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July 2005 Posts of the Month


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Soxy in the Bean Bag thread...



Controlled Chaos writes..


What do you guys think with regards to length? (Bite your tongue steff)




Soxy replies..


It's not as important as width

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Jackie Hayes in the "God as a White Sox fan?" thread:


  jackiehayes said:
"...and in the seventh inning he arose again, in fulfillment of Nancy Faust -- although he wasn't too sure he liked the name 'Faust', but oh well..."


See, I merely assumed he was just watching at home. I didn't know how the whole barefoot thing would go over on the red line. But maybe, just maybe, I've already met our Lord. I just hope it wasn't that fat guy w/ the mouth of a sailor who dropped his ciggy on me when I was a kid.

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QUOTE(Credepopsup @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 05:14 PM)

If Tony Blair promised that he'd declare war on France, I'd join the army tomorrow.


French = Smelly, egotistical, garlic munching, surrender monkeys.


f*** 'em.





This is the post of the month, post of the year AND greatest post in the history of Soxtalk.







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Flaxx in the presidential birthday thread:


QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 03:00 PM)
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a swell party.  Say hello to Chuck E. Cheese for me.


:notworthy :lolhitting

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In the Jimmy Piersall doesn't think Pods should be an All-Star


QUOTE(Winnin Ugly @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 06:28 PM)
He doesnt think Pods should be in the all-star game


f*** you Jimmy



QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 06:36 PM)
Wait... you mean Jimmy Piersall is still alive?



QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 06:40 PM)
Jimmy Piersall?  Wasn't he fired for making stupid racist comments on air at one point?



QUOTE(Adam G @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 07:18 PM)
Heh, that was Jimmy the Greek.  :)



QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 07:20 PM)
My mistake.

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The set up, in Quack, quack.. part 2:



The ducklings hatched last night.. 9 of the 11 and they are sooooo cute. This morning she let us walk right up to them to check them out then I gave her some seed. After a few minutes she "quack, quacked" and they got up and marched behind her to the lack out back. Amazing..




Linked for future reference


Steff's retort:


Forget Back in Black Tex.. you're gonna be hearing Hell's Bells soon.. 


:cheers :notworthy

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In the "Jimmy Piersall Can Go To Hell" thread, the Critic had this to say:


And right after Piersall made his comments, he pissed his pants, ran the bases backwards and climbed a fence.


Question: when Derek Jeter needs to take a s***, does he have to pry Rob Dibble's lips off his ass with a crowbar? JESUS, what a love letter THAT was.


I'm glad Podsednik's going, but I wouldn't have cared either way if he didn't win the vote. I'm just glad the "Face Of Baseball" won't be there.


Maybe they can have Jeter throw out the first pitch, run towards the stands and bash his face against a box seat.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lolhitting :lolhitting :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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QUOTE(That funky motion @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 04:31 PM)
You can get off the board........YES!


QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 04:33 PM)
That Funky Motion in the "Hawk is Boring" thread to some newbie:

:lolhitting  :lol:  :lolhitting


I Second That [Funky E]Motion!

:cheers :notworthy

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QUOTE (Ozzie Montana @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 08:21 PM)

Maybe we should send Rowand packing for a pitcher and move everett to left and pods to center?



Only if the team will take Rowand's commercial as part of the deal.

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QUOTE(quickman @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 10:11 PM)
Nostradamus also says you are nuts to think vasquez is going anywhere.



QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 10:12 PM)
Nostradamus just sent me a PM with the words "blow me". 


Tell Nostra I don't swing that way! :D

gotta love jim and quickmans conversations :bang

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QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 09:52 PM)
gotta love jim and quickmans conversations  :bang

You should see them in person. Its hysterical.


Imagine a tall and skinny guy who looks like Chris Widger. That to me describes Jim.


Then imagine a shorter, heftier man who will sit there and be a real negative fan at the park. "He's a piece of s***," is his trademark.

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Finally after all of these years, Jason said something funny. This is from the thread about the White Sox fantasy experiences.


Personally I think the Soxtalk Fantasy Experiences are a better value


Dinner with Jason (Chisoxfn) @ Mortons - Free

  - Cover his meal and travel expenses and he'll be there, whether he likes you or not


Post like 2k5 for a day - $100

  - For one day you can feel what it is to be the great Southsider.  We will inflate your post count to greater than 2k's, so you too can know what its like to be Soxtalk's leading poster


Become an admin for a day - $1000

- This is Soxtalk's best buy.  You can become an admin for a day.  See what goes on in the admin board, who do we gossip about, whose the next person to get banned.  We even have pools of when certain posters will get banned :lol: 


Ban a Poster - Sox Tickets, Travel Expenses, and lots of booze

      - Fly all the admins out to Chicago, give us tix to a few games and buy us beer and we'll ban whoever the hell you want.  Heck, if were drunk enough, we may even ban ourselves :lol:


So come try out the Soxtalk experience....all money will go to a great cause (the admins pockets). :D

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The sunburn finally finished peeling yesterday--but now the next layer is starting to peel. I feel like a snake.


It's horrible! And I was even wearing sunblock. I've been putting aloe on every 5 minutes, and still it's all gross. . .


This is gross.. but there isn't any pussing is there..? Or scabbing? If there is you might want to head to a dermatologist and get something stronger to keep the moisture in there. You'll keep peeling unless you stay moist enough (can't wait to see the peanut gallery comments on that one.. LOL).


The pussing is over, for a couple of days I had gauze taped to my shoulder and back because it was just gross. I should have gone to the doctor. There's some scabbing. Fortunately this round is a lot better than when the first set blistered and peeled. If it's still a problem after this layer is gone I'm definitely going to the doctor.


Thanks for the advice Steff. I usually don't burn this badly, my skin is getting more sensetive as I get older I think. . .


If you aren't raw anymore (LMAO as I am typing this) Noxzema is awesome at retaining moisture. If you can handle the smell slap some on and wear a kind of tight fitting t-shirt. I don't know why Aloe is so popular.. imo it makes it worse because it's drying. Maybe that's just to me though. I haven't burned like that in a good 15 years. I remember it though. Sucks..



Stay moist, Little Trooper. :bang


:lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

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Great advice for a no "live entertainment" bachelor party


QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 10:04 AM)
You need a monkey, a goat, 100lbs if gummy worms, chocolate pudding, a hydrolic pump, 15 gallons of your choice of lubricant and a rubber duck.

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Gene Honda Civic says...


Giving your email to John Kerry is worse than giving your email to MLB


I think I just bought a customized Karl Rove All-Star jersey.




Tex responds..



It will not be good in the rain, it leaks . . .





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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 09:53 AM)
Finally after all of these years, Jason said something funny.  This is from the thread about the White Sox fantasy experiences.

Yes, I've finally made this thread. You all suck at kissing the owners ass too. What is up with me actually having to say something funny to get into this thread.


You all should bow down and worship my every post. :drink

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