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Is Jim Miller's time past in Chicago?


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Definitely. The worst thing that could have happened to the Bears was the 13-3 abhorition that was 2001. This team should have pursued Drew Bledsoe in the offseason but figured they went 13-3 with Miller..... they don't need a Bledsoe type quarterback. Miller is a back-up at best.

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The Bears really need to overhaul that whole offense before they start thinking about going ANYWHERE in the NFL. Outside of Kruetz, their line is shaky; which is taking its toll on Anthony Thomas. Thomas, IMO, is an average running back at best who thrived at Michigan and with the Bears because he was getting good blocks. But, as we're seeing this year, he can't be expected to carry the load by himself.


And right now, after Booker (and usually Robinson when he's healthy), they really don't have much in the ways of a WR and certainly don't have a STAR. I'm not sure if Terrell will ever develop into a #1 reciever.


And having John "3rd and 10? Let's run a wide reciever screen pass" Shoop running the offense doesn't help much, either. I think just dumping his ass suddenly makes the Bears more dangerous.

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Chandler will start on Sunday or thats how its looking. I like Miller, but I think Chandler is such a good quarterback. Jim's avg, while Chris is one of the top 10 qb's in this league and when he's on with the right weapons he may be a top 5 qb.


Whether our offense and our coord will allow that to happen I don't know, but I will be glad to see him get the shot.


Mrob is going to be our #3 receiver now so look for him to get some early shots at the deep ball. With Chandler in we will try to losen their secondary up and I smell a 35-45 point output by the Bears.

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jim miller's time was past before he got to chicago. why you think shoop only calls sideways plays, miller cant make throws. if they had a bledsoe they might consider throwing deep. you're kidding yourself if you think christal chandelier lasts more than two games, but he's good to have around to mentor whoever they draft next year, he helped mcnair and vick tremendously when he was on the oilers/titans and falcons. another david wells, if you will.


also, don't totally discount the lions pass rush. luther ellis and robert porcher can cause trouble, not to mention chris claiborne flying around.

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Originally posted by CubKilla

People forget too that Chandler led the Falcons to a Super Bowl berth a few years back. Problem with Chandler is, as with Miller, that he is injury prone..... especially concussions. 

"....And Anderson MISSES THE FIELD GOAL!!!" lol...What a sweet moment from an otherwise memoryless playoffs of 99! Gotta love how the Wipings choak all the time! When'll they EVER win a championship? :)

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No way is Chris Chandler a top 10 QB in the NFL. Jamal Andersen took Atlanta there not Chandler. As for Miller, gee what a shocker that he really did sit on the bench for almost a decade, for a reason. I had the Bears favored by 1.5 on my line but that may have been before the Miller injury(not that they should be any worse without him).

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