19 AM)
I wanna say it was 1984.    First up was Luzinski...He cranks a ROOF SHOT and the place is going nuts. Next up is Kittle....ROOF SHOT.  Now it's insane in there.  Paciorek comes up and cranks a regular homer out to center. Back to Back to Back homers.  :gosoxretro:


I remember that! I had just got home from the hospital with my head all stitched up and my mom turned the game on for me and that happened as soon as the game went on - she told me that they did that to make me feel better (I had 7 stitches in the back of my head as well as scraped and bruised knees, elbows).


Thanks for writing that - I was trying to remember when that happened. I had posted about it on WSI a year or two ago and they kept telling me it didn't happen (I knew it wasn't the drugs because I wasn't on any kind of pain killers).

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- The 1977 season hanging out in the LF bleachers with the smell of pot wafting around us.


- A twi-night doubleheader in 1970 with Walt Williams playing RF and no more than 1000 people in the ballpark.


- Opening Day 1979 with a bunch of college buddies from NIU, we drank one beer every inning ... in addition to all we drank before the game. Yikes.


- Going with my dad in 1965, 1966 when we'd go on Friday nites and watch the fireworks show after the game ... the big American flag fireworks display in CF as the finale.


- Bribing Andy the Clown to sing a little Irish ditty for my wife and my buddy's girlfriend.


- Walking to all sorts of games in 1972 - 1974 from our house in Bridgeport.


- Watching Dick Allen drill a HR into the RF upper deck, a monstrous shot for a righthanded hitter.


- The 1983 All Star Game


- Going to a game in Sept. 1983 with Lamar Hoyt pitching, the whole ballpark was giddy because the Sox were within days of clinching the division.


- Watching Jim Kaat pitch in 1975, man did he work fast.


- The big concession stand circa 1940's that practically stared you in the face when you walked in the main front entrance.


- The ramps, all those ramps to get to the upper deck.


- Watching the Ides of March sing the National Anthem in 1990, just as they did a few weeks ago vs. the Angels.


- Seeing the Soxettes walking around the park doing PR stuff in 1971, met a very nice dark haired one who gave me a Sox decal. I remember thinking "wow she sure smells pretty". Heady stuff for a 5th grader.


- The old popcorn boxes that you could use as a megaphone. Sure wish I'd kept one.


- Watching some of the demolition work in early April 1991. Heart wrenching.

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I was born in 1976...July 4th 1976 to be exact...and I don't have specific game memories...just memories of going with my grandpa and walking around in the upper deck outfield...I have a lot of good memories from this year! And I'm hoping for many more.

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QUOTE(SAVVY18 @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 01:19 PM)
I wanna say it was 1984.    First up was Luzinski...He cranks a ROOF SHOT and the place is going nuts. Next up is Kittle....ROOF SHOT.  Now it's insane in there.  Paciorek comes up and cranks a regular homer out to center. Back to Back to Back homers.  :gosoxretro:



Are you sure it was Luzinski and Kittle? I seem to remember something where I saw 4 roofshots in a day. Mark McGwire hit one in a pre-game exhibition with Team USA, then Luzinski and I thought Fisk for the Sox and then Darrell Jones (?) with Detroit hit one over the RF roof. Does anyone have a list of all the roofshots?

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I shared a lot of your memories, but I get kidded a lot about Jim Kaat. Back in my prime I drank 11 beers in a Jim Kaat game. This after a pregame couple of beers at McCuddy's.  Those were the days.


Holy smokes, 11 beers during a Jim Kaat game, that's power drinking. :drink


I wasn't near old enough to drink during those times but I do remember having great admiration for Kaat. He won 21 games for the Sox that one year if memory serves. And he had great control, was a fantastic fielder too. At that point he was nearing the end, he would've been like 37 or so in 1975.

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