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Iraq ~ Before and After


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I thought I would write a guide for the Iraqi people projecting a US life.


Iraq before US involvement:

Tortured its citizens

Iraq After:

Write laws against torture

Send prisoners to 3rd countries which do not have similar laws for interrogations

Hire teams of lawyers and Doctors to figure out how to get around the laws you just wrote


Iraq Before:

Killed its citizens

Iraq After

Only kill citizens after giving them an over-worked under-paid public aid attorney. This allows your star athletes and entertainers to continue to give back to society

Iraq Before

Detained people indefinitely without trials

Iraq After

Keep this one.


Iraq Before

Strong following of religious law

Iraq After

Write "In God We Trust" on all your money, then stuff the money into the "g-string" of the topless dancer who is taking advantage of her right to free speech


Iraq Before

Closed borders, don't let anyone in

Iraq After

Erect a statue welcoming everyone, but complain when the tired and poor actually show up. Try and close border.


Iraq Before

No elections

Iraq After

Hold elections but don't actually go and vote. The lines are too long, you're busy, and it doesn't really matter anyway.


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