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This makes me sick..


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If they find the ass that did this they should cut their foot off!!! :angry:


And warning.. there is a pic of the poor pooches paw at the link. :crying






Police Investigate Case Of Dog's Paw Being Cut Off

Officials Need Information To Solve Case


POSTED: 11:39 am EDT June 28, 2005


TALLMADGE, Ohio -- Police are mystified why someone would cut the paw off a family pet in Summit County, NewsChannel5 reported.




A 5-year-old German Shepherd mix named Romeo whimpers a lot from all the pain he's been in lately.



SLIDESHOW: German Shepherd Mix Injured



He is a gentle family pet, so why anyone would torture him is unclear.


Dog's Paw Cut Off




Police said someone cut off Romeo's back left paw. It was cut clean through the bone while he was leashed in his own back yard on South Alling Street in Tallmadge.



"It's just repulsive," said Michael J. Duvall of the Tallmadge Police Department. "He's a fine companion animal."



An investigation is under way involving what happened to the Snyder's family pet.




Katie Snyder, 16, adopted Romeo from a pet rescue five years ago.


"I want them to find them," Synder said. "It's a messed up person who did that. He's a sweet loving dog. Everybody who meets him, loves him."



Veterinarians performed surgery to move what was left of the dog's pad to front of his paw, so he can walk on it again.


Anyone with information is called Tallmadge Police at (330) 633-2181.

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