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Karl Rove was the Plame leaker


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Again from my buddy John


Dear Friend,


I hope you will join me right now in signing an open letter to the President urging him to thoroughly reject Karl Rove's purposeful attack on the patriotism of those who dare ask the tough questions that best protect American troops.




Dear President Bush,

Karl Rove, your most senior advisor, is embroiled in another controversy – this time for leaking the identity of a covert CIA agent. Despite carefully worded denials, it is now apparent that Karl Rove discussed the identity of an undercover CIA agent with a reporter. His clear aim was to discredit that agent’s husband who had dared to challenge the administration in the buildup to the war.


You have a choice to make: Spend the months ahead focused on protecting Karl Rove’s job security or spend them focused on protecting America’s national security. You cannot remain silent.


All I’m asking is that you remain true to your word. When the scandal first broke, your spokesman, Scott McClellan, said “If anyone in this Administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this Administration.” (9/29/03, White House press briefing). What you do now, in light of Karl Rove’s involvement will speak volumes.


Decency—and the interests of the American people--demand an end to Karl Rove’s days in the White House. You have the choice to either make good on your promise to hold accountable those who shared the identity of a secret soldier in the war on terror – or prove that promise hollow. I call on you to keep your promise to the American people and fire Karl Rove.



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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 09:13 AM)
The whole thing just sucks.  It's our ENTIRE government, not Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal.  If they can vet someone out to save their own ass, they will all do it.  :fyou the government.



QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 09:22 AM)
It's not even a matter of saving one's own ass.  It's matter of one side trying to cause as much political damage as possible to the other.  And it's both sides that are doing it.  It's been escalating for years.  This political dart throwing is at the expense of the well being of the USA.  Both parties need to stop this crap.  Both the liberals and the conservatives need to swing toward the middle.  As I said before, this nation is becoming increasingly polarized and it's at our own peril we allow it to continue.


:notworthy :usa


We all know if this was a Dem in the White House or a Dem COngress, we would be talking about a special investigator, etc. etc. etc.


Where's the Hammer?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 03:32 PM)
:notworthy  :usa


We all know if this was a Dem in the White House or a Dem COngress, we would be talking about a special investigator, etc. etc. etc.


Where's the Hammer?

Well, technically there is already a special prosecutor. None of the facts would have come out had there not been. The CIA originally requested one be appointed in 2003, and the DOJ complied and gave us Fitzgerald.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 07:09 PM)
Well, technically there is already a special prosecutor.  None of the facts would have come out had there not been.  The CIA originally requested one be appointed in 2003, and the DOJ complied and gave us Fitzgerald.


Which means the DOJ is serious. Fitzgerald isn't afraid of anyone and is a bulldog.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 05:12 PM)
Which means the DOJ is serious.  Fitzgerald isn't afraid of anyone and is a bulldog.

Which is why Judy Miller is now in jail, and why we know that Karl Rove was the one leaking the information to Cooper.

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QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 06:14 PM)
You guys elected these idiots.


Its your fault.




The democrats are overplaying this and the Republicans have lost their mind. The Republican talking points are treating Wilson with about as much honesty as Michael Moore. Partisanship and stupidity combine to make for one fun and long never ending news story.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 05:27 PM)


The democrats are overplaying this and the Republicans have lost their mind.  The Republican talking points are treating Wilson with about as much honesty as Michael Moore.  Partisanship and stupidity combine to make for one fun and long never ending news story.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that making a story out of a possibly criminal act by the President's #1 advisor which may have done serious damage to the nation's intelligence gathering operations is overplaying it, but that's a matter of opinion.

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Joe Wilson has nothing to do with this crime. He just happens to be the vehicle in which it was delivered. So whatever anyone thinks of Joe Wilson now doesn't matter.


Even if you thought Wilson was "worse than Hitler," it doesn't make leaking classified information to discredit a political campaign any less stupid or unethical.

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Interesting note on the "Security Clearance" topic - apparantely there's an executive order setting precedent on this topic. This is from a letter written by Congressman Henry Waxman to White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card.


Several key requirements apply when a leak occurs. Under E.O. 12958, executive branch officials must investigate the security breach, take administrative actions against employees who violate these rules, and adjust procedures in order to prevent similar security breaches in the future. E.O. 12958 provides that when a violation or infraction of the administrative rules occurs, each agency must "take appropriate and prompt corrective action." This may include a determination of whether individual employees improperly obtained access to or disseminated classified information. If employees violated their nondisclosure agreements, sanctions may be warranted. The executive order requires that "at a minimum," the agency must "promptly remove the classification authority of any individual who demonstrates reckless disregard or a pattern of error in applying the classification standards."
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I am so incredibly digusted about how many of the Republicans are going about this and it's going to backfire in their face. This whole claim that Wilson is partisan sounds so idiotic and undemocratic. So he voted for Gore in 2000, that must mean he hates the Bush administration, oh he voted for George Bush Sr. in 1992 he must have hated Clinton. Oh and he voted for Kerry in 2004 ooh I didn't know someone outspoken and angry at the administration couldn't vote against whom he thought f***ed his family in the ass. Then Wilson himself speaks and he's 100% more articluate and intelligent than all these pundits and Repubs hitting the talking points. People on both the left and right are seeing through this and it's going to deal big blow to an already internationally seen lame duck president.



"The extreme left is once again attempting to define the modern Democratic Party by rabid partisan attacks, character assassination and endless negativity," said Rep. Tom Reynolds, R-N.Y., chairman of the GOP congressional committee



The incredible hypocrisasy these people spew makes me sick. Character assasination? Everyone already knows Rove is a wolf spin doctor, Dems aren't saying anything new here. But then they attack Wilson who is defending his wife like a real f***ing man and they aren't engaging in character assassination? Stupid ass.


"I think he should resign," said Jim Holt, a GOP state senator from Arkansas who is running for lieutenant governor. He joked, "I hope Karl Rove doesn't come gunning for me."



Phew, I love to see politicians who stray from the mainstream party lines!


As you can see I'm frustrated and p'oed today. :angry:

Edited by KipWellsFan
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