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robin williams 10 point plan


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1) The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in

their affairs, past & present. We will promise never to "interfere"


2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world,

starting with Germany, South Korea and the Philippines. They don't want

us there. We would station troops at our borders. No more sneaking

through holes in the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs

together and leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the

remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of

who or where they are. France would welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 day

visits unless given a special permit. No one from a terrorist nation

would be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it

yourself, don't hide here. Asylum would not ever be available to

anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers.

5) No "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers.

If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home, baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort to become self sufficient

energy wise. This will include developing non polluting sources of

energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan

wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a

barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else.

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the

world, we will not "interfere". They can pray to Allah or whomever, for

seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides, most of what we

give them gets "lost" or is taken by their army. The people who need it

most get very little, anyway.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an island some place. We

don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, it

would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

9b) Use the buildings as replacement for the twin towers.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no

one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. Now, ain't that a winner of

a plan.

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im actually shocked williams came out with this opinion...i not surte if he means it or it's a tongue in cheeck thing....


i always bounced back and forth in my views on "isolationism"..i know it would be wrong to shut off the rest of the world but our standard of living would increase so much if it wasnt for our foriegn policies...

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im actually shocked williams came out with this opinion...i not surte if he means it or it's a tongue in cheeck thing....


i always bounced back and forth in my views on "isolationism"..i know it would be wrong to shut off the rest of the world but our standard of living would increase so much if it wasnt for our foriegn policies...

Isolationism leads to wars, refer back to WW2...Also if anything a more stable and productive world economy would increase our standard of living. As of now our domestic products suck, we pretty much depend on foreign markets. Isolationism would destroy our country.

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im actually shocked williams came out with this opinion...i not surte if he means it or it's a tongue in cheeck thing....


i always bounced back and forth in my views on "isolationism"..i know it would be wrong to shut off the rest of the world but our standard of living would increase so much if it wasnt for our foriegn policies...

Isolationism leads to wars, refer back to WW2...Also if anything a more stable and productive world economy would increase our standard of living. As of now our domestic products suck, we pretty much depend on foreign markets. Isolationism would destroy our country.

People think that we don't have jobs now, wait until they had to buy stuff made at American union wages. All those parts and labor we are used to getting so cheaply who go up exponentially in price, and induce hyperinflation to our economy. Not to mention it would dry up our sources of some of our best intelectuals that are now becoming our doctors and scientists, because of how far behind the American education system has fallen behind the industrialized world, because it relies on making sure as many people as possible graduate, instead of preparing them for higher education and the work force.


And I could go on and on with this but I won't bore people anymore.


But don't let reality get in the way of a comedy routine... :bang

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Robin Williams should worry less about the war.......and more about all the hair on his body.......i mean seriously has this guy ever heard of a Shick?

He really should worry about becoming funny...I have never understood his appeal.

Talking really fast with a weird vocal pattern does not = funny to me.

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I highly doubt this is from Robin Williams.


I'd place money that it is another internet urban myth thing.



Bingo. This is false.


BTW for anyone who has never seen this site. It is the BEST for finding out the truth behind urban legends. They tell you if they are true, false, or unknown.

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im actually shocked williams came out with this opinion...i not surte if he means it or it's a tongue in cheeck thing....


i always bounced back and forth in my views on "isolationism"..i know it would be wrong to shut off the rest of the world but our standard of living would increase so much if it wasnt for our foriegn policies...

I do too. Our first president said to steer clear of "foreign entanglements". It was a far different world when he said that in his farewell address but many times I have felt that he might have been right all along. I have been preaching until I'm blue in the face about "energy self sufficiency" since the mid 70's. We need it now more than ever. A large part of the world feels that it hates us. f*** em, let them live without us for a while. As far as the UN goes, It's close to worthless.

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Whoever wrote this it is a mixture of libertarianism and 19th Century nationalism. Libertarians want to go isolationist in foreign affairs but they would allow unlimited immigration. At least that's how I interpreted it when I read their web site. It doesn't matter, liberals ripped Bush for his interventionist policies and these ten points will be savagely ripped as well. I don't agree that isolationism would necessarily destroy our standard of living. There would be some painful adjustments at first, but the multinationals will never never let this happen. For a variety of reasons the US will remain a big player in world affairs. Not always to our benefit.

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I do too. Our first president said to steer clear of "foreign entanglements". It was a far different world when he said that in his farewell address but many times I have felt that he might have been right all along. I have been preaching until I'm blue in the face about "energy self sufficiency" since the mid 70's. We need it now more than ever. A large part of the world feels that it hates us. f*** em, let them live without us for a while. As far as the UN goes, It's close to worthless.

No man is an island. We need to be open.


Over 60% of raw materials come from 3rd world countries because we can purchase them very cheaply. That is the main reason that multinationals can turn such a high profit on their goods. We tried isolationism in the past. It allowed World War I to rage on and it also allowed Hitler to assume power and take over a lot of Europe until we decided to get off our asses and do something about it.

We are not the entire world economy. We rely on other countries for their union busting laws, the sweatshop cheap labor, etc. If anybody gets f***ed by isolationism, it'll be the United States and our economy will get even s***tier than it is currently.


If we weaned ourself off oil and used the hemp plant to make gas (you can get four times as much fuel from hemp stems than you can from a corn stalk) that'd be good. But the corporate oil interests want money, not self sufficiency. It's capitalism at work. Capitalism must be a worldwide venture because they need the lowest prices and the most resources in areas that can be exploited like 2nd and 3rd world countries.


The UN isn't worthless. It's dominated by the US. If it weren't for the US, the country that has violated the MOST UN resolutions would be vastly condemned by the international community and that is...ISRAEL. They have violated the most UN resolutions and attempts to punish them are always vetoed by the United States. It seems that when France, Germany etc. wanted PROOF before sending their population off to die, everybody got upset and thought that they were trying to commandeer the UN. The UN is not a warmaking organization. It's an organization that is held powerless by the power of the US who has taken it on a cowboy trip since 1945. (See "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since 1945" for a lot more information)

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Whoever wrote this it is a mixture of libertarianism and 19th Century nationalism. Libertarians want to go isolationist in foreign affairs but they would allow unlimited immigration. At least that's how I interpreted  it when I read their web site. It doesn't matter, liberals ripped Bush for his interventionist policies and these ten points will be savagely ripped as well. I don't agree that isolationism would necessarily destroy our standard of living.  There would be some painful adjustments at first, but  the multinationals will never never let this happen. For a variety of reasons the US will remain a big player in world affairs. Not always to our benefit.

in a wierd way i almost think isolationism is what we do need as a country for awhile...everyone is saying we would suffer this and that..well maybe that would happen...but i also think it would give up a kick in the ass that we might desperately need right now...our sense of independance makes us ingenuative by nature...we would probably find out things we are getting from foriegn countries could be made better and cheaper here eventually....as far as trade deficeits...most of the countries we trade with have us buying more from them then they from us...so not buying those things and forcing people to buy domestic because they have no other choice would help our economy...


but i think its imnport ant we be good world citizens too...if the rest of the world went to hell in a handbasket than that would have some negative way of coming back on us..so while i like the theory of isolationism i dont advocate it


but being self sufficient to me is never a bad thing...seems to work for switzerland :huh:

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