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My main beef about this otherwise great site


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That actually may be one of the reason I feel this way is because I read the game threads a lot and it's pretty raunchy in there. Like REALLY bad sometimes.


I agree it's not personal attacks it's just use of swear words to portray feelings.


I like the philosophy of the board. I don't like censorship of thoughts and viewpoints but just more on the side of vulgarity and attacks (which get censored here just like anywhere else). But I'll stay around for awhile and see how it goes.


I really do like the site and there are a lot of great posters who are very active.

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Part of the rationale behind gamethreads, I've found, is to ahve a place for those overreactions. Of course, some people don't use their brains.....


I think you'll find that the longer people are here (possibly Nuke excluded) the less they feel the need to swear. Seems sometimes the kiddies want to get it out of their system.


I can look for an optional vulgarity filter or possibly a skin that can do it.

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FWIW- I turned off signatures almost the day I got on this site. They can be sort of annoying and make quickly reading posts difficult. I like the avatars, though. That said, I have no problem with signatures existing, just as long as I can not see them if I so choose.

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