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Sad Sports Moment

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A buddy was telling me his worse sports moment. His HS team had just won their conference championship, and everyone was feeling pretty good. As guys were lining up to get in the showers, one guy looked at him and said "why the hell are you getting in the shower, you didn't play!" Then a few other guys said "yeah, you haven't played in 2 weeks, you're always in the showers, whats up with that?"


Humiliated he decided to walk home from the away game. Problem is, he had no clue how to get home. So he basically "ran away". No money, cold, tired, (a guess a litte sweaty from warmups) and pissed.


After walking for an hour he saw the school bus slowly coming down the road. So he hid and watched it go by. Seems the whole team was out looking for him and getting madder by the minute. So now he's afraid to even get on the bus, afraid of the ass kicking at school coming up, afraid of all the jokes that were going to be said. So he just sat there and cried.


Long story short, he found a pay phone, called home, and got a ride home. Problem is the school never called his house and he never called the school. The bus driver finally took the team home and the coaches and the police went back and started looking. The cops had enough sense to call home and found out where he was.


He was kicked off all school activities for the rest of the year. His girlfriend broke up with him because her parents thought he was a mental case.


I cannot believe anyone could have a worse sports moment. I also cannot think of anyone dumb enough to tell me so I could post it on the internet for all of Dan Thompson's friends and relations to see.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 26, 2005 -> 09:32 AM)
.  As guys were lining up to get in the showers, one guy looked at him and said "why the hell are you getting in the shower, you didn't play!" Then a few other guys said "yeah, you haven't played in 2 weeks, you're always in the showers, whats up with that?"

Why are you always in the showers? I wonder.....


QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Jun 26, 2005 -> 10:49 PM)
I thought you were going to say that he came out of the closet?

I could see where you think that would happen. I thought the same thing before he moved on with the story..... :P

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I think that kid seriously over-reacted, its one thing walking home from a home game because you live relatively close by and well you should know your way home lol, its just plain stupid to walk home from an away game that is sometimes very far and not knowing how to get home..... dont mean to be mean but that kid obviously isnt the brightest of individuals.

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I blame the coach and here is why. Part of the coach's job is to make sure there is non of this crap going on between players. One of the last things he should have said in his victory speech to the team should have been along the lines of, "You guys that didn't play tonight or at all during the whole tournament are still part of this win. You practice with the 1st stringers and make them work harder to be better. Everyone from me on down to the last guy on this team helped win this championship. You should all be proud when you go to school tomorrow. Now hit the showers while I sit back and watch with a funny grin on my face!" :D

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 2, 2005 -> 01:49 AM)
They wanted to be home, not driving around the town calling his name.


That's still pretty f***ing selfish on the team's part. Yes, he walked off on his own, but for all they knew, something bad might have happened to him.......yet all they could think about was how it was an inconvenience for them?? Sound like a bunch of pricks to me.

....and people wonder why kids sometimes 'go Columbine.'

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QUOTE(Spiff @ Jun 26, 2005 -> 07:42 PM)
That sucks but I don't understand why the rest of the team would be so angry at him.  Confused, yeah, but I don't see why they'd wanna kick his ass.


When I played sports in high school, small stuff like this happened, but overall if something was going bad with a kid we'd all help him out. Stuff like that can be cruel on a person no matter how small it seems.

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